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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. In your OP, you say the real problem is with the owners/managers. Unless they can be made to see the problem. Unless they can be made to see the problem, I don't think there is anything to be done. How do the parent's feel. Perhaps if the parents banded together to talk with the owners, they could come up with a solution.
  2. Is this just a day care, or is it supposed to be an educational facility?
  3. Defiantly dig out the contract. Maybe you can tell them (in writing) that if they pay the medical bills IN FULL, you'll reconsider contacting an attorney about suing them for breach of contract.
  4. I would send the employer a bill for the medical expenses. Is you husband still doing contract work for them? How is he billing them for his time?
  5. Yes, but how many people with pics from that specific game might not open the thread because it's not specific enough. Also - the game wasn't last night anymore.
  6. You should be setting the example. . . The title should be "Did anyone get any picks last night from the Raiders game?" I assume you want the folks to post them. If so, why didn't you ask? .
  7. What was the area code they gave you? If it was local, I wonder if they gave everyone 404 instead of 770 or 678? Try the other local Area Codes and see what happens.
  8. They have been for just over a week. They're broadcasting on both AM and FM.
  9. I've seen skinny folk to that too. Drives me crazy. Especially if they block the aisle and won't let anybody pass. One time I was sitting in a Wal*Mart parking lot and watched a lady come out with a very full buggy. As soon as she stopped by her vehicle, someone blocked the aisle waiting for the space. She took her time loading her stuff, walked the cart over to the cart spot, then went and got in the passenger side. This took a good 5 minutes. After about another minute, the waiting car finally went on. Someone about 3 cars back in the waiting line decided they were going to wait for
  10. If you have a dish installed, (Either DirecTv or Dish Network) it needs to point directly at the satellite. The installer will take care of that part, but you need to make sure they install the dish on an immovable object, like the house. Most folks I hear about having problems had it installed on something like a fence post or pole. The problem is if the wind picks up, the dish acts like a sail, causing the pole will twist and flex, which means the dish is swaying and not always pointing at the satellite. Be aware that a heavy rain will disrupt service, but unlike cable you don't ha
  11. Unlike mosques, none of these mega-churches are built on sites of Christian military victories.
  12. I thought it was also a community center. If so, I wonder if it will be open to the community, or to just Muslims from the community.
  13. There are countries where you will see few police, but a lot troops armed with assault rifles walking the streets.
  14. I agree on the 2 parts. Better if the first parts are taken up and redistributed so each student is working to derail someone else's attack. I'm wondering if such a thread here would fun and informative, or would it be in poor taste.
  15. Or read Tom Clancy: Nuke a Superbowl. Kamikaze a 747 into a joint session of Congress. Release ebola into the air at trade shows. Send gunmen into shopping malls.
  16. How about teaching about preventative measures? Or maybe teaching them not to go through life with blinders on? Somebody has to do it. In real life, we have people paid to come up with these scenarios, then come up with ways to circumvent them.
  17. I think you missed that this was a theoretical assignment (on paper) and not a practical one. No actual WMD's needed.
  18. Let me point out first that this was in Australia, not the United States. Click on title for complete article. How would you feel if your high school-er came home with this assignment? My initial reaction when I saw the article was outrage, but if you think about it, it is a exercise that shows how easy it would be to disrupt society. BTW - I think those who would actually do it wouldn't need an assignment - they can come up with enough ideas on their own (or from fiction). What do y'all think?
  19. I think I'll pass on this one, but I wonder if they're looking for skinny models or average and plus sized people? Which kind would more likely be a member of one of these 'communes?'
  20. It looks like they're circumventing the FDA approval process by selling it as a dietary supplement. I hope it works and the bacteria they use don't cause other problems in their patients.
  21. If you're posting something for sale (or to give away) you'll probably get more serious responses if you add the location of the county you're in. I know I'll ignore most of these unless there is something I really want if there is no general location. If I knew up front it's within a few miles, I'd be more interested. Why? I'm in East Paulding. In the past, I've inquired about things I was really interested in, only to find out it's in South Paulding or Yorkville. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't usually have the time to travel that far. In the end, it only wasted my ti
  22. It does indeed look like they are pre-made, which makes this very poor, almost misleading reporting. The headlines should not read Deli meat recalled, but rather pre-made sandwiches recalled. A lot fewer people buy the pre-made sandwiches than the deli meat, and they probably won't think the recall is directed at them when they hear it, because as far as they're concerned, they haven't bought deli meat. What are you doing to make sure your hens don't pick up salmonella?
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