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Everything posted by rbpls

  1. Mark's reply is correct re: the "plot plan" or sketch at the county Health Department. They may or may not have a drawing for you property. Another way to guesstimate is the old axiom (and Erma Bombeck book title) "The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank." BTW, it's also greener over the drain field lines. So, think back to dry summer time - did you notice a rectangular shaped green spot? Also, the septic tank and field lines must be separated from the well (if you're property is not on public water.) Don't quote me but I believe the required distances used to be 150 feet minimum
  2. Time to watch the movie again. It's one of those worth rewatching occassionally. One of if not the best Bill Murray flick.
  3. Make no mistake: EVERYONE in the US pays for the healthcare system we have right now. Some pay 3 times what they should have to- others much less. As a people, WE pay much more for substandard results than other nations pay for better results. We lose competitiveness and pay again that way. There are people who pay much more than you do (an assumption I realize) for fire protection because they pay higher taxes than you do. Does that make you a freeloader? Nope. Do you want to go to a system like our healthcare system for fire and police protection? No you don't. The reason you
  4. Posted Yesterday, 10:25 PM markdavd, on 31 January 2011 - 07:32 PM, said: If this were constitutional, we could fix the homeless problem by simply mandating that everyone buy a house. Excellent point. Possibly... if you are actually hearing voices that aren't there.... Listen, we spend over $8,000 per year for every citizen for medical care in this country while millions are not covered... while tens of thousands of AMERICANS die every year because of lack of medical care. Any informed decent human being knows this is unconscionable. We are 49t
  5. Hey, for the Volt or Leaf electricity works out to the equivalent of about $0.80 to a dollar a gallon. The Volt compared to the Prius is like a powerful word processor combined with a great printer next to a pencil and paper. It is well ahead of any of its competition. Gasoline would probably go bad in one if you don't intentionally run the battery down so the engine will crank and run. And, it is so quiet GM had to add sounds so pedestrians will be aware of its presence. It is sort of like a locomotive with batteries in that only the electric motor moves the vehicle. The internal combustion e
  6. Those tables had some good info. One caveat near the very bottom does point out though that the data throughout this admittedly very useful and geeky neat (I am the Geek here) is a snapshot in time and does not account for the totals of past subsidies to get to that snapshot situation. The article I referenced was more complete in counting actual accumulated costs in tax subsidies. Renewables might have received more subsidies in that snapshot of time but in the big picture (over time) are still dead last in subsidies received per unit of energy produced. My physics professors and I were
  7. In the late 70s, we paid more per barrel (in inflation adjusted dollars) than we do today. We were starting to be a little more efficient (driving smaller cars, insulating houses better, etc.) Also, the recession lowered our demand and our domestic production levels were higher, etc. These factors combined to lower demand for imported oil. Somewhere around one third or halfway into Reagan's first term, oil dropped to about (briefly less than) $10 barrel. This was 1/5 to 1/4 what we had been paying earlier. So, domestic production became unprofitable. Imagine if oil dropped to about $15 or
  8. You are exactly correct. I am certain because I bought a new 1998 model car that year car that got 37 mpg. Many times I'd be filling my tank and noting the irony. I was buying gas for 65-68 cents a gallon over several months span with a car that sipped gas.
  9. It is not actually a re-make in the usual way. The Coen brothers worked it as new adaption of the book. I am sure they have seen the Wayne and Oates versions that were first and second in chronology. I've heard the young female lead stole the show and out-did a very strong male cast.
  10. Some folks used to say it meant a fellow has too much testosterone. It is actually primarily a sex-linked trait (passed by mother to male children) that causes the body to have issues with metabolizing the amount of testosterone the body has. He might need to practice a few comebacks. "God made a few perfect heads...the rest he covered with hair..." When he's older: "I rubbed it off on the headboard..." It proves he has not been castrated. Eunuchs, castratoes (the boy singers the church would castrate young to preserve their singing voice), men who lost testicles in injuries, etc
  11. "The wheels of the Gods grind slow...but they grind exceedingly fine." Here's to hoping the theives get their just desserts soon.
  12. ZC, if this were a football game, you'd be winning 70 to 3. I'm a big fan of capitalism but the way we pay for health care in the US makes bad use of the competition model. Our health care system needs way more fixing than has happened. Many americans have fallen under the spell that everything is just peachy because they personally are not hurting. Ironically, the ones who feel that way are usually covered by some heavily subsidized insurance plan and imagine they are fending for themselves. The health care bill is flawed. It is just a small step in the right direction. It will becom
  13. Unless the law recently changed, oral sex between married heterosexuals is illegal in Georgia. Don't ask me why.
  14. I'm a southern boy and rooting for Auburn. Oregon sure does look tough though. It's just weird how much tougher they look in the second half. Maybe if Auburn has a big lead at halftime...
  15. Animals are animals and we are animals but.... There are lines that don't need to be crossed. Forget the probability of birth defects, etc rising from higher likelihood of regressive genes being expressed in the offspring. No one is so free of conventions and more's that sexual pairings of father/daughter or mother/son or sister/brother are appropriate. These individuals are of age but somehow I think this relationship was "seeded" when that daughter was not of majority age.
  16. I prefer to listen to climatologists. It's an expertise/level of knowledge/area of study difference. This is really not a political issue the same way that evolution is not a political issue. When the cursing "libruls" starts, real conversation is over.
  17. First hand, I haven't actually seen the proof of that either. That is a good reason to listen to the scientific community, with some divergence but largely consensus findings, who say global warming is no longer seriously in debate. I suppose the great majority of scientists IN THAT FIELD could be wrong. Maybe the entertainers who are equivalent to WWE Pro wrestlers in credibility as scientists (Boortz, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and their ilk) know more about it than scientists. The doofs who say a winter storm or a cold day are proof global warming is not real show they think their audienc
  18. The HDTV antenna thing is sort of a red herring. The antenna does not have to be special at all. A fairly strong signal is the most important factor. It is digital. It is pretty much on and looks clear or off. Another factor to consider: not long ago, the digital channels were in the process of migrating to UHF. Channel 2 is really channel 39, 11 is actually channel 10, 5 is 27(?), 17 is 20, etc. (all that is from memory; and changes are underway as well...) The point my TV calibrator Jock made is that the plan then was for all digital broadcasts to move to UHF frequencies. Get the bes
  19. Yep. Things are definitely better. We just were falling hard starting really in 2006 into this very deep hole, hit bottom late '08/early '09 and have been steadily climbing out since. It's just that it is such a deep hole. The technical recession did end in 2009. On average, it takes 5 years for employment to return to normal from the time the recession is officially underway. High unemployment and its damages make the recession most of us feel. Forget about negative or positive growth for 2 quarters in a row. I know of a developer that decided in 2006 not to sell any lots in a 404 l
  20. No, but I prefer to listen to climatologists instead of meteorologists or scientists and non-scientists whose fields are even further afield from climatology. In other words, when an MD said smoking does not harm one's health, I believed they were lying. When shilling charletan biologists deny the scientific evidence for evolution, I question their honesty or competence. I read recently that the folks who make actuarial tables for insurance companies are starting to factor in global warming predictions. I guess they could be wrong. Maybe the reasonable sounding ones are wron
  21. The bad luck/bad mojo for gamblers is the thing. Some gamblers believe the same or similar thing about $2 bills.
  22. I suppose you meant the load of crap "Republicans: We work hard so you don't have to" that follows your "statement." That is such a stinky load that if it gets any more smelly stuff piled in there you'll be dragging the ground. (pee-yuw) Just remember: smoking "Lucky Filters" cures smokers hack! Doctors say so.
  23. Global Warming is not a political poll. Most of the folks voicing opinions to the contrary have fallen prey to intentional lying by politically motivated misinformed pundits and outright liars. Some "scientists" maintained cigarettes aren't bad for you. Anti-science folks can come up with some silly though good sounding blurbs. True scientists have extremely strong concensus on the matter. There will always be someone talking about how warm Greenland was centuries because they just do not know about the real estate boondoggles used to try to get settlers to move to Greenland. That is
  24. JBG, Will has been accessible, decent, hard-working and honest. Notably, those are things one cannot honestly say about his opponent. Your statement was at least uninformed if not dishonest. You would very fortunate if Laurien taught your children. Don't parents who love their children want a first class education for them?
  25. I'm taking a short break to reply to the horrendously untruthful senasationalism re: taxes in this threads opening. The tax cuts, if allowed to expire, would revert to Clinton era levels. I remind you that the Clinton years were sustainable prosperity based on paying as you go. The tax levels during the Clinton years were less than half what they were during the bulk of our economic glory years. You might as well go into a theater and yell fire when you know damn well there is no fire. Disingenuos alarmists said the same thing before the minor tweaks with small increases were put
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