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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. et·i·quette ˈedəkət,ˈedəˌket/ noun the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. synonyms: protocol, manners, accepted behavior, rules of conduct, decorum, good form Since we're talking Wal-Mart, I thought it best to include the definition. To folks in general, and especially to that fine group of "ladies" (we're talking grown ass women) that were about 3 lateral isles from me but on the same longitudinal isle yesterday afternoon. Two things. First, I can see you just like you see me. Second, those
  2. Making 'em and making 'em good are two different things. I have followed that exact recipe to the best of my ability several dozen times. Only a handful of times did the majority of them (all the way up to everything but one bite) not go in the trash. Making really good biscuits is like making really good music, at its very best its like magic. If you can, I consider your magical, ma'am. Like I said, they've led to marriages and caused divorce. Hey......there's my new pick up line. "If you gots good biscuits, I gots good gravy." Readin' that back I think I understand why my lines never
  3. We, sir, have found a point of disagreement. I can make gravy that will make you look funny at your wife AND ya mama trying to figure out why they don't love you enough to make that kind of gravy for ya. Every biscuit I've ever tried to make from scratch has been nearly inedible, recipe or not,. If you find someone that makes really good biscuits (and if your pancreas still functions properly) hang on tight, 'cause biscuiting like pimpin', ain't neither one easy.
  4. The upside is by the time they bring back polio I won't have to worry about it anymore.
  5. First off, god love your granny. Mine did the same.Second, ease up on Pillsbury. 'Cause if you'll amble over to the freezer section, you will find the closest thing to grannies biscuits that man mass produces. With Pillsbury right across the top of the bag. Lord I miss those.
  6. Just now watching it. These folks haven't run out of ideas, but they've apparently run out of good ones.
  7. That light, fluffy, near confection that has ushered from southern kitchens since the first wood stove crossed the border. It has fed generations of my poor white trash ancestors three meals a day and helped them and their contemporaries build a way of life. It's led to marriages, and it's caused divorce. At it's finest, it nearly, inexplicably, seems to almost dissolve on the tongue. Turning to nothing but a pure buttery taste without ever having split it to put any on. Alone or combined with a perfectly cooked, crisp but not burnt sausage patty or, lord in heaven, (in past found memory) a p
  8. Yeah, that didn't help. I wasn't talking about the reporting in your posts or the others. There are things that aren't making sense because folks ain't telling the whole truth, just their favorite parts of it.
  9. I can count about 4 different things in that article that make absolutely no sense. About that man more things from the other posts as well. There's C.Y.A.'ing going on all around. Family and police.
  10. Not a liberal, not a cop hater, also not blind enough to believe that all interactions with the authorities are a positive one. Work around them as a peer for any length of time and you'll see the good, the bad and the vast majority somewhere in the middle. Because they're human. The problem is that in their case the "bad" are armed with the same weapons and authority as the "good". Also, the "thin blue line" is a real mental state which sometimes causes the "good" to overlook some of the "bad". That's what my 57+ years of experience tells me. I will be willing to opt out of the 911 system
  11. "Bob Seger postpones tour due to medical reasons." AJC 10/3/17 "Willie Nelson looks like hell." Me 5 minutes ago
  12. So she's been a part of my life now for a couple of three months. More and more I find little experiments to do with her. One that came to mind lately was to ask "Alexa, define misanthrope.", and she did. Then I asked "Alexa, are you a misanthrope?" and she said "Hmm, I'm not sure about that. Now I'm a little afraid to go to sleep. If that cylinder moves, its going in the trash.
  13. Well there's a huge (get it....huge) surprise. Tom Price is a little bit crooked. He was a little bit crooked BEFORE you hired him. He was still a little bit crooked WHEN, you hired him. He'll probably have to be buried in a curved coffin 'cause he'll be a little bit crooked THEN. It's his nature. Why would you fire a spider for biting you. Train your damn spiders!
  14. No sex, no drugs..........tell me........how do you feel about a syncopated backbeat?
  15. The deepest, darkest, most soul chilling black they can find (notkiddinalick). Still, congratulations.
  16. You're in luck. A lady sat down next to me at the bar the other day. She said she'd do anything for $200. Painting oughta be a cinch. I'll see if I can find her number.
  17. Ohhhhhhhhhh. Well, go get yourself a nice lunch. One should always be treated to a nice meal as a minimum before what is about to happen.
  18. 6ft. siphoning hose 7.98 5 gal can 7.88 Piece of mind - priceless
  19. Doing some math. If your tank holds 20 gallons and was half empty, then you added 10 gallons of 70% to 10 gallons of 10% giving you an average of 40%. I wouldn't run anything over 25% and that's pushing it. If it were me I'd get a couple of 5 gallon cans and a siphoning hose, get those full and run it down to one of the stations around here that sells non ethanol and top it off. Your probably "thrifty" if that's how you got into this. Be prepared for sticker shock on the per gallon price of the non ethanol. Plus you'll have to do it again when you add back the siphoned gas. Or just take a sh
  20. Just out of curiosity, where in the world did you even get 70% ethanol gas? That's a winter blend for e85 flex fuel vehicles. Yes it will tear your engine a new one. If you have a newer car, the computer won't be able to cope with it.
  21. Crime has always paid. That's why folks have been do'in it for a livin' since the first apple thief.
  22. The first add for Christmas music. Tickets for the Trans Siberian Orchestra
  23. Saw the movie poster their using for right now. Had Jamie Lee front and center. Lord have mercy......that's all I got to say............Lord have mercy.
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