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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. You sound like me with Nev. She was due September 12th and was born, after induction and 24 hours labor (no C-section, though!), on October 7th. I did everything I could think of, everything anyone suggested, and the kid just wasn't coming. I walked every day, had Scalini's several times, had lots of sex, used evening primrose oil and drank red raspberry leaf tea like it was water - I even rode some of the 'safe' rides at the North Georgia Fair when I was two weeks overdue. I wore a big coat, and hid between two friends in order to get on the Ferris Wheel and some other bumpy but not jerky rid
  2. Has she spent any decent amount of time in Savannah before?
  3. Well, I mean, they recommend it for a reason. We flipped him to forward facing in the Jeep because he started putting his feet up on the back of the (extremely low) seat and putting his feet against the back window. My Jeep is a soft top and the windows are basically just fold-able plastic that zip right out. I decided that was probably less safe than forward facing, and went with it. In my car, though, he rear faces. He hasn't forward faced for long in the Jeep, though, and I have a feeling when I drop the top for the first time this season he's going to be a tad cranky that he can't s
  4. Armstrong Atlantic is a decent school, though it's fairly small. I visited there when I was college-searching oh...13 years ago? I've been back once to the campus for a speaking event, and they're definitely a friendly, tight-knit type of school. It's one of those schools where, once the student picks their major, they will likely attend the same classes with the same students for four years, and all graduate together. I didn't start seeing the same faces at KSU until my 4000 level classes, but KSU has 20,000 more students than Armstrong One of the things I didn't like about it, as a teen
  5. >youshouldmakethatintoabook<
  6. If you go to Babies R Us, they will typically let you test the floor model in your car. I have a tiny little car, and a Jeep. I do good to fit the children in the back seat, much less children in a car seat. I think we wound up going with the Boulevard. I'm not 100% sure because I got fed up with trying to find one, so the hubs went and picked it up. I'll check tomorrow and let you know. The Cruze has a decently sized back seat - much larger than a Jeep Wrangler, that's for sure.
  7. Well I mean, she said right in her comment that her body wasn't producing enough so they put her on it. I guess some human bodies produce drugs on their own?
  8. The Britax advocate is a really, really good one. One of the biggest qualifications for me, when I upgraded Mini'er-Me, was the rear-facing weight limit. I am 100% pro-rear-facing for as long as possible (up to age two, at minimum), and finding a car seat that would rear-face past the average 1-year-old weight limit before needing to be flipped to front-facing wasn't easy. The Britax you're looking at rear-faces up to 40lbs. My little man will be two in five days and he's maybe 30lbs, so it would have worked. I don't even remember the name of what we finally purchased, but I remember the
  9. HGH isn't a drug, it's something your body naturally produces and, as she stated, her daughter wasn't producing enough. Kind of like taking iron when you have low iron, or taking vitamins when your body needs extra vitamins.
  10. It started doing that to the ex about 24 hours before the refund magically showed up in his bank account.
  11. Mine knows *exactly* how babies are made. She also watched me give birth to her little brother. She has sworn, for two years, that she won't have sex until her late twenties (when she can get 5 year birth control or 'fixed' without the doctor refusing) and, even then, she's 'buying her kids from Russia'.
  12. Right? The same gland causing this problem is also supposed to excrete melatonin. You know...that thing that makes us sleep? I say 'supposed to' because hers doesn't. She has stayed up for 24-72 hours at a time since birth. On a good week, she averages about 20 hours of sleep. Total. She's my little superhero.
  13. >falls in the floor laughing< Yes. Yes, I did.
  14. Mine has developed early - she started abnormal girl-times at age 7. But, she has an issue with her pineal gland that is related to early onset puberty. I started the summer before I turned 13, and didn't 'develop' until I was 18. lol.
  15. Pft. He's helped me move numerous times, and rescued me on the side of the road, AND I've lived with him You don't see me marrying the guy.
  16. Losing an hour while in Savannah?!?! Not cool.
  17. Technically, no. She's hitting the 'bigger' milestones a couple of years early. But, she's eight. I joined this board when I was pregnant. Time flies, doesn't it?
  18. You should pay attention to whose post you're reading. You know my kid's a girl!
  19. Non-parent male members, maybe. Lots of dads are willing to talk about what chaos their life becomes when their daughter hits pre-teen years. And it says 'Puberty'!! lol.
  20. It's not a wonder those two get along so well.
  21. She just turned 8 in October. However, she has a 'glitch', for the lack of a simpler explanation, in her pineal gland, which is the gland that controls puberty, reproduction, and melatonin output. She's never produced melatonin, and has stayed up for 24-72 hours at a time since birth. So, when she started going through very early signs of puberty at the age of four, and started spotting at seven, it didn't surprise us much. Dealing with the hormonal part of it is totally new, though. She's known about the birds and the bees, periods, etc. since she was five, and handles that like a champ
  22. Eldest has absolutely, without a doubt, hit puberty. We've had a couple of encounters with the 'woman' thing over the past 8 months, and she handled that really, really well. She started developing very early, as was even in a training bra before we started her on Adderall and she lost weight - now she's happy with an undershirt. But the past few months, we've had the introduction of body odor, acne and, as of these past couple weeks, those awesome pre-teen outbursts of hysterical sobbing over every little thing. Even she will say 'I don't know why I'm crying, I'm just frustrated!'. I do
  23. Replace the chicken stock and corn with hemp milk and celery, and this is one of my favorites! I put onions and fresh garlic in everything.
  24. I squeal like a little girl any time a comic movie comes out - especially a Marvel comic. I saw the movie poster floating around a few days ago and flipped. Can't wait!
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