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Everything posted by rbpls

  1. Silver Comet Roofing. Good, honest, competent.
  2. The intentional lies from the Bush administration made it much less justifiable to go into Iraq than possible action in Syria. Even though it would make more sense to do something in Syria than it did to go into Iraq, I am still unconvinced we should do it. Hopefully, LBJ and Bush can share a bunk in Hell for the needless and unjustifiable carnage they caused.
  3. Not a woman. Young enough but old enough to know better.
  4. Portugal essentially decriminalized most drugs in 2001. Drug use among the13 to 15 year-old portion of its population has dropped 25% since then.
  5. I believe the best ride on the trail is start at Rockmart, ride towards Dallas, and just turn around wherever. That way the ride is "gentle uphill" till the tunnel and slightly downhill on the home stretch. The tunnel is sort of the high point from either direction. If you time it right you can grab some good vittles at Frankie's (Italian) right where you start and end. The little park there in Rockmart is a great spot to start and end. Oh, and a decent skinny tire bike is the way to go. It is easy to maintain a cooling breeze from your riding speed with a skinny tire bike.
  6. Prohibition has and is failing. I remember when it was illegal for anyone to buy alcohol in Paulding County. I literally could drop my bicycle in the ditch near the local bootlegger's house, walk up to his house and buy beer. I was 15. Now, with legal and regulated alcohol sales, I bet it's much more difficult for a 15 year old to buy alcohol. There's a lesson in there somewhere.
  7. He and all the Republican and Democrat members of Congress were invited. This is just another one of those "Big Lies" that got enough traction (even though it was a lie) that it escaped the fake conservative echo chamber into the general media. Then the lie was exposed once the light of day shined on it. They'll make up another BS lie again really soon. Mark my words. They always do.
  8. That's fine and dandy if you care absolutely nothing about other human beings. If you actually want something better than Obamacare/Romneycare, take the time to do objective research on single-payer health care. Then start advocating for the least expensive best and more humane way of doing health care.
  9. That guy was kind of lying by omission. He could make really good chocolate cake taste terrible with his methodology. Check the HISTORICAL results of Obamacare/Romneycare in Massachusetts. They passed it 2006 and are now ranked number one among our 50 states in healthcare. There are lots of lies and half-truths/lies-by omissions about Obamacare.
  10. Obamacare is NOT single-payer. Every advanced semi-wealthy country on earth that except the US uses either single-payer or a similar relative. We in the US spend over $8,000 per capita with tens of millions of Americans not being covered. All other advanced countries spend usually less than HALF what we do while covering everyone. In several countries, it is much less than half what we spend. Single-payer could save this country trillions of dollars in very few years. It could also cause us to have a more productive, happier and healthier work force. Doesn't spending less (an
  11. The fact is we can't afford healthcare the way we have been doing it before Obamacare. The most affordable most fiscally efficient (LEAST costly) way to do healthcare is.... wait for it...single-payer. Absolutely no truthful doubt.
  12. Pray for Zeus to rain lightening bolts down on Obama. That has approximately the same chance chance of happening. Or pray for something that, done properly, would be wonderful for this country: single-payer healthcare. Just like single-payer fire protection. About 40% of Americans against Obamacare are against it because they want the "better than anything else" alternative to Obamacare: single-payer healthcare
  13. MLK was for personal responsibility... and for economic opportunities that are still less for blacks than for others even today. MLK was also Republican and called himself a socialist. Of course, he was Republican when the Dixiecrats hadn't yet moved to the Republican party. He definitely would not have been Republican if had lived a bit longer. There are "hangers-on" in the movement today that MLK might punch in the nose were he around today and believed in punching people in the nose. You are right about that.
  14. The Republicans in this Congress have had approvals in the low teens. It is a singularly terrible bunch. Their rankings are actually better than they deserve. Obama's approval ratings at their lowest matched Reagan's at his lowest. Neither of them ever dipped to the low teens like this bunch controlling the House has.
  15. Why should anyone assume he is for the policies that benefited him and gave him better chances than his ancestors? He is not a guy supremely interested in everyone else having equal chances at getting what he has. His public statements are enough reason for him to not be invited. His race doesn't matter... or his party. But, he does belong to the party that became the home of the old Dixiecrats. The progressive Republicans that were in what used to be the Party of Lincoln are mostly Democrats now. Progressives in the Republican party have been silenced by the inmates running the asylum.
  16. The OP is not a liar but did spread a lie. Why do you think this is pretty much the worst rated Congress (primarily because of the Republican controlled House of Representatives) in history? Why are their approval rating so much lower than our President's approval ratings are? And Pubby is 100% correct about the enabling legislation for public welfare/improvement organizations. The legislation allowed ZERO political activity.
  17. The OP is not a liar but did spread a lie. Why do you think this is pretty much the worst rated Congress (primarily because of the Republican controlled House of Representatives) in history? Why are their approval rating so much lower than our President's approval ratings are?
  18. The states that have truthful officials and make the best of the new healthcare law will (surprise, surprise surprise!!) save money and lives in their respective states. The liars/idiots insurance industry shills will make care and insurance cost more in their states and cause generally as much friction as they can... and will lose along with their citizens because of their unctuousness. Jan Brewer wised up. Read about what she did to the dolts in her Republican controlled Legislature. She spanked them over their opposition to Obamacare. And if facts really interest you, see the
  19. He should use one of their other networks. I've had my Straight Talk for about a year with no issues. Tech Support has been pretty good actually. Delays are possibly due to the network he chose unless he has a crappy phone. Some phones work better than others on the same network. If I chose a different network other than Verizon I would be unhappy too.
  20. There are several networks available with Straight Talk. You pick a network and that determines which phones you can use. I use a Droid with Verizon (actually it is the Verizon pre-paid network) but you can get different phones and use ATT, Sprint, etc. Every network will have deadspots but Verizon's pre-paid network with Straight Talk works well for lots of folks. Now, you can get even lower than $45 month if you buy at least 3 months. Discounts are bigger with larger time blocks.
  21. rbpls


    I generally don't like rap or hip-hop but good stuff is good stuff... whatever the genre.
  22. Hey, you ought to read about how Hong Kong formed their new system for after leaving British control in 1997. They used the American Health Care system as a model. As the prototypical way NOT to do it. Literally true.
  23. Note I NEVER said her baby would have died had she been in the US. In situations like that babies born here live and prosper with good health later. You are always replying as if I said something other than what I said. One major point is that even though her baby would have very likely have lived here, her baby also would make it even better there (at that time!!!) and for several hundred thousand dollars less. Please stop avoiding that point. At that time it would be routine here for her baby to have been on a ventilator by necessity. No doubt. It is irrelevant that we could do the
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