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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. BS, the poster is too busy digging up dirt, or celebrating the release....
  2. The "Forever Brothers" thank you for your service and pray for you and your family.
  3. Another post from the world famous Cop Hater.
  4. Would of been nice if they would have changed the message on the answering machine to reflect that they would be closed all week.....
  5. Both out of a job, however, Evans got a little better bonus.
  6. Gotta Love IT !! I was thinking the same thing.
  7. Care to try and find something else to shove at us Repubs........
  8. The bad part is yet to come...Tiger Woods comes to mind...another nasty divorce, what an AH!!
  9. All this talk about Whipped Cream or Cool Whip kinda gets you excited don't it......
  10. Yep, There was a 10 min wait when you call, but looks like it's back.
  11. Agree with that. It was a beautiful home, just didn't seem like the right location IMO.
  12. You really don't see the difference, really ??? Come now, the government screwa up everything it touches, remember the cash for clunkers thingy, they made a complete mess of that along with, oh, social security, Fanny and Freddy, yada,yada,yada, and you want them to control your health....WOW !!
  13. Bo's got some good eats, don't want a steady diet of it though.
  14. I was thinking yellow jackets, I normally followed the gasoline with a match and hear it go poof followed by the snap, crackle, and pop of the YJ's.
  15. Where's Angel Eyes.....for SA remark. PCSO...
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