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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Quinoa and millet make regular appearances on our dinner table. Mini-Me is allergic to rice - something I previously ate near daily. I used quinoa in some of the tot's homemade baby food, and use it in the homemade granola I make every week to snack on at school. If you google, there are a ton of recipes in the innerwebs. I banned boxed foods, so I've had to get pretty creative.
  2. Nooooooo, I said that's how I feel, not that it's how everyone else should feel. I am, unfortunately, wayyyyyyyy less submissive than I used to be. I didn't notice until I had a meeting a few weeks ago and my lamb-to-lion evolution became the topic of conversation with the other students and a couple professors. I kind of miss being so submissive. Dominant women are all-too-often perceived as bitches. I think my sudden increase in feminism is really just because I'm suddenly speaking publicly and going to a lot of meetings. I wanted to dress nice, but dress pants irk me. Next
  3. I completely agree. That has a lot to do with my study, actually - comparing western attachment to self-identity with the Buddhist philosophy of the interrelation of upādāna (attachment) with dukkha (suffering) and word labels, in specific relation to sex and gender identity. Twenty.damn.pages., and that was just for a class. I can't imagine what my thesis will look like. I think I'm wide open to the idea, though, because I am Buddhist. My personal beliefs have a tendency to be very Eastern. Also, while I fit the scientific description of a 'female' to a T, I don't generally identify as
  4. Yep, that's sex, rather than gender. Sex is biological. This may help explain it a little bit, though I do hate Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_gender_distinction Now, with that said, I don't believe in a sex or gender binary, either (meaning, I don't believe in the male/female categories for sex). I'm not saying they don't exist, I just don't believe in them personally. I wrote a whole 20+ page research paper on it for an Indian Philosophy class a few semesters ago when we were discussing Buddhist vs Mimomsa views on word labels. I learned a lot, in those six months of res
  5. I used to feel the same way. I've studied gender and gender identity in-depth for several years, and it's one of the two topics I'm considering for my graduate thesis. I actually don't believe in gender or gender labels, so the lines are a bit easier for me to connect.
  6. Being transgender doesn't make one gay, though. Who you identify with as a gender and who you are sexually attracted to are two completely different things. I know several people who are transgender, and their relationships are a huge variety. One was born a man and is now a woman, but dates women. One was born a man and is now a woman, but dates men. Who they are and who they are attracted to are not related. Very good friend of mine is was born a man but is, in every sense including anatomy, one of the most beautiful women I've ever had the pleasure to meet. She married a woman who id
  7. I don't care who you marry, so long as it's NOT him!
  8. 1) You are absolutely NOT, under ANY circumstance, marrying JLH10101!!!!!! 2) I am far too busy to be a damn house wife.
  9. But...I wanna move to Oregon. It'll be legal in Oregon, soon!
  10. Yup. I used to have a Blockbuster membership, though I only used it once or twice a year. Now I have the monthly Netflix streaming account, and love it. All I ever watch are documentaries or TEDTalks, but the kiddos watch movies. Nope! A guy in one of my classes manages one, but they just initiated the 'going out of business' sale and he is officially job hunting.
  11. Unless the law changes, or we move to Vegas. Apparently. Utah isn't as friendly as we thought for our kind.
  12. I don't remember anything about a love of her life. That's me. And Urn. And, according to a few other ugly threads, she still can't marry us.
  13. You are exactly where I am! Mine was stress of breastfeeding/pumping while in school full-time. Trying to let down in a car, in a crowded parking lot, in the 15 minutes between classes? Not happening. We wound up dropping breastfeeding when he was 8 months, and I picked smoking back up full-time not long after. Quitting this time = not.easy.at.all. My nutritionist suggested that I 'cut back' first, because I've completely cut out all caffeine, processed foods, and animal products in the last six weeks. I've gained 4lbs, but she's afraid my body is going to go into shock. We're trying to
  14. I can understand the daughter's position, because I've been in similar shoes. I watched someone I love (same person in the AIDS thread, actually), flat-line numerous times while in a medically induced coma. We were fairly sure she wasn't coming out of that coma. Every time she would start to have trouble breathing, or the machines would go off, or she would flat-line, I had one of two responses - 1) I would either cry out and scream and yell until the nurse made it across ICU to help her, because I wasn't ready to let her go or 2) I would stand and stare in disbelief, wondering why on earth th
  15. Oh wow, I just burst into tears. Such incredible, emotional, bitter-sweet news. I've watched someone very, very close to me whither away with AIDS for the last decade. There have been lengthy times that her viral load was so low that it was undetectable by standard tests (like the ones you get at the health department, or the cheek swab they offer every few months on college campuses), but then they do the next level test and bam! - there it is. While we know she'll never be cured (she likely won't make it another ten years - five, if we're really, really lucky), knowing that they're ab
  16. Pft. Let the Amish speak for themselves - I don't believe in electricity, and I'd much rather be nekkid. Damn indecency laws and all.
  17. Mini-Me is on three daily prescription medications - even with just a co-pay, they're not cheap. On top of those three, she gets twice weekly allergy shots, daily allergy medicine, and then 50% more daily vitamins than the normal child should take (because one of her medications messes with her appetite and, in turn, causes a few deficiencies that vitamins take care of). Her medical costs alone could feel the child for a month...if it weren't for her insanely expensive diet. This kiddo breaks my bank. I'm thankful Mini'er-Me hasn't needed anything, medically, other than an anti-biotic tha
  18. I know how you've been. I do! My Etsy is almost entirely bridal related, though. I don't have any of the smaller, non-bridal items on there, yet. I had a photo shoot scheduled with an incredible Atlanta photographer and it was rained out (twice, actually), so we're in the midst of rescheduling hair and make-up for the models so we can start all over. Hopefully, those will be on the Etsy at the end of the month. Hopefully. lol. Congratulations!
  19. Oooooh, I would LOVE to see Coe!...but I'll be out of town.
  20. Aw, thank you! My life feels like a mess 99% of the time - I have a habit of stretching myself too thin and taking on too many things at once. I'll send you a PM to my blog. I'd just post it, but I'm not entirely certain that I am actually a business member and I don't want to step on Pubby's toes, since my blog is a business. Well....she grew up. She still has hilarious stories, but they're much different from the ones I used to tell. We've hit the preteen years.
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