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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Not for nothing but ABC devoted like three hours to this stunt. All I ever hear about is how expensive TV time is. I just wonder.....
  2. I was just going to post about this.....the falls look truly awesome. He has a safety line on.....it doesn't fit into the true dare devil thing in my head. But, then again, I would hate to see an accident. It's pretty cool.
  3. I love Charleston.....when its cool enough to get outside and walk. Exploring this town was a lot of fun and there are some great restaurants. BUT in the heat of the day, it's pretty miserable. Maybe you can consider Tybee, it's close.
  4. I've found that inspectors, particularly county inspectors, are questionable at best. This happened in our last house, in Cobb county. The master bath shower drained to directly under the house. The water came out of the shower head, we washed, the water went down the drain directly to the dirt under the house. The crawl space under the house had a huge tree which became a termite nest. Big bucks getting that cleared up. Yeah, I wasn't impressed. I was even less impressed when the realtor told me......"it would not have pased inspection"...really? It did....by a couple of peop
  5. With this group, evidently you don't have to look very hard. Your family must be so proud.
  6. I bet you would love coots lake. Nice family place.
  7. When you find out, please let me know cause I want to buy like 30 of them!
  8. You know, I hear about all these people who are just on their butts. I don't see them. What I see are lazy, good for nothing wastes. If you want to blame the government, have at it, I blame you for being such a low life, scum bag that you are not motiveated to get your crap together. If you are a person who has their act together then you will be OK because you will see to it. I'm tired of flat out losers crying and blaming their lazy asses on the government.
  9. A good friend of mine spent a good bit of her childhood there....she loved it
  10. K. Is this going to be a secondary home? Btw, it's the sounds and the smells that I like about the beach.
  11. I think it is a positive that you posted Jeff. See what you started CE?
  12. Hush you! What do you think about property by the beach? I'd rather be at the beach myself.
  13. I'm with you on the gator thing. As far as I know a number of the lakes in the state have 99 year leases. Is that what you're talking about?
  14. Like I said, I wish you all the luck in the world dealing with your demons.
  15. Thanks doll. How anyone could possibly come to the conclusion she did is beyond me. Truly. Anyway, the thread isnt about this and I wish her all the luck in the world.
  16. How DARE you? You're sick and need help. Really. It was NEVER my intention to belittle someone who is dealing with child abuse issues. What was my intention was to say that you can't let things fester inside you for decades. It will kill you. How you can say that I posted that child molestation is of no consequence is WAY beyond me. Don't you DARE put words into my mouth. Get some help cause you very obviously need it.
  17. I'm letting this go. You think whatever you want but anyone that reads the thread, and has some sense, knows what I was saying. You have a good day. Thanks Solo.
  18. Say what? That is NOT what I meant at all. And God helps me......all the time. You can apologize when you read the entire thread.
  19. Well then, I guess he's like anyone else would be...a rat in a trap and chewing your way out anyway it works. Old saying...desperate people do desperate things huh?
  20. I know. I wonder about the same things. This has nothing to do with the original charges. Guess we will see how it pans out.
  21. You're right. Stuff happens all the time. To be honest with all that was going on for him, who knows what the running tab at the website was? How would he have know? I'm assuming he did not have access to the Internet. You're very, very welcome Zoo!
  22. Hey, I wonder about your patience on this board a lot of times. Buts that's OK, you have your beliefs and you stand by them and I think that is very, very important. At least you're real.
  23. Agreed. But I think you are mistaken, the way I remember it was that the judge found out about the money that he did not declare and the passport thing was secondary. Either way they both lied about a couple of things......no?
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