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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Hold on, wasn't George put back in jail because the court found out that he lied about being broke? How is that unrelated?
  2. That's the stuff that will eat you alive. Me? I'd let it go. It's done and nobody's mind is changing. Let it go.
  3. They have both been brought up on charges.....what's your point?
  4. Good luck getting someone from Decatur come out here. It has always been frustrating to me. To me, if they are willing to go to Alpharetta, they should be willing to come out this way. My list of workmen is very, very long with a bunch of cross outs! :angry:
  5. See....I am assuming it happened a long time ago and perhaps it's time you cut it loose. Not that it was right but if she was the only one who saw it then SHE can live with it. You can't let other peoples actions, or inactions, affect you to the point that you just boil up.
  6. I'd say the manufactured. They take quartz and mix it with some kind of poly stuff (excuse the ignorance) and make it into a solid surface. The slab quartz, from what I looked at anyway is a rock slab, very expensive. Anyway, if it's the manufactured quartz (like zodiac) try lowes. They did our's and were very professional.
  7. Your MIL walked in to see her daughter being molested and did nothing?
  8. I think this is outside the system. I wish the man the best of luck. Can you imagine walking in on seeing your baby daughter being molested? I can't, I'd lose my freaking mind.
  9. Do you mean the manufactured quartz or the slab quartz?
  10. Sounds like Florida properties, like Georgia properties are being bought up by investors. Sorry to say this but it sounds to me that money talks AGAIN. Good luck. I don't know what to tell you about getting around that issue.
  11. I have to be honest....never have seen a turtle on top of a fence post. I've driven a good bit in the country too.
  12. Kinda makes you want to move to a state that appreciates educators huh?
  13. K, that's a new one on me....what on earth is post turtle?
  14. Last I checked Hussein isn't the President of the offenders country.
  15. That was very nice of you. I haven't forgotten your off the cuff post to me, but that offer was nice of you. We'll get to that post at one time or other.
  16. I've heard of this situation going on. Seriously, it happened to a guy friend of mine...his wife turned out to be a real piece of work. Thought nothing of bringing a lot of misery down around her families heads...turns out, it was ALL about her.
  17. I would call my insurance company and ask them to assist me in getting this settled. For the amount we pay for insurance, they should be willing to help us.
  18. Here you go, you bunch of freaks! http://www.ehow.com/list_6461601_duties-coroner.html
  19. Ohhhhh....get outta here!
  20. I didn't see the lights that your Mom saw but I wanted to chime in to say that I've seen strange or not easily recognized lights out here a good bit. White and colored lights. When I see them, it just stops me in my tracts.
  21. What is MY excuse? Sorry, you have me confused with a union leader. I believe unions have their place but I am far from pro union all the time. What I was saying is that it wasn't just the unions that brought down the steel industry. Corporate greed also had lots to do with it. I'll tell you this, when I need an electrician I want to know that that person knows what the heck he/she is doing. THAT union gives me a comfort level.
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