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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. First - don't quit. But let me ask this - why did you chose the major you did? Having been a programmer for 30 years, my experience is some come by it naturally and others don't. In fact, some never "get it" because their minds aren't 'wired' for the thought process required for programming and even though they get their diploma, they only cause aggravation for themselves in others in the workforce. I'm not saying you fall into this category, but I suggest that you finish this quarter/semester but if you continue having difficulties with programming, you might be better off in t
  2. A short while ago, we found a clicker for a car on the silver comet trail near the 92 overpass. It was square with 4 buttons but no keys. I tried when we got back to the parking lot, but didn't appear to be for any of the cars in the Hiram lot, so we left it at the fire station. If you know of anyone who lost one, tell them they can find it at the Hiram fire station.
  3. Just wait until Cuddy's mother shows up in January.
  4. The question is - are they going to open one of these temporary stores in Paulding or do they think we will go to the mall to shop at one of their stores?
  5. It's still showing at the AMC off Barrett Parkway.
  6. They selected the extras a month or two ago. They keep the publicity low key because it is not a spectator oriented event and they DO NOT want the problem hundreds or thousands of people coming to watch would cause. It would probably be the last movie your home town would be involved with. This is the second recent filming in the area - a year or so ago they were filming Get Low at Pickets Mill.
  7. That's the reason I have dish. When I had comcast, it would go out during any kind of inclement weather and we had to call and wait until they got around to fixing things. With dish, it comes right back as soon as the downpour lets up.
  8. Maybe the OP can change the title to prevent panic. . .
  9. This season's storyline is some really radical middle-easterners are planning on bombing their new mega-mosque with an eye to placing the blame on American Christians. They want it as an excuse to get their less radical brethren involved in the fight against the US. Jack is ordered by the president to infiltrate the group and stop the plan in less than 24 hours without killing or offending anyone involved.
  10. A lot of folks don't like unauthorized use of their bandwidth. If they're heavy users, you might notice a reduction in speed.
  11. I just did some checking on the Verizon femetocell. First, it looks like there is little security, so anybody with Verizon within range will be using it. If you're tech savy, you might be able to prioritize phone numbers, but there doesn't seem to be a way to keep the neighbor's phones from automatically using it. That means they will be using a part of your internet connection. Second, it looks like their version does not support G3 or data, so you you or your family are into sending a lot of texts or other data, it won't help with that. Finally, I couldn't find any indication that yo
  12. I have an AT&T Micro cell. It works as advertised. I can set it up to allow up to 10 AT&T numbers. They work by sending the calls over the internet, so you need good broadband for it to work. Check the conditions for the rebate. When I was first looking at it, I though I would be able to get a $100. rebate. Unfortunately that was only if I sighed up for the unlimited plan, which was $30.00 per month. No thanks, I have plenty of rollover minutes.
  13. Does anybody have updates on their opening?
  14. Tell them that one of the (many) signs that they are ready to be treated like an adult is being ready on time.
  15. They are not universal and can range in price from cheap to expensive. Measure the width of the opening, make a note of which side the door knob is on and go to Lowe's or Home Depot and look at their selection.
  16. Charleston and Port Canaveral are also within driving distance. If you're interested in the beaches, make sure you consider the time of day the stop is, and how far the beach is from the dock. One example - some stops you get in at 7:00 am and leave at 3:00. They usually want you back on board an hour early. If it takes an hour to get to/from to the beach, you won't be spending as much time as you want.
  17. I wonder how much of this was actually invented by NASA, and how much was developed by it's contractors. How have the contracts been written as far as ownership of the inventions go?
  18. What makes you think it was motor oil. Where did you get the pot? Can you ask them and find out for sure?
  19. Is that property big enough for a Kroger shopping center? And isn't it a little close to Crossroads?
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