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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. It don't matter what you're for or against, I just love when they have these summits. What more could you want from TV. You got sex (wet t-shirts from the water cannons), violence (wet t-shirts from the water cannons), drama (will they shoot them with the water cannons), comedy (wet hippies, period {and that's coming from what at least one person on here described once long ago as a long haired hippie, without knowing, or presumably caring, it was me}). It's just some damn fine TV.
  2. Blunt Trauma


    Only if you start out with more than one of each. At least that's what my mama sat me down and taught me about the frogs and the lizards. It was something like that, I remember there being a couple animals involved.Sigh. Thats what they say about knowledge, use it or lose it.
  3. Blunt Trauma


    There's one more thing that will help, I hesitate to throw it out there cause folks are easy to offend. If you haven't already, take your indoor garbage/trash cans out side and scrub them down with ajax or the like. You'll be surprised.
  4. Blunt Trauma


    I forgot, those sticky yellow strips for flies will work some to. 'course the folks from the feed & seed calendar are gonna wanna come by for pictures. That's annoying.
  5. Blunt Trauma


    Got'em, hate'em. If you hate'em bad enough to clean up after, bug bomb'em.
  6. This would be incredibly nosey if I didn't have skin in the game. Said skin being a well functioning, good looking, $6,000 metal roof with no known lien issues and a warranty that isn't worth the paper.... I understand the tragedy that started the downfall, may he rest. What I don't understand is how in the world did someone get into the middle of it to take a family business away from the family and run it into the ground. Looking back there were a couple of signals in the whole process that leaned toward looking like they were trying something a little bit crooked. Knowing then what is k
  7. I always suspected that there had to be somebody buying those gas station egg salad sandwiches.
  8. Blunt Trauma


    https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10104845083081603&set=a.10100500849450623.2619447.14227719&type=3&refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonblade.com%2F2017%2F06%2F19%2Fgay-teacher-poses-photo%2F Safe
  9. Looks like maybe a semi-retirement to me. If so, bless'em on the effort.
  10. I thought the gnats were just me. Thank y'all, feel a little better about my housekeepin' now. Where those buggers get in the house I don't know, but l:ord I hate'em.
  11. It's not a cure all but, those little demons HATE moving air. Not the strongest fliers and the co2 from your breath is dispersed which screws up there targeting. There are outdoor ceiling fans outside of all of my doors which never get turned off from spring to frost. Around the house I planted things to grow along with what we used to call in the business "volunteer growth" to form kinds of structures in the yard that promote air movement. Kind of like a "dog trot" barn or a "shotgun" house. All that will help, but it won't get it all.
  12. That would be the aforementioned "guy".
  13. Cantaloupes from south ga. have been in for a couple three weeks, watermelons should start coming in this week or next. Try one of the local produce stands, they usually try to get the So. Ga. product in. I harp on that because of two things. First its fresher, and second its sweeter. I hate to recommend them because I truly can't stand the guy that runs them, but the stands at SR 120 and SR 92 and the one on SR 61 at Scoggins both will have them. Also, on Powder Springs Rd on the Marietta bound side just outside the city. They grow there own not all that far from here. For those that don't k
  14. Took awhile to get the crowd cranked up.......waitin' for the Geritol to kick in and all....but it got to rockin'. Big crowd, met folks from outside Paulding there, so fairly widely attended.
  15. To be fair, here (I believe) is the above referenced story. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2017/06/15/what-is-lidl-5-things-the-german-grocer-is-bringing-to-america/?utm_term=.563dfae3fbf2
  16. Curiosity got to me. Googled Lidl and got.....http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/chicken-lidl-four-times-more-13187805
  17. I don't know y'all. Sharing a secret spot with a ridin' buddies one thing. Folks ya can't get up to go with......I just don't know about all that. Lord they was good though. Traffic was awful, hate traffic.
  18. Did I mention that I'm shooting for the tail end of lunch because if you get there during lunch the line is literally out the door and wrapped around the building. Damn fine gyros. Just sayin'.
  19. Fix'in to crank a bike sometime in the next hour and head out to my secret place in south atlanta for the absolute bestest Gyro you've ever eaten. Anyone?
  20. Could you be more specific where your pointing that barb?
  21. Call me sexist, but I've always thought that the women who shop at Target were, on average, better looking than the crowd at Wal-Mart. Now you're telling me they all got "peckers"? Do they have fewer "peckers" at Wally World? Good lord what's left, Kohls? That's the old married gals with too much money. Stands to reason there would be far fewer "peckers" though. In other news I've made the executive decision that anytime I see a post that seems to be entirely based on a 1964 viewing of "Reefer Madness" that someone somewhere, (I'm not saying who) is going to immediately indulge. So be it know
  22. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjsw7XHzrjUAhXJPz4KHYBpAE0QyCkIKzAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJUz48xw_OiM&usg=AFQjCNFigmLLYoJ_DCB5-L1oLB4DUWBr9g&sig2=b5wbL0ZE9w42g5cGoQrwmQ
  23. I thought he got gainfully employed and had slacked off of the mower biz?
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