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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. No stuff, it'd be at probably 5 times the labor. They really keep you hoppin'.
  2. I had bunnies as a child. They were neither Trumpers nor thumpers. They were.......well they were uh......... they werrrrrre.......prolific.
  3. Yeah, if that's a crime they're guilty.
  4. Shoot, except for the first sentence, I can translate that for ya. Bet you can too. Separately, I've never heard anybody on facebook say anything good about facebook. As a matter of fact, everything I've ever heard said from those folks about it would lead any sane person to believe that facebook is "The Debil". I prefer my drama, antagonism, and A holes more local, thank you.
  5. Soooooo,does that make us D'ville's trailer park?
  6. SEE! I told you so, so there! I was an intragle part of worse! The 80's was me! I'm worse. It's official. No take backs.
  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Mean........and sneaky!.........alright....... and funny. Still a larger ring size than some of the rich and famous. barrrrumpbump chingggggg
  8. Ya know how there's things in life that you think nobody's EVER going to say to you?
  9. I tell you what. On prime day there came up on sale a Yeti 10oz. tumbler. It was still pretty high dollar for a cup, and it went up from there but I'll get to that, and it was around my birthday so it was kind of a present to myself. Anyway, this thing came in the mail and I'm all excited (HEY! it don't take much past a certain age junior) pull it out of the box and it's just purdy as all get out.............NO LID! So I look and sure enough in small type in the corner of the web page it tells ya there ain't one included. Well I'm in this thing now so I go looking online for a lid. Com
  10. Stab in the dark out of total ignorance. Maybe a local journalism student that could use a little sumpin, sumpin for the resume? Like a radio intern?
  11. No argument with the exception of how quiet that area was. We were loud in a totally different kind of way. Just as an aside. Ask the folks that still live in the older, still inhabitable parts of Smyrna, surrounding the new gentrified east Smyrna what there taxes are like now. Unintended consequences.
  12. My stomping grounds too. This has way less to do with apartments than it does with what the area has become. As they moved the rich folks into a whole new area of east Smyrna and reconstructed a buffer between there and this area, they squeezed the downtrodden from where they were to this here. Now folks, I was once (and in my heart forever will be) the riffyest of the raff. Hell, in a very small part of the area in question, I was pretty much King Riff of Raff. Folks got hurt from time to time, but the killings were few and far between around this whole place. Then the riff raff changed. I h
  13. It looked to be circling Wal-Mart. National Geographic?
  14. Ma'am we've found an area of agreement. It may not be possible given the givens, but put as economically as possible...more local news, more community, maybe even more local politics, just be more about Paulding, (dot com it)....way way less national politics.
  15. "Blunt Trauma ..."It doesn't really matter what you are convinced of. And background is only partially relevant." Yes just one line of your mouthy post. That again IS YOUR OPINION and we read it, Or at least part of it. You lost me with that comment. You promote YOU opinion and dump on others. That really is not what I would like too see on here. My absences have been based on mine and my husbands health. I fell in love with the Community that Pubby created here. Remember the old saying "Like it or Leave it?" It might tell you to cut out the dumps you make, you could be totally ignored real s
  16. Knew i was negligent by not adding in there somewhere that by no means are the police blameless. I've done some reading, and from the jump of how they went in to who they put in, they knew they were screwed (had screwed themselves) the minute it happened. And I shouldn't have said run. Moved out from behind something with something in his hand would be more accurate. (I don't know if you've ever had the popo come in on ya in a felony situation folks. But all ambiguity as to who it is and whats happening leaves the situation once they breach the door.) ​Now that I've done the mea culpa on my o
  17. It doesn't really matter what you are convinced of. And background is only partially relevant. In all fairness, not everybody has been exposed to the REAL low end of the spectrum, as far as how people live. But there are in this world places that will scare the hell out of you, right in your neighborhoods. There are you typical lower end 3 bedroom ranch houses with a kitchen and dining room on one end, a living room in the front, a hall that runs down the middle with bedrooms off the side. Now in a percentage of these le3brh (lower end 3 bedroom ranch house), especially those where ice is use
  18. There's a coincidence. I was just discussing that shooting yesterday with the person who now lives in the house next door to where it took place. If you were to look back you'll see that I was not a part of that "group" you mentioned. As a matter of fact I avoided commenting on that as much as I could stand, because it would have been real easy to figure out where I live had I let loose on the subject. It would take a little more effort to figure that out now and I don't care so much anymore, so..... Sometimes the pack of wolves is right. The girl in question was proclaiming the shooting vict
  19. Community forum with a bunch of folks having fun, to some interpersonal bickering that led to exits which thinned the crowd, the thinned crowd was then pushed towards political forum and away from community forum. The far right and the far left then started throwing crap at each other and everybody in the middle got tired of being covered in crap. Every once in a while its entertaining to jump down in the middle and throw a few hand fulls back in both directions. You just have to have a high tolerance for crap. But that's about all that's left.
  20. Now that right there is a fine idea that needs building on. A spot with a hi-res camera connected to the sheriffs office in the parking lot of every fire station. That would be a reasonable cost/benefit ratio of public funds if I've ever heard of one. I bet you could get public donations that would cover the cost of the initial equipment. It'd be a little harder to get participation from the merchants for it as they could see these private sales as competition. Unless you take the idea a little further. I could see a site set up in the Walmart/Target/etc. parking lot paid for by the merchant.
  21. And I think we all now how painful that can be.
  22. Is there wet hippies on TV somewhere else? What channel? Don't be holding out on me now! For gods sake it's wet hippies! Share.
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