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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. I'd say it probably depends on if she's over or under ground level.
  2. Well you're in luck, they got it. You can't miss the place, it's right next to the DNA Testing Lab........NachoDaddy. I forgot to mention........ same owner.
  3. Hungry? Head on down to the new mexican and soul food joint: Nacho Mama's
  4. That catering.....was it.....oh dear lord no......was it...chicken!
  5. Hold on to your bloomers, cause these are the opening shots of the SR92 widening to Nebo. You can figure 3 years construction to completion. This now is just ROW clearing. I'm talking 3 years from start of actual construction.
  6. Most likely not directly connected but, the last time saw a "bunch of trucks" gathering in that area they ended up at a birthday party in D'ville. Course they were done up in flags and general other "look at me" bits and pieces, just lookin' like the trouble they ended up being. The OP didn't mention anything like that so maybe this time it was a church group down for some fried chicken and such.
  7. I'm sure if they're going that far they will have the infrastructure in place to support them. But it reminded me of a good "bureaucracy in action" propane vehicle story. They gave me a "dual fuel" vehicle when the propane conversions first started popping up in any numbers. It ran on gas or propane. Being a bureaucracy, they were keeping up with these things to make sure that the propane side was being used so they could report that usage to the public, so there really was no choice but to use it. The problem was that the only stations where you could get propane were on Whitehall St. jus
  8. My ex had one I believe. Funny thing is, I could never find it.
  9. It's wet out, I'm bored and something that's pretty close to on topic occurred to me. Something all of us down here seem to have become accustomed to. So much so that I haven't even heard it mentioned in years. When they built the Ingles and the gas station, the intent (as I was told at the time) was to build an automated car wash on the level pad behind the gas station on Nebo. That was going on about the same time as the drought and water restrictions, along with the cancellation/postponement of all the new houses on the SW corner of the intersection. So it never happened. Then that beca
  10. Not saying it will happen. Not saying it won't happen. Just saying it could happen. Location: Ciudad Juarez, Mexico Date: July 4, 2025 Text scrolling up screen with scene in backround: Failing after having been cut off from the U.S. by past policy, and subsequently being divided up by the various cartels, Mexico is now recovering after becoming a client state. Russian money and resources were poured in and a 1960's style Cuba/Russian relationship was born. A lone figure strides purposefully to a podium in front of a cheering throng. The man is (the now) President For Life of the Russian
  11. Back up 12:01. Just so's all y'all that are late to work have something to tell the boss.
  12. Heard what sounded like a transformer blow at 10:42. 11:13 now and still out. 7/10 of a mile east of Dallas-Nebo.
  13. Be Ye Crow or Raven, sitting in my tree. Cawing and swooping, it matters not to me. Hark ye now and listen, as I say unto the, Never More.
  14. Now she's close enough to be testifying about the same larger family of crows as me. I neglected to comment on the size of these fat bastards. These things are as long or longer than your average small dog. Standing I'd say they can get close to a foot tall. The numbers went from annoying to the trees almost seeming to be full.The smaller birds have been fighting me to build nests under my porch roofs and other covered areas for about 3 or 4 years. Mainly, it seems, looking for some protection due to the aggression of these things. Homey don't play with a porch covered in bird droppings.
  15. I've always had the impression that y'all were probably pretty close to being a neighbor. Just from reading posts. It may even be the same murder of crows, (yep, that's what a bunch of crows is called) that we're talking about.
  16. "So you might want to put some tomatoes in a pot or two on the front port before continuing." Absolutely "Sound" advice. Yeah ...that's bad......I'm leaving it in anyway. Call me a rebel, a scofflaw, or just a crotchety old guy, but any animal that walks up, crawls up, slithers up or flies up onto my porch and is willing to sit, stand or lie there in a manner that challenges my right of supremacy on said porch (without a badge, even then it best be respectful) has, in my opinion (and for those few seconds that WILL be the only opinion that matters) forfeited any rights to prote
  17. Over the last couple of years or so there's been more an more families of crows moving into the neighborhood. They'd get loud every once and a while, but pretty much kept to themselves. The numbers keep going up and there pushing into yards and out of the woods. These things are getting constantly more aggressive. They'd scream at the old cat from the woods or the edge of the yard. But he wasn't interested in much but the porch, so they reached a balance. It was even funny sometimes. There'd be crows screaming at him, just stressing out from the trees in the front, while he'd sit with his fr
  18. In all seriousness, I would bet on 3 to 5 houses that are overbuilt for the area by 50% to 100%. But that's just a wag.
  19. It would have had to be rezoned. I don't remember a zoning being posted down there. Anybody else?
  20. There's a building permit staked out front. Question is....... how nosey am I. It could happen on a lazy day passing by.
  21. I try to stay away from topics on here that are overtly political, both reading and participating. Nobodies gonna change their mind and the level of intelligence goes out the window when you're discussing something someone looks on with a religious ferver. When something becomes a "Faith" people are conditioned to accept as fact what is fed to them without question. Because to question is to "sin". Anything that is used as a "news source" should be disregarded starting at the point where it begins to tell you not what's happening, but what you should think about it. That would apply from CNBC
  22. They started opening up another spot just east of there on the south side of the road. Big do'ns on Nebo.
  23. Just generally speaking, there's a lots of BLOCKERS out there.........................y'all know who you are.............................cut it out!
  24. If you're talking LARGE trees, you'd be lucky to find someone to just lay them down in the yard for that. Unless you're talking letting somebody come tear up things on your property that isn't bonded and insured. That's a roll of the dice. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible. I ran across an ice head some years back that everybody around had fired. I had a tree near the house that HAD to come down and he needed some money. So I made a deal with him to show up any day he could before he'd done anything. He did, and dropped that tree straight down around the stump in sections like magic.
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