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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I asked earlier - If terrorists blew up malls and shopping centers, would the same folks that are OK with this also be OK with the same security procedures to go shopping? In fact, it would be a lot easier and a lot more effective for them to attack some malls and shopping centers on the day before Thanksgiving. Can you imagine the fear of folks trying to decide to do their black Friday shopping? If they were able to set another off on Friday, it would all but shut down the Christmas shopping season. That would be a lot more damage than blowing up an airliner.
  2. Be prepared for an intimate encounter with a TSA agent. If picked, you will have to either undergo the radiation and let them see you naked, or feel you up in a manner only appropriate for your significant other. They started this new policy at the first of this month and there have already been many reports posted of abuse in the name of security at the hands of TSA agents. He was told he had to leave, and escorted back to the ticket counter. A few minutes later, the same people came back and told him if he left, he could be fined $10,000.
  3. There are a lot of youtube videos by different people. Among them is a live recording of an incident where the man refused to have his privates fondled by TSA. Another is a report from a woman who flew the first week of nov and the TSA insisted on doing an 'enhanced patdown' (i.e. groin check) of her 8 yo and preschool daughters. Another woman claimed she was handcuffed to a chair because she refused the invasive pat down. There are a lot more videos, blogs and stories along this line. One or two might be written off as not credible or someone seeking to cause trouble. When you
  4. Think again. The video was made on Saturday, Nov 13th. This thread was started on the 12th. Reports were rampant long before that video was posted. In fact, it was because of those claims that he turned his cell phone camera on.
  5. You need one more question - "I've flown since Nov 1st when the new procedures were put in place."
  6. Where do you get that these aren't "new" The enhanced pat downs are indeed new. From CBS dated Nov 15: This isn't one or two people looking for their 15 minutes. Reports are rampant on the internet about abuse by the TSA goons. The biggest problem is it's already been shown the bad guys are at least a step ahead on this.
  7. OK - if folks haven't been trying to bring bombs on board in the US, and the old methods protected against box cutters, etc. what new things are these naked scanners and molestation pat-downs protecting us against?
  8. It looks like the $1000.00 is the and fees the student pays. The taxpayer is on the hook for the rest, which can go to $100,000.00 or more for room and board and tuition.
  9. When was the last time we heard about someone trying to board a plane in the US with a bomb?
  10. From over a year ago. These new procedures won't catch someone like this: Al Qaeda Bombers Learn from Drug Smugglers
  11. Imagine the poor TSA drones standing near one of those machines for 8 hours a day every day. Do they know it won't be too long before they start glowing in the dark and growing an extra eye?
  12. What if terrorists blew up bombs in a number of malls and shopping centers on Black Friday. Would those who think it's no big deal be willing to go through the same type of security to go shopping? After all, it's making things safer for everyone.
  13. This one is probably more than just the economy. They have 3 or 4 direct competitors, and all it takes is one or two bad management decisions to put a company under. It's been a few years since I was in a Mrs. Winners and I don't remember the details, but I do remember not being happy with the choices. The next time I wanted Fried chicken, I went to the Bo Jangles down the street. While Mrs. Winners has been closing stores, Bo Jangles has been opening new ones. What surprises me is that KFC is still around. One time a breast had obviously been cut in 2 so it could be 2 pieces instead
  14. One big flaw I've come up in reading these accounts. If one person puts up a fuss, it seems that most of the TSA agents focus on that person with other passengers getting minimal attention as they pass through. All a group of bad guys would need to do is have one of their party put up a big fuss to distract the TSA agents and they'd easily pass through with their underwear bombs. -- If these screenings weren't such a big deal like some claim, the Pilots and other related unions wouldn't be putting up such a fuss.
  15. Shortly after the shoe bomber, everyone has to take off their shoes. Within a year of the underwear bomber, folks are subjected to x-rays and having their genitals groped. I've read a number of people, including Ralph Nader saying that the next place to hide explosives will be in their own body. The first time they try, what do you think will happen? from Airport 'pat-downs' cause growing passenger backlash
  16. A woman having her breasts squeezed and twisted and her genitals pawed in the name of 'security' is acceptable? It's not always women doing the checking either. What happens when a terrorist puts explosives in their body cavities? Neither the naked scan nor the enhanced 'pat down' would catch this. Will you be willing to undergo a cavity search in the name of security?
  17. I wish I had seen this earlier. Look for this guy selling wood crafts. < - - - - - - - - Thank You. I hope the kids enjoy them.
  18. Still plenty of time to come. There are a lot of vendors both inside and outside!
  19. I'm heading there now. I hope to see many of y'all sometime today!
  20. You've been through it in the last 10 days? That's when the new enhanced pat down was implemented. If y'all are serious about this being necessary, you should be calling for full cavity searches because that is the obvious next place for terrorists to hide explosives.
  21. You're OK with TSA agents groping the genital areas of citizens, including children? I've not yet seen an answer to how this stops terrorism.
  22. Here's another: Rape Survivor Devastated by TSA Enhanced Pat Down
  23. If you come by and identify yourself, I'll give you a free holiday pin.
  24. From a post I made in the PF: If you're going to be flying in the near future, you need to be ready for this invasion of your privacy. It's either being seen naked or being groped. Pilot Rebellion: Pilots Refusing to Use Full Body Scanners or Submit to Patdown TSA accused of sexual molestation of passengers and pilots Prepare your kids too - You teach your kids that a Doctor is the only one allowed to touch their privates. The Government wants you to add TSA Agents to that list: Pilots and passengers rail at new airport patdowns Other countries have ruled that children and
  25. I was about to post the same suggestion.
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