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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. Used to riding alone anyway. On the upside a really good old/new chili dog/burger joint was found.
  2. Dang, I must be poorer than I thought. Value up a smidge, same with the tax. Must be y'all "high livin'" folks they're getting bad. Finally, an advantage to poverty.;
  3. Everything said there is hard to argue with. I have said the same things here before. But in this case we're talking about a different kind of infrastructure and a business totally unconcerned with interstate access.When it comes to this particular type of business, had everything dumped into the studio and (god forbid, I tried not to mention it) the airport been put into IT infrastructure..... This particular one was about a lack of vision, with a healthy dose of greed thrown in.
  4. The mystery location isn't a mystery area. Douglas County has had an infrastructure program building to it since around 2000. They spent the money to get people who's sole focus was drawing in grants along with state and federal "buy ins" on projects. A lot of the Counties money went into it too. They had to do it with enough vision to minimize the impact of having to retrofit as they built to account for technological advancement. Could we do this? Absolutely. But, and it's a huge but, there's been so much failure/controversy/suspicious dealings with what's been tried here and the directi
  5. Overscene at the grocery store. A proud mother with a bouquet of balloons proudly trumpeting "Class of 2017". All the time looking absolutely lost walking down the isle until she brightened and I heard her say"that's it". She reached up and took down a 6 pack of "Mike's Hard Soda". Odds say it won't be her kid, but tomorrow when the annual tragic stories are running on the news, I won't be able to help but think to myself that it probably seemed like a good idea at the time.
  6. All I know is there was a fella on the radio singin' about how they make the rockin' world go 'round.
  7. Friday is 87 and sunny, Your destination, you lead, just wanna put it on autopilot and let the wind clear my mind. Anybody? Hell, I'll buy gas for everybody and anybody.
  8. Somebody you may or may not be aware of. If your not, you should be. Appropriate for today. For my bud.
  9. This is for me. It's long and it's sad and you shouldn't read it. This one hit close to home when I realized that Eddie probably won't be memorialized anywhere else in the world, if I don't do it here. His family isn't sure if there will be a service, Eddie didn't have many friends you see. That's what comes so close to home, 'cause Eddie was a lot like me. There's no way I could tell you when our paths crossed for the first time. Eddie was just another face in the crowd. It was a face that would become a little more familiar than the rest. Actually that's not true. I knew Eddie mostly
  10. Less deep......but paddlin' WAY harder https://youtu.be/RKJzpugwwW4
  11. Using the day of dampness to catch up on odds and ends with music streaming thru the house. Decided that today I needed something with a little depth to it. Settled on several names and went thru some with each. Morrison, Dylan, CSTN&Y on up thru today, I just believe there's only one. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't care if you listen to EDM or hard core hip hop, metal, it doesn't matter, sit and actually listen to this without something running up your spine, you have to be a little dead inside. I give you the Man in Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt1Pwfnh5pc
  12. Rockin' East Point and surrounding environs since Moby Dick was a minnow.
  13. Happy to hear it. The cat that adopted me was great for about a month and a half. Petting and loving it up, everything was just fine. Then over the course of a few days the wildness took back over. I reached down to pet it just like always and it wrapped up on my hand and arm, really tore me up to the elbow, then (I swear it was in slow motion, least that's how I saw it) still with every claw in me as deep as possible, it bit into the end of my thumb as far as the fangs would go, and wripped out a hunk of flesh and for all intents, ate it.Our relationship has soured.
  14. You are not an enemy. You are a conservative that is left with an indefensible choice. If the other side had won, then at some point they would have been left defending the indefensible. Grant you most likely not in the first 4 months. I believe that all to be a product of hubris on both sides, but that would take a big old rant to explain. That being said, you are also not the person running the country who has now openly stated that he considers other Americans to be his "enemies". Not opponents, not loyal opposition, not even a bunch of morons who have to be dragged kicking and screaming d
  15. When I was little I got into a some trouble with my best friend who lived next door. After getting caught my argument to my mother was that Billy did it first. She broke a switch on me.
  16. There was a press conference in the White House today with the President's of the U.S. and Columbia. There were reporters in attendance from both hemispheres. Those media personnel with all there support and equipment had to represent several hundred thousand dollars of cost to their various employers. Not to mention that in all of the upheaval going on today, I've not heard a single mention of it anywhere on any media platform, but..... Today, The President of the United States, while answering a question about the firing of the head of the law enforcement bureau investigating possible cr
  17. They played at Harley of Atlanta a few months ago and they were absolutely crankin'.
  18. One of the best times I ever had in my life was a block party with Mothers Finest at an intersection behind the bars on Peachtree in Buckhead low those many years ago. Went with a bunch of friends and my girlfriend, found more of our friends already there, made a bunch of new friends while we were there, danced on a dumpster, there was some degree of nakedness involved on behalf of several parties, came home with no girlfriend, didn't give a damn. I can't do it like that anymore and the band don't go as long as they did back then, but go see this thing y'all. It's a big time still. Even if
  19. Turns out it might have been Google. It all started after an update. What I eventually found was the only way to get chrome to run my outlook email was to delete every way I had to get in previously and every other way i had tried to get in, install an app specifically from the chrome app store that was an outlook account creator, that let me install another app that is a multi email account controller with ads presented as a toolbar. Revenue enhancement.
  20. Whatever it is, my chrome system won't run my Outlook e-mail anymore. Can't find any setting issue, uninstalled and reinstalled Outlook as an app, tried going in straight through the browser. Still works fine with Android. I don't get it.
  21. Meth and or heroin, betcha, betcha, betcha. That much history and he wasn't brand new to this. That means it probably wasn't a secret. Right there 2+2 now equals 5. Hmmmm.
  22. Probably this. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/chain-reaction-crash-sends-jeep-into-house/521532576
  23. Respect ya and all man....but step back from that for a second a read it cold like I just did. The first two things that popped in my head were the word "yet" and the name Gotti. I guess the Gotti part might have come from the word "youse". Seriously doubting you would ever see it used on a President, but it only takes one recorded wayward utterance to find yourself all wound up in RICO with the folks they actually do have something on. Which one you reckon would be slicker about making sure he never got taped saying something wrong? The "Teflon Don" or the old cat handler?
  24. Old boy shoulda done been fired simply because he really sucked at his job. It would have been better if he'd been fired while investigating ANYTHING else. You start firing the folks that are investigating you and a few weeks later you're on TV telling us all that you are not a crook. [Double Peace Signs with a jowl shake]
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