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Everything posted by CrownApp

  1. I sent my email too. Jackarses each and every one of 'em.
  2. 12 - 4. I hope they have a good turn out! Come on down!!
  3. My parents are still together, 58 years and counting. They have their bad days and good days but they keep each other company and take care of each other pretty good for their age.
  4. Union Elementary is hosting their fall festival Saturday and it will be held at Scoggins Middle School. They probably will but I don't have first hand knowledge if they will have crafts but the 4H will be there giving pony rides.
  5. South Paulding here, it's been ssllooww for 2 days now. It's making me crazy!
  6. Her legs ain't long enough to keep up wit choo! Mine are longer than hers and I have to jog to keep up with your walk!
  7. Sandy is doing fine. She is relaxed now and feels at home. She still tries to wander if we venture outside without a leash but she seems to learn quickly. She's quiet and obedient but likes to roughhouse a little. Even when she's playing, she's gentle with the girls. She seems to have picked Rachel. She and Skip are great and love to play tug of war. He is a bit jealous though. She did well in the crate yesterday for about 3 hours. So far, so good. Dad comes home today from deer camp. Today is TEST day!
  8. there are more but FBBC is playing around with them and has only finished 2. I hope she's not mad at me for posting this one but I thought it was too funny not to share.
  9. my uber cool and talented friend FBBC came over and took some shots of my big chick and our horses today. We were totally photo bombed by my dog. LOL!
  10. Glenview OH....it is the Neighborhood Watch movie.
  11. Maybe they would! Have you tried this? My link
  12. Melnsid, thats how it happened to my brother. Very suspicious group of people walked around his subdivision for days. Finally approached my brothers front door, presented a proposal and it's all history now. They still have about 4 more days of filming "Neighborhood Watch" at his house. The compensation is very adequate.
  13. I went "through" a cloud of them yesterday while driving. I'd hate to be riding on a motorcycle and go through that! I bet it would hurt!!
  14. It was exactly that. They had been walking the neighborhood for a few days, long enough for my brother to become concerned as to who they were. (He works at home in his home office, where he can see out the window all day.) They just walked up and knocked, introduced themselves and asked if he would be interested in listening to their proposal. It was all a bit surreal.
  15. It really wasn't a "joke". He laughed at my impression of my elderly parents watching the movie. More of a "you had to be there" moment. Will Forte apparently came in and hung out with the fam after I left for the day. My brother said he is super nice and just seemed to be so appreciative of all the hospitality. Everyone from the makeup people to the personal assistants were super nice, super respectful. It was really neat being able to watch all the commotion. All the behind the scenes planning and just how many people it takes to make it happen. I bet there were 50 peo
  16. They are filming some scenes of the Neighborhood Watch at my brothers house. So, after I dropped the chirrens off at school, I took off to go hang out. Well, we got bored watching so we went inside to sit in the kitchen, yap and have some coffee. Then.....he wandered in the house, into the kitchen where we were and proceeded to start up a conversation and hang out with us for a bit. What a nice, personable guy! As we watched him working, we could tell he likes to cut up and have fun. We were all cutting up and he laughed at my joke!
  17. I don't know. They had been scoping out the neighborhood for about 4 days and then just popped up to the door and asked my brother if he had time to talk about a proposal they had for him. They have painted his house, painted the grass, new landscaping and have basically moved all of their movie props into his garage. They are using other scenery inside the neighborhood, not just the two houses. The director had visited and went all through their house and took pictures of the inside, stayed for a couple of hours yapping with them, making small talk. At this point, they're not supposed to
  18. I know the house across the street from my brothers is being used as Vince Vaughns house in the movie. My brothers house will be Ben Stillers house. They've started filming.
  19. my granddaughter was born at Tanner. Very nice, very quiet. No complaints at all. They treated all of us very well!
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