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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I can say that, not only has that not happened on my campus, but the Muslim student group along with both the Baptist and Catholic student groups as well as several other religion, philosophy, and race-related organizations all work together quite regularly. I actually emailed them all this morning in regards to an International Day of Peace event we're putting together.
  2. Thankya! It fits well. One thing I love about ModCloth is that it allows for reviews, and a lot of the buyers post photos of themselves in the dress so you can see how it fits different figures. This one seemed to fit all figure types.
  3. I'm on level like....24? I'll play one or two levels, in bed, when I absolutely cannot sleep. Typically, by the time I lay down, I'm exhausted...so I obviously don't play often. It's a fun game, though! My game-of-choice for long waits is still Sudoku,.
  4. I quit smoking. Then, I had to board four commercial airplanes in the following weeks. I'm surprised I didn't kill anyone. I'm fairly certain I no longer have a 'softer side'.
  5. She is flippin' adorable. And, I have the opposite problem. Neither of us want another one, but I don't want to rip out my uterus. I miss being pregnant. I do not want another newborn. Srsly considering loaning out my oven to someone who doesn't have one.
  6. I'm not getting old - I'm not even thirty! Time is just passing rapidly.
  7. Thank you for emphasizing 'separately'. You're welcome for accidentally introducing him to p.com, by the way. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this place being a decade old. That means my eldest is almost a decade old. I was trying to not be weepy today, because I have a Skype interview from Wales tonight and will already be all sleepy and puffy eyed. Now I'm realizing that both my daughter and our friendship have existed for much longer than I'm ready to comprehend.
  8. Modcloth! Seriously, I have a closet full of ModCloth and Shabby Apple dresses - I prefer ModCloth. This is one of my favorites that I own (and it's currently 50% off): http://www.modcloth.com/shop/dresses/you-re-my-everything-dress-in-ivory I actually used that one in a private vow ceremony thing, and then a photo session as well.
  9. >>ahem<< And now I realize why I never took you with me when I was dress shopping. I would have hated them all and walked down the aisle barefoot, with my hair down, in a black sundress.
  10. I don't think it's gross - the chlorine levels in most public pools are so high it burns your eyes. Pee is pretty much harmless at that point. My little man swims in a cloth diaper under a waterproof cover - he's never pooped in the pool and this is his third summer. Today, he even got out to pee (which he doesn't do at home, go figure). I mucho prefer the half dozen cute little babies that were at the pool today than the couple dozen unattended 10-13 year olds acting like hooligans. Take the baby and have fun!
  11. Hmmm....I know the old day care to which you're referring because I read your recommendation on an older thread and gave them a call. Can you shoot me a PM and tell me why you no longer recommend them? Mini-Me went to Discovery Point at EP. It's on our list, but we're trying to weigh our options and get reviews from others before picking one.
  12. Mini'er Me's dad and I are officially hunting day cares, and this mama is not thrilled. The idea of dropping him off with strangers kind of makes me want to gouge my eyes out. However, with his crazy firefighter schedule on top of my school/two businesses/lecturing schedule, we don't have much of an option at this point. I thought I'd ask here since I didn't see a recent daycare thread (and, we know how things change in the daycare world from year to year). I am looking for: - Maybe somewhere part-time, provided 'part-time, two days a week' isn't only $10 less than the full-time tui
  13. You know I don't do bars...but if they have glow-in-the-dark bubbles, I may race you to the door.
  14. Do you know if they'll be doing this at the Dallas library, as well?
  15. Same nastiness has been going on here. Mini-Me got the flu and then bronchitis during Spring Break, and then never fully healed/got over it because her allergies are so bad. She finally stopped coughing non-stop last week sometime. I even caved to steroids (twice) and nothing helped. Sure enough, the weekend before finals, I woke up with the same thing. I wound up doing three papers and two finals with pneumonia, and then turned around and gave two talk/lectures the following weekend. Have you ever tried to give a talk to an auditorium of marketing/communications majors whilst unable to
  16. Awww, this story made me tear up. Poor guy. I know someone personally who has been diagnosed with something that will have him in constant piercing pain day in and day out long before his time is up, provided nothing happens between now and then. He has told me, multiple times, that he will absolutely not live that way. He's currently a-okay, but eventually it will set in and it's definitely degenerative. As much as I love him, and as much as his role in my life ending will hurt, it's not my life...it's his. I respect that enough to let him live (or not live) it as he wishes.
  17. The people who painted the house actually aren't gay, so grouping them with gay stereotypes doesn't make much sense. They are peace advocates, though, and do work with environmental sustainability, etc....so grouping them with hippie stereotypes with work!
  18. ^^ this! I was just like your daughter with my dad. If he was in the room, I didn't speak or spoke quietly. If he spoke directly to me (which wasn't often, probably for the same reasons), I gave him very short answers - nothing rude, just 'sure', etc. We sat in silence a lot. It was a content silence, though. My obsession with military planes and motocross actually came from staying up, from ages 6-12, sometimes until 2-3am, watching documentaries and races with him. I didn't give a flip about them at the time, but I felt like I was spending time with him. At 14, I completely disconnected - I
  19. I currently use mostly Lightroom 4, though I occasionally use Photoshop CS6 because I do graphics as well as editing and I can do both in Photoshop. Lightroom really is one of my favorite programs, though. I also have Corel Painter 12 Anniversary and a few other programs similar that make the editing process via a tablet (I have a Wacom) a little more creative/fun.
  20. I love, love, LOVE the organization that bought this house: http://www.plantingpeace.org/ They do much more than just this one house. My favorite work of theirs, so far, has been their work in Haiti.
  21. ^^ that. I couldn't tell you how many times I've had something backordered from an online purchase for an extended period of time, only to see it in the store twice before it ever showed up on my doorstep. Target and Kohl's have both done this to me, as well. I've worked in the back end of retail, though, so I understand that it's two different tracking systems. When I unloaded a truck at Kohl's and went to fill my department, I had no idea if there was someone two streets down waiting on an order than I could fill. Technically, I couldn't fill it anyway - it wasn't ordered from the store, bu
  22. Being a full-time student isn't an easy in, either. A couple of years ago when I was on assistance, the awesome lady at DFCS (not being sarcastic, she really was sweet), asked what kind of a program I was in. If I was in a job-training program, I could receive daycare benefits five days a week and, therefore, attend more classes and finish school earlier, which would put me back in the workforce earlier. Being a full-time student at a four-year-university doesn't count. That part kind of sucks because, while I don't need it now, I have more than a few single-parent mamas who could finish up th
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