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Everything posted by rbpls

  1. If I could lose the strange split body look and the insanity, Composite Superman. He had all the powers of the Legion of Super Heroes but no vulnerabilities except maybe to magic. He was probably the most powerful character ever. Otherwise, Superman or Brainiac5.
  2. Actually the danger is from extremists who call themselves muslim or christian. If you watched the entire interview, it becomes obvious that the Imam is moderate. The same thing emerged when Glenn Beck had him on his show. Beck really liked him and spoke very highly of him and to his face complimented the Imam. Of course Beck later essentially called himself a liar by referring to the "...radical Imam..." but that's not too surprising with Beck. The Imam's detractors are usually misinformed and not so moderate. The extremists from both sides rev each other up and are pretty much promo
  3. Exactly. He is extremist and is acting against what Jesus taught.
  4. He is more moderate than his detractors. And more truthful apparently. He described reality in how extremists (fake muslims and fake christians) would react to each others' bile.
  5. I listened to the whole interview. He did not threaten us overtly or covertly. He said sensible moderate voices from the Muslim and Christian communities must not let the extremists rule the debate. They feed off each others' bile and can cause violence to erupt. Extremists, both fake christian and fake muslims, are dangerous. If sensible people let extremists rule the day, then violence will likely start from ignorant stupid fake christians and from ignorant stupid fake muslims. Of course I could understand your comment if you listened to the FOX "News" folks talking about the fire breat
  6. If you are referring to the Imam, he most certainly has admitted that Hamas has committed terrorist acts and does not accept money from them.
  7. No there was not a debate on either of those forum nights. I was there. They were very limited forums where all of the candidates had a short time to introduce themselves and then answer one question pulled by a random drawing at best. At the one at the theater, Paulette pulled a hammer from a brown paper bag which seemed pretty strange. The one at Stars & Strikes was even more limited. What we need is to have a non-partisan group sponsor 2 or 3 one on one real debates. What is she afraid of? Why shouldn't her supporters want her to shine and let the voters make an informed decision?
  8. If you mean has he or one of his reps ever communicated with anyone in Hamas, the answer is likely yes. If you mean is he funded by terrorists, the answer is no. He is a very moderate Muslim that the radicals would like to kill just as much as other americans. He worked for the Bush administration and was vetted by our intelligence services before we as americans hired him as an anti-terrorism consultant to train FBI agents. Also, the Bush administration hired him to do the same sort of trips to the middle east to promote good relations with predominantly Muslim nations. He just returned
  9. It is far from a done deal that they will be able to raise the money to build the building thay have planned. Of course it will have separate areas for Christians and Jews and other faiths to have separated areas for prayer, etc. Possibly Christian, Jewish and other religious groups will contribute to the building fund. I suppose FOX could re-run the Glenn Beck show that featured the Imam and where Beck tells him how he is a good man, a moderate Muslim, and is doing good things for the general community and for this country. Or, they could re-run the later shows where Beck basically call
  10. I made a mistake. Debt as a percentage of GDP actually increased under Nixon/Ford but only very slightly. The increase was only 0.2% for their combined terms. Ironically, this means that among republican presidents since WW2, only Eisenhower actually lowered the Gross Debt as % of GDP while EVERY democrat president did so. This is only one reason why I'm a little confused what conservative seems to mean today. Seemingly voting automatically for a republican because they are always more conservative than democrats is as sensible as going outside at night because you like the bright sun
  11. I meant that if you look at the accumulated debt as a percentage of GDP at the time a president took office and then check what that percentage is at the end of their term. If the percentage went up, then debt grew proportionally faster than GDP. If it went down, even though the deficit increased, then the size of the economy grew faster than debt did proportionally. This measure takes into account so many factors that it is a much better measure of what happened during an administration in terms of fiscal responsibility. Raw deficit numbers aren't terribly out of whack with one another for 2
  12. Actually there was significantly more condemnation of the fake Muslim murderers by the real Muslim community leaders and regular joes that are Muslim than ever got reported. Also, when the car bomb attempt was thwarted near Times Square, it was a Muslim man who spotted and reported it first. Thre media mislead the world by making heroes of the people he told first. The 3 of them then found a policeman. That did not get widely reported. It's more entertaining to show some third ignoramus beating themselves with chains. It's simply not true that good human being who are Muslim don't condemn the
  13. ...dang whippersnappers..watch out who you call old... Actually in my mind I still feel 18 though my body quickly reminds me...
  14. It is a crime that getting the medical care you need is so expensive. Who could afford that? Everyone that lives in every other non-third world nation on earth can afford it. It's a crime that you can't here.
  15. Why would you mention averages? The whole point is that it went down from begin term to end term when a fiscally responsible and competent president was in office. Averages is like saying how much corn did your tomatoe plants make. It's a non-sensical smokescreen. With the mess Bush2 left Obama, I'm not sure any one could lower the Gross Debt (as % of GDP) under these conditions. It's sort of like cleaning up a hotel suite after Hunter S. Thompson and Led Zeppelin occupied it for a month. Much much bigger inherited disaster takes longer to fix. Your numbers are very different than the
  16. You are so right. Maybe they should start a new church. Worship the "R" with Saint Ronald as the first Patron Saint with faith and obedience being absolutely required in spite of overwhelming evidence of the lack of wisdom of lock-step voting....
  17. A tyranny of the majority is the greatest danger in a democracy. As you probably know, not my (Jefferson's?) words. Individual rights being paramount protects everyone except those who would bully and tyrannize minority individuals or groups. It almost seems some here (not you NG, others like the "Pastor" from FLA) would like us to be more like Iran just with a different dominant religion.
  18. ditto ditto ditto what he said Those folks and their ilk have no clue what their religion is even about.
  19. Every religion can cite truthful accounts of persecution of those who follow their faith. It is intolerance and zealotry that are evil. We long ago left the era where we could stand on one side of the river and wave our spears at the the infidels on the other side. Most of the evil perpetrated on earth has been (falsely) in the name of religion.
  20. Something else we shouldn't forget: fake zealot "Christian" violence against Muslims is happening here and could escalate. Intolerant zealots are anti-american abominations against their religion and basically just suck.
  21. Don't forget, it might also trigger some lunacy in our home shores. That is why Bush and Obama hired the Imam to travel the mid-east pointing out that in the US Muslims have religious freedom and in the mid-east Christians and Jews have less religious freedom. Different faiths can build churches in those countries but are usually not allowed to have signage of any note.
  22. There is way too much of that on both sides of the aisle. Republicans are a little bit more guilty of it but there is plenty of that blame to go around. I know Will Avery well though and I believe he will surprise you in that regard. He is more in that moral middle that both parties have a few of but don't make good "man bites dog" stories.
  23. You are right if you are saying that group does not represent Christianity. Bin Laden and his ilk also do not represent Islam and are murderous bastards as well. They are both zealous radical groups of nuts. Decent sensible Christians and Muslims do and should point out their distance from that kind of lunacy.
  24. You mean like the last president to balance a budget or even have a surplus? The argument that only Republican candidates or R worshipers can be fiscally responsible and/or competent is so obviously wrong. It is a really lame-tired-bogus-wrong disconnected from reality view. I vote and campaign for Republicans every election cycle but to in effect nearly blindly worship a party? How does that make sense in any universe?
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