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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. Sub Station II (there was no sub station I) Foot long steak and cheese with mushrooms and onions, thank you Steve.
  2. One I'm not saying. And two this is what I expected. The ultimate reason why any of y'all that care to put in the time to read along are going to take the ride with me. This ain't just me. This is what the county forced on us when this sort of thing was made criminal instead of civil. Now they get to know exactly who is to blame (in their minds) for their troubles. Then they have all the time that the process takes to address their displeasure. Yes, the county has more tools to deal with it this way, but somebody has to pay the freight for those tools. Now that is the complainant. There will
  3. Update: 8/25/17-First contact with Marshalls Office. Form submitted. Follow up visit to my house by an officer same day. 9/3/17 - First contact with a person from subject property. (Not first ever, first in this sequence) I said I'd document everything, so in the interest of doing so in a contemporaneous manner, yes this is intended as a contemporaneous documentation just so I'm clear, here goes. Went to wash one of my bikes, as I pulled around to the back of the house and the instant I shut the motor off I hear "Hey man", before I can answer it came again "Hey man", kind of insistent
  4. yep That's when they had the mile long isles. One of the most embarrassing moments of my life happened in one of'em, that's why I remember the length. Scarred I'm telling ya, scarred for life.
  5. SR41 across from the cemetery and Dobbins. I remember they had isles that ran from the front of the store to the back wall that seemed a mile long. Can't remember the name to save my life.
  6. The worst chocolate ever put out by nestle. The aftertaste couldn't even be brushed away. Maybe it was the combination of the low end chocolate and raisins, but lord it was bad. One of my earliest memories is biting into one of those.
  7. Yeah, best I could tell it worked that way for chrome, but wouldn't work with android. I was using my phone to post and had problems, but when I went back in with the chromebook I could click on the link and get to the pic. That was after they just stopped showing up as part of the post. It was weird. It worked both ways at first and then just blew up. Like photobucket was catching up to the accounts as they were used.Best part was after the discussion on photobucket I just tried putting in a link to where my photos auto backup. Went right back in to see if the link actually worked, and it did
  8. All right then. To heck with photobucket. The pile as of 9/1. https://i.imgur.com/5sUkFjO.jpg The beginning of the wood and brush section. https://i.imgur.com/Qm8jdAC.jpg Just to prove I ain't been lieing, boat bow. https://i.imgur.com/IN6852q.jpg Let's see if those work.
  9. Hmmm, works when I click on it, I don't know what I'm doing. Maybe using the wrong link. But it looks like photobucket may not do this for free anymore. Here's another link to the last one. Maybe it'll work. Yeah, think I got it. Boat Bow.
  10. Update: 8/25/17-First contact with Marshalls Office. Form submitted. Follow up visit to my house by an officer same day. I have no idea what he looked at while he was here or if he went next door at all. The only new info he added was when I got to the part about people living in the yard. He said "There probably is." I think he followed with "That would be planning and development." Not sure about the department name he used. I neglected to ask him if that was something I had to initiate. But their web page says that part of their duties are to work with other county departments so we'll se
  11. The infrastructure for that is run down to Riverside. Most likely place. Otherwise they'd have to tear up thru intown to run it the shortest distance from the hub or the expense of going on down I-20 to SR 5 and up.
  12. Found this on road construction that fits your location. Nothing about development, just the road work. http://www.mdjonline.com/neighbor_newspapers/west_georgia/work-nearing-to-add-turn-lanes-to-congested-douglasville-highway/article_7acca178-efd5-11e6-b085-6f944fa786df.html
  13. I've seen you say similar before. You're kind of the one who inspired this going up. I intend to document every step, change, interaction, problem and/or achievement throughout the whole process right here with pictures for all to see. There is no denying that what is there is a violation, hell, several. The sheriffs office is putting pressure on the same location. If the Marshall's Office can't do anything with this in a reasonable length of time, then you'll be proven right. (reasonable is subjective, I get it) I'm not going to let it go. No names, addresses, or pictures showing anything i
  14. I started blocking it with buildings and letting the scrub trees grow when the boat first appeared years ago. It won't be in my face all the time until the leaves are down. Ans then only from the back yard. By the way, the boat is in frame of the picture. It will be when I post the next pics the first of the month too. See it yet?
  15. With the hurricane in Texas and the "storms" in Washington, it would be easy to miss this lite tidbit. Most likely the next big story in a month or two. New Hamas leader says relations with Iran have been restored: https://apnews.com/0427f88fe857479caa633fad5683aa96 Shared via AP Mobile. Download the app now: iOS - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ap-mobile/id284901416?mt=8 Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mnn.Android&referrer=utm_source=share_item&utm_medium=copy_to_clipboard
  16. Everything is subjective. While the whole experience thing is possibly an issue of clashing personalities (the owner is definitely an alpha) the knock on the chili was dead on. It might be excellent in a bowl served as a soup, but it has no place whatsoever on a dog or a burger. There is no one on here that loves a chili dog more than me, this is one of the two closest places to get one and I won't go back. That said, his breakfast may be excellent,I haven't tried it. The dogs and burgers would probably be good too without the chili, but I can't deal with the soup.
  17. http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh591/bluntrama2/Mobile%20Uploads/0825171234_zpscjlcrqjm.jpg Preview. As of 2 days ago.
  18. One more little detail. The form you have to submit either electronically or in person has a box next to your signature. (By the way, if your using Chrome don't bother with the online form, it won't work) The online form says that checking that box is an agreement by you to let the marshalls onto YOUR property. And of course there's leagal stuff below that I'll let you go read for yourself, but it basically puts you on the hook for anything on your property that they see before they will even address your complaint. Anyway, since I had to drop mine off in person there was interaction with th
  19. So yesterday I overslept. Happens every once in a while and it really doesn't matter. It's even nice to wake up totally rested and ready for the day. Got my coffee together and my eyes good and open. Feeling wonderful about life in general I open the blinds and as the front yard is revealed and the daylight streams in what do I see? Not one but TWO sherrif's cars in my yard. Now you might think that something like that could throw a fellow off for a second, but this ain't the first time something like that has happened. It ain't the second time either if you get my drift. So I get my coffee a
  20. They probably weren't open yet but http://ga.healthinspections.us/georgia/history.cfm?id=7958920&inspID=50080074&county=Paulding There's a phone number for a Hungry House Cafe in Dallas, no web page I can find.
  21. Went to a 5 day school there in 92 or 93 when the State still ran the whole place. Stayed there at the lodge. It was pretty nice. The deer where a trip, especially the 3 legged one. No fear of you, your car, nothing. Started snowing the morning we were leaving and got to drive out in the snow as it picked up, really pretty.
  22. As a native mabletonian, mabletonite, whatever......I can tell you that we've always thought of ourselves as being from a part of the body that's lower and more to the rear.
  23. Candidate for a future face tattoo. I'd go with something tribal....it'll set off his eyes.
  24. Can't speak about the pain of a growth, but if it's worse than the pain of a bulge working on that nerve, lord bless her. Hope it works.
  25. If you're going to quote me and then go on a 1000 word rant at least address the quote.
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