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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. How nice of you OP to put this information on the Internet. Sorry but I'm a bit amazed at your mean spirit. What happened? Did this kid beat out your kid for the promotion?
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I quit buying any food, pet or human, that has ANYTHING to do with China.
  3. Geeze...what size shoe do you think she wears?
  4. I took my sister and nephew once. It was fun but the prices of the food and drinks were so outrageous that RIP OFF was my take on the whole day.
  5. Thanks CreativeOne, I'm sure you guys are getting tired of my iPad error posts.
  6. This iPad! I gave a post a negative and I meant to give it a positive. Sorry about that! It was MRNN's post
  7. I'm so sorry! I'm with everyone else, get an attorney ASAP! Sometimes you have to force people to do the right thing. Good luck.
  8. I think Coots lake is great for family and kids. Check it out sometime.
  9. I get what you are saying and that's why I asked folks for their recommendations. The bonefish bang, bang shrimp for 5.00 is pretty hard to resist through.
  10. Makes you wonder how many others there are huh?
  11. You are soooo bad, however, you crack me up!
  12. With my vehicle, I real glad to see the drop.
  13. Yes, so I guess everyone is an idiot except those that disagree that it's a cut and dried case. I'll wait for the courts to reach a conclusion as to what happened that night. Unlike BS who thinks that anyone who believes in due process is an idiot.
  14. We must watch the same news report cause I heard the same thing on last nights news.
  15. Yeah, why are you arguing with us idiots? You should be arguing with the state of Florida who charged Zimmerman with 2nd degree murder. THOSE are the idiots you should be arguing with.
  16. Neat! It's so good to see parents involved and so proud!
  17. I think we will the night after the Ritz!
  18. I don't think anyone has said that Trayvon was sweet or innocent. What people are saying is he is dead.
  19. Why are people upset with the kid? It had to be the parents who thought up and funded his fight. If you thought your kid was being treated unfairly and you had the way and means to fight it, wouldn't you?
  20. Yes! We have been there and we will be going back! Thanks! Thanks MrsB! Hummmmm, Italian! Thanks! Thank you! We will have a blast, we always do. Thanks!
  21. Tax records? The info is available on line. Do you want to buy it?
  22. Thanks. We will look the Back Porch up. I would like to explore the area. Surely there are great places on the back roads huh?
  23. The Bang Bang is awesome isn't it? We will be there for a Wednesday too! The cocktails are over the top too. Soooo good!
  24. Well.....it's that time again, girls trip to the beach! Now, on to the important stuff....like food! We will go to bone fish (so good) does anyone else have suggestions for other places? Drive ins, Diners or Dives....it doesn't matter.
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