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Everything posted by CrownApp

  1. When my 17 year old left home, (here in Paulding Co) the police said there was nothing I could do about it. This was 12 years ago. Not sure if something has changed since then. At 17, you are responsible for them but you can not make them stay home, or at least law enforcement is not required to retrieve them and return them to you.
  2. I didn't know the answer to this question until about 3 months ago. Crazy as it sounds, they DONT WANT it to be lyme. They don't know how to treat it effectively and if they make judgement calls on treating it, they get in trouble with the doctor police. No one in their right mind (without lyme) would ever think or even read that much into it. BUT, you get lyme, you find out real quick that the system is FUBAR. You just hope you get a doctor to treat you and you also better hope that your blood tests register positive beyond denial. A positive/negative test does not exist. ok. I'll s
  3. Amen! I refuse to do it as well! I know people get mad; had a HS male behind me yesterday who thought he'd just go past me....butthead. Let HIM get the ticket, not me. My mommy and daddy won't pay for my ticket!
  4. but yet doctors refer to that statistics page as if it is accurate when discussing with you how you "don't really" have lyme, it's probably something else. When I tested the 2nd time, he shook his head and said "you don't get any more positive than this". Geez, thanks.
  5. Oh, and by the way...have you seen the CDC website numbers? WHAT A FARCE!! In 2010, GA logged 10 confirmed cases. Unbelieveable! CDC Lyme Statistics by State
  6. I think it's already an epidemic. I think so many more people have it and don't know they have it. Since Lyme doesn't exist in GA :insert sarcastic tone here:, why would doctors need to test for it, ESPECIALLY, when it's not really a positive/negative type test. It's just a freakin joke!
  7. Recently, I was bitten by a tick and didn't know it. Got the typical "bullseye" rash and STILL didn't know what it was. Eight months later, I tested positive for the antibodies produced by my body to combat the infection. There is no "positive/not positive" test you can take. Do you know how dangerous Lyme Disease is? If you don't, you really need to know. Get educated about it. Don't let ANYONE tell you it is not in Georgia. The CDC numbers reflected on their website are grossly underreported. My infectious disease dr confirmed to me that the numbers are very wrong and they are try
  8. unfortunate things happen to innocent people all of the time, even during the course of police intervention. Right, wrong or indifferent, these things happen in a free society. A very good friend of mine lost her 19 year old son who was innocently sitting at a red light after night school classes about 11pm. The light turned green and some yahoo who was running from the police ran the light, t-boned him and killed him instantly. Come to find out, the IDIOT was running from the cop because their insurance had lapsed. The cop was pulling them over because the taillights weren't working. Th
  9. Everyone/Anyone should report if they suspect. Period. I as a volunteer may not know everyone's specific situation but if there are extenuating circumstances, someone of authority may know. Being fined for not reporting is another story. I have not been trained to spot those types of issues so I may miss something and if I was ever to be fined for it, I would think twice before volunteering again. I volunteer for a large organization. I have taken the class that verifies that I am qualified to chaperone but I am in no way a trained counselor. I am a glorified babysitter. Now, that does
  10. I saw the EMT's working on him as we passed. It's so upsetting to see someone who was probably just out to enjoy the beautiful morning on the bike, not realizing where they would be a short time later. I have not idea what happened but I pray they are okay.
  11. Agreed with the posts above... But my favorites were the polar bears and penguins. I remember watching Willie B watch tv from his swing. He was a funny fella.
  12. just thinkin I might notice. You will be chained to your home. Vacations and long weekends are usually non-existent. Don't forget all the horse stuff you'll need to buy like brushes, buckets, scoops, fly spray and what not...
  13. I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything. dang.
  14. I'll send my super-sniper yote shootin neighbor down to your hood and remedy the sitch-e-a-shun. The yotes around here are 40-50 pounds.
  15. Did I miss something in the news story? I didn't see the age of the young'un. For reference, my yearling (which will be 2 in October) is 735 pounds.
  16. it's pathetic. They even had a baby filly/colt too. Do yourself a favor and don't look, it'll just make you even madder.
  17. His people elected him! Now the thugs of the county can be protected! This is going to get interesting!
  18. there is no excuse for starving them either. Georgia Equine Rescue League is always willing to help owners and horses who are in dire straights. They probably treat their family like sheez too.
  19. If a bicyclist has the same rights as a car on the road then he needs to maintain the minimum speed limit. Hmph...
  20. cherish the good days, especially when it's one of the extra special days!
  21. Somebody else has a thread on this. I called several doctors yesterday and talked to their benefits coordinators to get their general feeling on how well the contract negotiations are going between AETNA providers and AETNA. The opinions I received were that they all felt pretty confident an agreement would be reached soon. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Hopefully it will work out in a timely manner.
  22. I had a feeling. I'm the HR mgr at a small business and we have AETNA. I've heard the same thing from everyone at work this week. So we called a couple of doctors offices to get their opinion of how the contract negotiations are going and every benefits coordinator we spoke to sounded positive about them coming to an agreement. Wait it out, it may just work itself out.
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