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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Sorry you have a disability.
  2. Yeah and what was the cost of that "jam up and jelly tight" (love that).. Never mind, I clicked the link. That is cheap !!
  3. Can't wait !! Wish the Gen all the best and will be looking for his book....
  4. My hope is that McChrystal told the POS obama to stuff it..I Quit. He departed the WH before the war planning meeting, good indication that he either resigned or was fired.
  5. Because of your post on the McCrystal thread.........
  6. Rather than the dumb POS on the left........smart man that McCrystal..
  7. Take this job and shove it !!! Yeah for McCrystal.. Obama is a complete idiot, soon to be below Carter in the Gallup pole...
  8. Yep, got mine today, fair market dropped 30K, assessed dropped 12K from last year...
  9. Those that have had past encounters with Law enforcement don't.....be sure to give them a call when you need help...DA
  10. Probably wasn't too funny to them....
  11. Wouldn't that be a kick in the butt, I mean Pocket book, when he does show....
  12. Dang, where was Jesse and Al when all this was going on, it just had to be the deputies fault...
  13. Well, You sure sound like you have a lot of credility and people should really listen to what you have to say...
  14. The JUDGE wasn't there when the cop was being attacked, so what's supposed to do, stand there and let some dumbA$$ beat on him, you need to get that Angledust out of your eyes......
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