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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. Growing up, I wanted to be an A-10 Pilot. I blew out my knee bungee jumping and you can't fly military with screws in your knee (or, couldn't ten years ago anyway), so that went out the window. By then I had a love for art, and decided I wanted to teach art or literature. I don't teach, but art and writing pays my bills, sooo....I'm *kindof* living my dream? Kind of? I love my work - I often go without help for the kids (cept for Hubby. ♥), and the work I do pays the bills and keeps Mini-Me in sports, without having to put MIni'er me in childcare. I can stay home, play with the kids, and wor
  2. Yeah, gawd forbid people exercise.
  3. Well, to be fair, I don't have anywhere to put a croquet set. The middle two love to fish. The oldest has never been and, of course, the youngest has no interest. Mama loves to fish, though! We have Six Flags season passes this year, but only for the two adults and Mini-Me (mini-er me is free), so we have to save that for the between-visitation-weeks. To the OP: A free activity all of ours love: hiking. I strap the littlest one to my back in a wrap, and the other three just hike away. The 7 year old loves the trails around Amicalola (not the stairs to the actual falls,
  4. I've done all but two of those this week! I do not have a croquet set, nor a fishing pole.
  5. I LOOOVE it! Now I'm going to be kind of selfish and say I'm kind of glad it wasn't there when I got married. We got married smack in the middle of the day and sun was directly over us (everyone but the groom, the wonderful officiant, and I wound up sunburned), so we took our photos over in that exact area. Kind of an odd place for a statue like that, considering the park was designed to be rented out for weddings...but I still like it nonetheless!
  6. I agree with most of the above posters. If Mini-Me invites a friend (or I allow mini-me to invite a friend), unless the parents and I talk ahead of time, I fully expect to pay for the friend, too. If I'm asked to babysit, I could see the parents paying. I had summer jobs in high school where I watched the children and their parents also paid for me to take them places - ice skating, community pools, Six Flags, etc. But, as a parent, I can't see inviting little Susie over for Six Flags and then asking her for $40 for admission. Or even the $10 it takes to get a popcorn and drink nowadays.
  7. It was DVR'd at my mom's house, so I snuck down to visit the little brother at 10:30 at night. I'm not that obsessed, really - I've watched the last 2 seasons on DVR, sometimes weeks after the original airing. But, after (eventually) seeing the entire show, I really, REALLY didn't want someone to ruin it for me before I got a chance to see it. So off I went to invade my poor brother's room. I liked it, I think. I'm sort of toddling back and forth between that being one of the best episodes ever, and wanting to throw my shoe at the tv.
  8. Son of a....the DVR hasn't missed a recording in *months*...and it somehow missed this one. >.< SOOO MAAAADDD!!!
  9. I keep coming back because I was hoping the Judge would reverse the decision. Not that I think he (or any of them) deserve to be there, but because I wholeheartedly disagree with the 'extra' punishment he received after appealing. Right or wrong, he had a right to appeal - everyone does. I thought it was absolute crap that he got extra punishment for doing something completely within the regulations. Prisoners have the right to appeal the court's decision, but they don't get extra time for doing so, no matter how much media coverage is involved. It was silly and petty on the school board'
  10. There really are decent pageant parents out there. Unfortunately, they don't last long. I was in pageants when I was little - just a few, though. Why? Because my dresses were adorably homemade rather than big, fluffy $400 dresses, and I didn't wear a lick of make-up. Same with mini-me. She happened to win two pageants (also in homemade dresses, and no make-up), because she was absolutely gorgeous and had a 'natural make-up' teenager face when she was all of three. Once I realized why she was winning, I quit registering her. She was only registered because her cousin was sort of
  11. I think the cover picture and headline are horrid. I think the inside pictures and actual article (the whole article, not the piece-of-an-article available online), are excellent. I don't care what people do with their kids. But, I woulda breastfed mine until a) They gave it up themselves or They wouldn't stop biting me...if, of course, I had been able to make it even a year breastfeeding.
  12. >>adding floaties to the list<< And I don't wanna talk about the teen years. I realized recently that we'll have three at once, then by the time the oldest is gone the youngest will be joining the middle two. >.<! Thanks! The converse were a must. You can't tell, but I also have Converse on. Mine have embroidery with rainbow thread and rainbow laces. Actually, they were in our engagement and family pics last year! ♥
  13. Aw, thanks!! I let the girls pick out the dresses. I just said 'Green, but more olive-ish than Christmas', and that's what they came up with. It's awesome because each dress suits each girl perfectly. Thanks!
  14. Thanks!!! Oh, thanks!! Those bouquets took for.ever. I tea and coffee dyed the pages of a book (which was the first thing he gave me, and happens to be The Lucky One that just came out in theaters). Then I and my girlfriends hand-cut fifty gazillion pages, and I folded them into individual flowers, then stuck them on stems. The burlap flowers were easy, and the brooch flowers were really easy - I collected those on a vacation we took in September and had several of my closest friends send me trinkets to add as well. The bouquet was supposed to be a cluster of 'me' and things that
  15. Knowing people who have it/do it doesn't equal being familiar with it - I think alot of people around here get the two confused. I do know the hair care line. I also went to a majority black high school and know what those specific students used the term for, and it wasn't something that is 'done' to hair. A word with multiple uses...whaaaaaat?
  16. 1. You were just paranoid. 2. I would have noticed him, too, if he had dreads - dreads generally catch my attention in a most positive way. 3. My mom has dreads. She's most definitely white, and I doubt she's ever heard of Phish. 4. Nappy hair does not equal dreads. /smh. That part may be a bit racist, actually. I can't count on one hand how many people I know personally with dreads and they're all white, and all had gorgeous, soft, silky hair before deciding to dirty it up and dread them. This whole thread is silly, though I understand being paranoid with all the break-ins hap
  17. With the phonics camp, we can't spend the summer anywhere. Gotta come home for camp, and kiddos have to visit the other parents as well. The lake house is also booked for a good part of the summer, so we can go up during the week some and we have several whole-family weekends (siblings and parents included) planned. Yellow River Game Ranch is genius! Thank you - I'm adding that to my list! Mini-Me would probably really like UUMAN, it sounds like. I'll check it out. Four kids can be expensive, but I save enough on the frugal/eco-friendly/recycling/DIY end of my life that it make
  18. We have a lake house in Tennessee, so we probably won't spend much time visiting other lakes when there's a private one just a couple hours north. While my kids are great without television, I'm not so sure how well the middle two will fare. They're Spongebob and chicken nugget kids. /sigh. State parks might be a good idea - we've been to most of them with Mini and Mini-er Me, but the middle two have only been to a few. I have no idea what UUMAN is, but when I googled a church came up and I'm not entirely sure that's our cup of tea. Mini-Me was saved two weeks ago, but she's the only G
  19. Oooh, story hour is genius! I used to do story hour at B&N, no idea why I didn't think of that! We don't know our summer schedule yet, so I'm not sure we'll have them enough to do lessons. Hopefully the oldest will just take Mini-Me's lead - she swims like a fish! Everyone says she looks just like me, but I don't see it. Mini'er-Me, however, is absolutely identical to mine and my dad's baby photos. And yes!...we have our hands full, but they're a hoot and I love it.
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