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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Very, very pro legalization, though I'm not a smoker myself. I've been contacted by a few incredible post-graduation opportunities, two in states that are voting on legalization today. So, I'm anxiously awaiting the results of many different things this evening.
  2. I concur. HR is special needs and I can't count an all my digits how may times she had to be restrained when she was younger - she had very 'RainMan' type fits when she went into sensory overload (like he did in the casino, really). Restraint isn't a bad thing. Dropping the ball on communication is, but the parents really should be used to restraint by now. I can't imagine calling the news over a very typical special needs issue.
  3. Thank you so much for directions. ♥ It meant a lot to me to be able to come kiss his forehead and let him know, one last time, how much Hellraiser and I love him.
  4. I called Matt earlier this afternoon. ♥ I'm only just finding out. I was going to come out there (I had keys in hand when I made the call), but I don't know where 'there' is, and I'm sure visiting hours are over by now. Give him all the love in the world from LGM and HellRaiser. ♥ She absolutely adores him.
  5. I can see both sides. I know many girls who were molested, some who have never really come out about it except to a few choice people. I also know of someone my family was VERY close to who was falsely accused by his step-daughter of molesting her for 7 years. She recanted her story, but only after he had been through hell and back and had to move away from his wife and other children. She admitted that she made it up because she was mad at him. I also grew up with this particular family. For several years in school, I was fairly close to a few members of the family - as close as middle s
  6. Ohhhh my gosh! You have to visit South Beach Grill while you're down there. My dad and I are fish taco fanatics, and we have yet to find a place that tops SBG. ♥ So, so good. We took Mini-Me to Disney for her 5th birthday for a few days, and then spent a week in St. Augustine. The beach itself was deserted, and absolutely heavenly. In 5 days, we saw one other couple one time. Have fun!
  7. The only differences I've noticed between Comcast and Uverse is the lower bill, that every box I received had DVR without paying extra, I can now record four things at once instead of just two (AND set things to record for the kids in the living room, but they can watch it on their televisions), and there's a stupid screen saver that comes on after 8 hours of 'box' inactivity, so I have to press 'OK' every time I turn the tv. I love it. Hubs is a gamer and he said he hasn't seen a difference in the speed of the internet, either. UVerse *does* enforce their 250G max data limit on the i
  8. Oh, the hubs was home and we were well protected, otherwise I never would have even went to the door. I live in an apartment complex with ALOT of people. Just our talk took 45 minutes. I saw them pull in around 3:30pm and said 'I hope they come by our place this time'. I wanted whatever deal they were offering versus what I would get if I called. And, I wanted to actually talk to a live person, face to face. I'm fairly certain the complex has a 'No Soliciting' sign, but I'm glad they came by...I've never lived in an area that was capable of being serviced by Uverse, so I near
  9. I'm more receptive at night, apparently. Random Uverse people knocked on my door about three weeks ago, at about 8:55 at night. Kids were in bed and I was finishing up laundry and dishes. It was peaceful and quiet...I actually had the time to listen to them without kids begging for me and trying to get in on the conversation like the last two times I had to tell them no. Uverse was installed two weeks ago. ( @ myself, by the way...not you. lol)
  10. Hubs and I stop by Stilesboro Biscuits every Thursday morning. This past Thursday, a lady behind us asked if she could cut in front of us because she had less than 5 minutes to pick up a to-go order and get her kid to school. Hubs and I let her ahead, and kept chatting to ourselves. When we went up to order, she had already paid for ours. We hadn't even ordered yet. It was super sweet. ♥ We weren't at all in a hurry, so letting her in front of us wasn't a problem at all - we were happy just to help out.
  11. The other half and I noticed them yesterday and had to laugh, because we crossed the same intersection three times from three different directions. Each time, we said 'Hey, did you know Little Ceasars is over there?!'. Same darn things on each sign. And what's with the kiosk with ONE store? It's all empty. I guess maybe if it had useful information or more than just one or two businesses, I wouldn't mind it so much. They're actually kinda pretty.
  12. oh. Yeah, that's not quite the same. Though, falling up stairs and stumbling over curbs may lead to more injuries and stories?
  13. I lurve outdoors. I wish we had somewhere to rock climb that was closer, then I'd be a happy girl. For now, I stick to lots of hiking, and the occasional extra outdoor activity. Fishing is outdoors. You like to fish! Right?! You and I need to take the girls hiking sometime.
  14. I've been kayaking, and I spent a great deal of my childhood in Savannah as well as multiple-times-a-year trips down there throughout my adulthood. However, I've never combined the two. Dad's not likely to let me strap the kayak to my Jeep, so I'll be renting. Any ideas? I'm looking at this place: http://www.savannahcanoeandkayak.com/calendar.htm Hubs birthday is next weekend and I'm treating him to a bit of 'home', because he's never been. He's outdoorsy and the kayaking itself won't be an issue. Has anyone on here ever been? I can't decide between the 2 hour sunset on his birthd
  15. I'm typically pretty PC, but this is nuts. 'Handicapped' is offensive, but my kid can hear Nicki Minaj singing about boys selling coke, making her 'drip' and her panties dropping on a regular radio station?
  16. Oh wow! I wasn't expecting such a response!! I don't care how old they are. I tend to like old people and young people, but not many in between. lol. Thanks! That'd be great! ♥ I have no idea how to play bridge, but I bet I can learn before then! And I can bring mom and Mini-Me...but what about Mini'er-Me? Oh, that would be awesome!! Like I need a reason to hang out with the Dis family! This sounds like hilarious fun. Nein.
  17. I can't even do that. There's a CD player, but it doesn't have any type of ports. I could get one of those awesome things that plugs into the cigarette lighter and you can 'tune' your iPod to it...but the cigarette lighter doesn't work. I could burn CD's, but I don't know how to burn CD's. I'm technologically illiterate. The hubs somehow managed to get Netflix on the big TV instead of the computer the other day, and I squealed. He looked at me like I had nine heads.
  18. True, but I could think of half a dozen pop channels that all play the same crap that could have easily flipped into a sports talk radio station. But...my rock station? What's sad is that I've complained to half a dozen friends now....and ALL of them have responded with 'And? We have XM, satellite, iPods, and streaming Spotify and Pandora...who still listens to the radio?' Uh me. Cause, none of that works in my 97 Jeep.
  19. I'm taking German II and had a tutor lined up for the semester. Not only do I need to pass this class, but I actually need to absorb it as I have to go all the way to level 4 German. The tutor is great about tutoring me during class if I need help (he's fluent, but also needs the credits, so he's taking it with me) but, I'm having to remind him to do his homework. This means I'm getting zero help with mine. Obviously, I need help. Even if the person can't tutor me, I'd love to have more German speaking people in my network just to talk to - email, chat with, meet in person. Something.
  20. 5 hours a month at $13 an hour is only $65, before taxes. The income limit for 2 people households with a child is just under $1600. When I was a single mom, I didn't qualify by a whopping $26 a month. So, she could qualify. I highly doubt it if she's working full-time, though.
  21. I'll claim insensitive. Sometimes. I wrote a paper last semester about the increasing weight/waist-lines on campus. I started working there in Spring of 07'ish, and am a student there in 2012. The average weight of campus has increased exponentially over the last two years. What opened two years ago? Our new student commons, with it's cafeteria of NINE all-you-can-eat global restaurants. I can sit down and eat as many tacos, burgers, salads, chicken breasts, and chinese entrees as I want, and top it off with and endless stream of soda and gourmet desserts three times a day. You don't ev
  22. Amazon, Bosch, Coca-Cola, DHL, FedEx, USPS, Procter & Gamble, Red Bull, Siemens, Walmart or Yamaha (motorcycles), to name a few I have serious issues with many/most of those companies, but I'm happy (for now) that jobs are coming to Paulding. My personal feelings about these corporations aside, I know a lot of people who could benefit from this opportunity.
  23. Hubs and I just had this conversation about half an hour ago. The littlest has never been particularly fond of meat but, here over the past few weeks, he downright refuses is and says 'YUK!'. He'll eat tofu, rice, and every fruit and veggie I put in front of him. I've had several folks worry about him 'losing eighty pounds' or tell me I 'need to talk to his doctor' because it's odd for an 18 month old to not like McDonalds and 'just isn't right'. One even told me he wasn't chubby enough. Toddlers are 'supposed to be cute and chubby'. Srsly?!?!?! I'm thrilled he seems to pre
  24. I was swimming in German lessons. I'm sorry!! When weighing 'Surepip's' vs 'Passing German and graduating on time', you actually almost won. Almost.
  25. Erm. I happen to be in college - one of the three largest colleges of the 38(ish) we have in Georgia. We have a lot of 'latino' students. I've yet to run into a language barrier. The Husband had a latino girl in his class last semester that had a hard time understanding the southern accents, but she made A's on the tests (in English), and did amazing with the group projects, etc. It's not generally an issue. We have ESL (English as a Second Language) study centers, tutoring centers (staffed by senior student teaching volunteers, etc.). The thing about college that you don't get in the r
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