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Everything posted by rbpls

  1. It is not conservative to be against religious freedom. It is anti-american actually. It goes against one of the most important principles this country was founded on. As far as burning Korans, other than being stupid and probably causing americans to die, it is also against what Jesus taught as well. Ignorance, anti-americanism and endangering american lives is hardly conservative. BTW, the moderate Imam you refer to is in danger from radical liars who call themselves Islamic just as much as you are. And, he was vetted and hired by the Bush administratrion to do the same thing he is
  2. Well, I stated if you want to call it xyzzzz or even anything else that I was referring to a relatively common shortened usage that is not exactly precisely correct (ie : like going to buy gasoline and saying gas; also I was pretty clear that I was referring to the percentage of total debt to GDP and stated so at various times.) I also stated clearly that I was referring to the more meaningful measure of debt of an on-going concern over long periods of time as a percentage of GDP than the comparatively useless raw deficit on a year by year basis. For instance, a billion dollars is signific
  3. If you said I'm referring to Hitler if I say Christians you could be right. I don't believe Hitler acted Christian or that Bin Laden is a good Muslim. Fake Christians have advocated murder as have fake Muslims. So, it is incorrect to say being tolerant and decent to Muslims is the same as saying to be nice to Al Qaeda. It does not compute.
  4. Gross can mean a dozen dozen or all of something as in the gross amount. It can mean all of something but would usually be spelled lower case for that usage. When economists use the term, they are referring (usually) to total or gross (as in all lower case) debt as a percentage of GDP and shorten it to Gross Debt with both words capitalized. It is a shortening of the full description, not really an idiom, but a shortening. If I say I need to get some gas for my truck, it is technically incorrect to say gas but you know what I mean. Gas means vapor. Gasoline (liquid at Standard Temp/Pr
  5. You did not hear President Obama saying we should be tolerant of Al Qaeda. Hunting down and killing their members has been stronger since Obama took office. Members of Hamas were elected. We do not have any say in their legitimacy or lack thereof.
  6. I believe it is conservative to believe in defending religious freedom in this country and to denounce religious intolerance masquerading as something else. (sort of like denouncing someone saying "I'm not a racist I just believe we ought to keep the races separated... you know give them schools, bathrooms, water fountains, etc just like "ours"..... (just separate...)
  7. This is about the time when you you realize that you missed what the Gross Debt is and do a Roseanne Roseannadanna, give yourself a dope slap and say "oh, well... never mind." The Gross Debt is the total debt as a percentage of GDP and this number has gone up (since WW2) only under Reagan, Bush and Bush2. The Gross Debt is a much more meaningful and correct measure of long term debt than raw deficit numbers. It in and of itself accounts for several factors that distort what is being considered if you only cite raw deficits. If GDP is $10 and you owe $6, then Gross Debt is 60% of
  8. Thomas Paine thought Christians were superstitious. Jefferson said Jesus is not the son of God and compared the immaculate conception to "Minerva springing from the forehead of Zeus." Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitutiuon only referenced belief in a generic God and not a Christian God. The founding fathers were not conservatives. They were actually radical/liberals. The conservatives of the day were known as Tories or Loyalists. And the Treaty of Tripoli, as ratified in 1797 and signed by many of the founding fathers, stated in Article 11 that the United Stated wa
  9. Carter lowered the Gross Debt. Raw deficits during Carter are tiny compared to Reagan deficits. Reagan, Bush and Bush2 more than TRIPLED the Gross Debt by themselves. When GDP is growing, doing that is way worse than just tripling the deficit. If Clinton had not succeeded where they failed, our long term structural Debt would be much worse than it is. The 3 fake conservatives employed Keynesian stimulus except that they did not wisely use the deficit spending. And they failed to responsibly pay down the structural debt when the economy would have supported doing so. I didn't say they
  10. Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda (sp?) thanks those ignorant stupid mean-spirited people burning the Koran. It will make their recruiting of people to kill American soldiers and innocent civilians much easier for a long long time. What is wrong with those idiots?
  11. The problem with a Balanced Budget Amendment, other than being bad policy, is that it is empty rhetoric. No one proposing it really wants it or expects to get it. They want to impress voters who pay more attention to words than to actions. Presidents don't need anything except the actual desire to be fiscally responsible. You know, pay for spending that is proposed, make valid economic decisions to promote growth, tax cuts or tax increases as appropriate, cutting or increasing spending appropriately, etc. Our last 3 fake "conservative" presidents all failed miserably at making these de
  12. We had 2 nice trailers (one large one and one smaller) and a nearly new/unused 5 feet cut Bush Hog brand finish mower (for attachment to a tractor) stolen out of the backyard. We bought a ball lock for the new trailer (did not replace the 2nd one) and keep as much as possibble locked inside buildings. Theivery is worse when times are bad. I hope you get yours back. We've had no luck. I will say the county police were very responsive but chances are usually just not very good for recovery.
  13. The problem is, the truth blows your postulate right out of the water. Conservatism or fiscal responsibility is not confined to one political party. There is an uninformed or misinformed ignorant bias that proclaims to be conservative is to be a republican. Name the last "conservative" republican president to even attempt to have a balanced budget or surplus. There is no truth or political courage in using fake conservative rhetoric in place of actual conservative policy. They led in times where temporary deficits were appropriate but continued the "drunken sailor" spending policies e
  14. Just like I thought. Since you got nuttin', I guess that's all you can do. Don't worry about your typing or my reading speed. It's more than adequate. You might want to try having some substance though. Just a suggestion. Where's the beef? Real info, that kind of thing...just wondering...
  15. You keep pointing out things that resulted from things set in motion before Obama even ran for president. When Reagan kept saying that he needed more time to fix the mess he inherited (really very rosy compared to what Obama inherited) were you saying things against Reagan similar to what you assert today? I doubt it. And any reasonably informed political junkie should realize it really is a bigger mess he inherited and could not have created. Do you have anything valid or real to bash Obama with? Like maybe a serious factual critique of a faulty policy? I do. But I really have issues with
  16. Actually his new name is Saint Ronald the Reagan. (and according to George H.W. Bush, Saint Ronald is the president who brought voo-doo economics to america)
  17. Again, you can't refute anything I said with fact or honest analysis. Yes, look at all those things. The first Obama budget started October? November? 2009 so right now we are only 9 or 10 months past Bush's last budget. And when Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 - 800,000 jobs a month. Unemployment figures? Wow, I wonder if they have anything to do with what happened before Obama was even a senator? Hint: definitely and irrefutably Obama inherited a much larger mess and has so far used much less time than Reagan needed to clean up a much smaller mess. The National Debt? Obama wil
  18. This is my take on it. Under David Austin, county expenditures have gone down significantly each of two years in a row and should have. Simultaneously, revenue sources are yielding less and less. Two trend lines have been heading towards one another for awhile. They are converging in a better time frame because of the county budget cuts of the last 2 budgets. Are there further cuts that should be made? Possibly, maybe very likely. But, we are certainly in better and more accountable hands than than we were before. And I like my lower tax bill. Would I like it to be lower? Damn tootin'. But
  19. I'm trying to be patient. Obama inherited a BIG mess. Big messes take longer to clean up. Reagan needed MUCH MORE TIME to clean up a MUCH smaller mess. I know facts are sometimes troubling... Did you think I thought that the mess he inherited was already cleaned up?
  20. Maybe those tax cuts and massive deficit financing Bush put in (when we could and should have been paying down the debt) will finally kick in after 9 years... Seriously, things will get better. It's like musical chairs. The people who caused the train wreck want to be back in power after somebody else cleaned up the mess so they can claim credit.
  21. Did you say I had something wrong about Reagan? I noticed you said I got something wrong but neglected to give specifics. I am frustrated with the present economic situation. Who wouldn't be? But to imagine that the people who were not even in office when it started caused it....or that the monstrous train wreck that Obama inherited (objectively way way worse than anything Reagan had to deal with) could be fixed in way less time that Reagan needed to make much more minor repairs... The Reagan zombies (those who refuse to admit that voo-doo economics failed to perform as promised) are
  22. Agreed. 100%. With revenue sources dwindling, ALMOST everyone is trimming the fat. I'm about to be cutting into the bone. I'm cutting into the muscle already.
  23. tax bill 2010 less than tax bill 2009 (on same property) What is confusing about that?
  24. Carl Jung called it "the crisis of 37" referring to the median age of "onset." Her resentment will be against the person closest to her. Men and women have these mid-life things. Things can get terrible. Hopefully the family won't split up over it. I experienced it with my then wife. I could tell her "honey, you really look nice today" and get a stony hateful stare back or worse. I'll bet her husband is walking on eggshells. My wife and I eventually divorced but now get along famously, vacation together, etc. (She says I changed! maybe from shellshock?) It was a rough time and I literally coul
  25. Consistently ignoring reality won't change it. You conveniently forget that I do support smart conservatives. Often they are Republican, sometimes Democrat. There are many people who confuse rhetoric with results. The last string of "conservative" presidents we had were anything but. Again, history. I don't support either party actually. If you were forced to pick one I support more, it would be republican just from sheer numbers of candidates I support versus candidates from any other party. I refuse to be delusional and believe someone is fiscally competent or conservative because they o
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