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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. Are they where they can be felled without hitting a structure?
  2. Brace yourself, it ain't gonna be pretty. Goodluck though.
  3. As per: One of these is "alternative" to the other. I make no assumption as to which.
  4. Unless they're building two.........well, I'm suspecting an alternative fact lurks somewhere in this thread.
  5. Yeah......well spend an entire day with the theme from Underdog running on a loop in your head. That'll runnya slapnuts.
  6. No thanks, I've spent all the time I intend to standing around in and under interstates. On a related note, I was sent to do an inventory on PVC pipe stored in that same location as the fire somewhere around 1983 to 1985. On another related note, DOT workers are loath to go piling off into some locations under interstates in and around Atlanta. Your not allowed to be armed at work. Now if anybody would like to go see some of these spots unarmed, I'll be more than happy to drop you off, point you to it and notify your next of kin.
  7. “Yes, we will talk about North Korea,” Mr. Trump told the newspaper for a story that appeared Sunday on its website. “And China has great influence over North Korea. And China will either decide to help us with North Korea, or they won’t. And if they do that will be very good for China, and if they don’t it won’t be good for anyone.” “If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you,” (Multiple sources) Scene opens at a posh south Florida resort this evening. A man with an unusual accent sits at a resplendent dinner table with another man with an unusual
  8. Oh Randy.....you came and you gave without takin'......and I need you today, oh Randy.
  9. Rode by there yesterday. That's definitely bigger than just a convenience store. You could fit a cleaners and a nail salon in with it.................... just sayin'.
  10. You must have me on ignore then. That's about 90 cents out of my dollar shtick. That is unless you meant good ones. Then I'm down to a quarter tops.
  11. Being there is now a record of contact with LE, it'd probably be best if the landlord didn't touch the tenants property. That could end up with the landlord "enjoying" a little free rent down to the Greybar Motel with the tenant living it up at the house alone. Dispossession Order and 60 days later you get to pay the marshal's to do the eviction. Time and expense with a lesson learned, but at the end they can sip coffee on the porch and grin while watching ass and elbows fade into the distance
  12. Energy pipelines have a similar status with railroads as they are considered defense infrastructure. Everything gets stepped up including inspection of contract​ requirements. Believe it or not you'll find language to cover things like that in just about any government contract. It's even tighter around Colonial and Plantation pipelines than this would be.
  13. I think I get the question. It's more about union agreements than pay regulations. In my entire career (all in Ga.) there may have been a total of 3 general contractors I've worked with that were union. One was a yankee firm from the frozen north (their gone), one was APAC (which no longer exists in any meaningful form), and the third escapes my memory. Point is that the chances are the work you saw is not union and only subject to time and a half over 40. If it rains a day or two during the week you can end up working all weekend for straight time. And with Ga. being a "Right to Work" st
  14. Harold Lisicomb = Former Georgia Department of Transportation Commissioner Harold E.Linnenkohl Mr. Linnenkohl is an engineer first. He approaches pretty much everything from the mindset of an engineer. But, the top of GDOT is/was/always will be, right at the center of politics in Ga. He was around that top for a very long time and knows just exactly how the sausage is made. All that makes him a very hard man to steer. If you're looking for someone to approach problems looking for practical solutions with an eye towards cost/benefit, he'd be my choice for about anything. Just in the
  15. Again, same gateway for 40 years now. Still don't need a bigger fence.
  16. Just being slam dadgum nosey.....if you get in the right spot and zoom in just right.....those look suspiciously like dog pens that are blinded from each other.
  17. Did the other two last night and saved the ramble for tonight. The following is an actual working philosophy. Over the last 100+ years it's been responsible for the production of provably billions of dollars for just one family. Arguably trillions of dollars industry wide. It consists of quotes and paraphrases from various sources. Taken as a whole they form a "mission statement" that has survived that century plus almost unchanged. It's amazingly short and simple. None of it is my words. Everything you see is a work. Putting a shoot out there is just begging for a disaster. Controver
  18. "and they don't figure they can control him. pubby" And they would be absolutely correct about that.
  19. Mis-overheard outside of a proctologist's office, "Wrecked'em hell! It liked to a killed'em!"
  20. Don't think I'll ever forget mom screaming at my sister "Get out of that tater patch! You know them taters got eyes and you ain't got no drawers on!"
  21. "Please hurry!", pled the Alabama blonde over the phone to the locksmith. "I've locked the keys in my car, it's about to storm and the tops down!"
  22. If you've ever heard the words " ...order right now and get a second one absolutely free, just pay a separate fee" and thought, "Now there's a deal", you might be an id*jit.
  23. Rich folk problems............all we got is a micky d's that smells like poop at the drive thru during the summer.
  24. To get a permit (referred to as a "curb cut") on a state route they will be required to install turn lanes in and out of the store at a minimum. I'd guess that unless there is a near term widening project or intersection improvement project planned, they may be, required to/forced into as a practical matter, improve the entire intersection as a condition of the permit.
  25. For years I've been expecting to see some of those smaller co-branded joints (taco bell/pizza hut, DQ/ Orange Julius) pop up around Cedarcrest or down at New Georgia. Have those faded out now a days?
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