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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Agree, I did listen to my teachers, however, was more afraid of my momma than anyone else.
  2. Yep, it was also in the AJC, the GSP flat denies there is going to be any kind of ticket frenzy.
  3. It says on the activation card that for continous service, when you renew the 30 day you lose any remaining min.
  4. Does everything work on this car, like heat and air, radio........?
  5. Was that just campaign speak..........Don't trust anything thay say, make promises thay can't keep .......
  6. I have my own sales tax holiday every week. I pick one day a week that I don't buy anything....No sales tax that day !!
  7. When I read the topic title the first thing that came to mind was......Get Married, but that only works if you're a "Her".
  8. That is kinda funny when you think about it...
  9. I agree that most cops are good and you are so correct about having the cop at my door vs a thug. I ust like a little praise thrown their way to let them know we do appreciate what they do.
  10. You know what's funny is that AE can post the bad cop crap and get a lot of hits, but someone else post some GOOD cop stuff and there's almost nothing.....
  11. Are they accepting applications for Referee or umpire??
  12. I agree, eym_sirius Just doesn't like Sarah, or consertives.
  13. Hate subdivision with covenants, just gives you something to bitch about, do they tell you when and how often you can use the bathroom. Oh, and no clothesline, fence..yada, yada, yada, and don't forget to salute the fuhrer......
  14. Get a life !!! Maybe the next time they will just lock your A$$ up for good and you can tell your bunk mate how innocent you are.........
  15. Can't, he/she has had a real up close and personal relationship with the Law Enforcement folks........and he/she lost...
  16. Don't know how to answer that one, but I do know that we'll be praying for you, we may be seeing a real change in your attitude here on pcom....
  17. I've often wondered about someone coming into our little church during service and commit a robbery, would be easy pickens, and with the way things are today it would not surprise me. People do desperate things when they are desperate.
  18. You got that right, my Momma would whip me every morning so just in case I screwed up during the day
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