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Everything posted by rbpls

  1. Privately run for profit healthcare had costs inflation of 700% while in the same time frame government healthcare costs increased 400%. Also, much of the Medicare cost increase was caused by perversions caused by the private market wackiness. Now, hijack over. You go, Surepip.
  2. It takes a village. (couldn't resist) But true.
  3. Widespread Panic. Catch them on their last small number of play dates the next year or so. Southern improvisational jam rock that is just freaking good. Better than any incarnation of Skynyrd. Old and middle period Allman Brothers set the standard.
  4. You are correct. This law is mostly a feel good con job for people who couldn't find their ass with both hands.
  5. The odd thing here is that since enforcement is more efficient, well funded and enforces the laws much better since Obama took office, it is so so odd that the Obama bashers suddenly took stringent notice of this issue. If Bush or McCain had been in office with the same level of achievement in border enforcement as Obama, they would be singing praises. KKK and John Birch Society meetings would not have to reword their rants at all. Copy the anti-Obama rants and you'd have the meeting minutes for those stellar human rights organizations.
  6. A couple or three governors ago, the republican governor at the time suspended executions after some fairly extensive research and competent detective work proved that up to 40% of the death row cases had significant errors in the evidence that convicted those on death row. Some were outright proven innocent while others had strong cases for death row being the wrong place for them to be. Even some not innocent had received innappropriate sentences. The total cases that had significant errors or outright blunders totaled up to 40%. Anyone who believes innocent people are not executed every
  7. You're just out to get them. They aren't paranoid....really.
  8. No. It is a slip during the long arduous climb from the bottom of the pit of the economy that was crashing before Obama was a senator and had been crashed in the worst recesion since the Great Depression... way before we before we voted in 2008. Hell of a mess the country was saddled with before Obama became president....truthful informed people agree... I just wish the obstructionists would let him clean up the mess and just get the hell out of the way with their lies and demagogery.
  9. Non-chain pharmacy. Ashlyn Drugs
  10. Piece of crap 1972 Toyota Corolla nearly killed me when the shaft to the steering gearbox broke in heavy traffic. I had no steering control at all. I don't recommend the experience of being at speed, in traffic, in any vehicle with a non-functioning steering system. It was a very exciting few seconds... very exciting. Nothing magic about Toyota quality. But, had a Plymouth Neon (yes, there were Dodge and Plymouth Neons) which was still a very good car when I sold it at over 280,000 miles.
  11. Which other stations are controlled through government funding? FOX (the network) generally is less truthful than other networks. They do have some good truthful local affiliate stations doing legitimate honest reporting. Often FOX the network is deliberately not truthful and very deliberately heavily slanted towards the fake conservatism that pushed out real conservatives. In this case, though, I believe the local affiliate found some real smoke (and fire?) on the slimy dishonest bad Deal we elected ONLY because he has the "R" by his name. (Can you say Braddock?) Lockst
  12. If your drain fields are not functioning, you would have to pump every time you ran 1000, 1500, 2500 (tank size) into the system. This would usually mean pumping the tank every few days. Draining the tank might work for a while but if the field lines don't work you won't escape the repair. The field lines, even if damaged, clogged or just inadequately sized, are likely functional to some degree. Minimize water usage until you can afford the repair. Your site may allow teeing off the drain right after it leaves the tank with new line without touching or disturbing the other parts of t
  13. Jeffrey Dahmer tortured animals before he started murdering and eating people.
  14. I bought my first pair of NB shoes at L.L. Bean's in Freeport Maine and have been a fan since. My feet are kind of wide (EEEE.) I have to get lucky to find shoes except at places that sell NB. Recently, though, SAMS Club did have some Avias in EEEE. I bought 2 pairs at the Hiram store then was at the Douglasville store a few months later. The same shoes (in my size) were "closeout" priced at $17.01/pair... I bought 4 pairs in one year for less than $90 total. Given my druthers, though, it would be NB every time.
  15. That is great news. We just never know. With all the stuff we know about life and death, there is so much we don't know. Recently in the UK there was a seemingly "dead" person (I'd have to look up the details...pretty sure it was a drowning but in cold water) and the patient could not be revived after prolonged usual procedures and revival attempts. Then an experimental machine that apparently just continues CPR (more to it than that but mostly that) was started on the body which revived without brain damage after 2 or 2-1/2 hours after the usual actions had been given up! Anyone wou
  16. I like Windows 7 so far. I messed up though and installed the 64 bit version. I guess I'll have to start over and put in the 32 bit version. I just don't feel like being a pioneer with the driver issues. I'm just not as fired up up about being up with the newest stuff anymore. Several of the packages I use don't have 64 bit drivers out yet.
  17. Surepip, I'm picking up what you're putting down. As an employer, I've had to lay off people who cherished their phone time more than doing their freaking job time. Here's something funny though. My brother works in a unionized plant. His company has closed down most of their non-union plants because the lowest costs of production were in the unionized plant! But hey, make no bones about it. You do not use your cell phone on company time. It is very frowned upon to the point that management will follow procedure and can your tuckus (sp?) on the third infraction. Tout suite. So much f
  18. I know a lady who is an out of work (probably not too much longer) Electrical Engineer who graduated with High Honors (in 1986) and has tutoring experience. She has done adult literacy training and tutored most subjects on an individual basis. If you'd like, I could put you in touch so you could discuss this with her.
  19. There is a clinc in Villa Rica (West Ga. Spay-Neuter Clinic) that will spay/neuter feral cats very reasonably. It was $15 but I believe is $25 now. It includes a rabies shot as well. Caveat: the cat must be brought in a live trap for the low price. They will trim the tip of the left ear as a marker showing the cat can't reproduce unless you say not to. You can look at the cat from a distance and know it does not need to captured and fixed. The alternative is to capture, shave its belly and look for a tatoo....so the clipped ear is a good tag. It is a great program. The cat can be released
  20. If you dig into all the detail, tha numbers probably do add up. But you are right that this thing is far from over. The recovery is on-schedule (if there is such a thing.) Average recession is over in about 2 years. (technically correct: late 2007 = late 2009)) Employment returning to normal: 5 years on average (we might not make that one, that would put it in 2012... (or there could be just a new normal...)) One thing is sure though. There is some shift in attitude. LTD is right that many are beginning to feel better about things. I have more work than I've had in a while. I've b
  21. That's the great dream... being Charlie Sheen... you can get away with NEVER growing up.
  22. Sheesh, he essentially portrays a toned down version of his real self and is paid $2.5 million per episode to do it. What a gig! Damn lucky fellow. I just hope he doesn't kill himself with his partying ways.
  23. There is an almost infinite number of anecdotal stories about negative health care stories from anywhere. The real story is told by these facts: Canadians outlive us, Canadians spend less than half what we spend per person to provide better average healthcare results than we achieve, Canadians do not have bankruptcies from excessive costs of medical care... If Canada increased it's health care spending drastically, say about 20% or so, their system would be very well funded. They would then be spending only slightly over half what we spend. A long time friend of mine just incurred (he
  24. You are right. They have the buffet but also some sushi and a japanese hibachi bar (?) where you pick out your raw veggies and meat or meats, get it cooked fresh in front of you, spiced how you want it, etc. It's very decent and priced very reasonably. I understand about the buffet thing though. It's difficult for some of us to be restrained when the food is so good.
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