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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Your business is different than most. How many times will the average person need a tux (or rent a suit) in a lifetime? Probably fewer than 5. To stay in business, you need to do what's necessary so when someone finds out they need to rent one, they automatically think of you.
  2. Never give the AJC your phone number it will take years to get them to stop calling. This includes the 'drawings' to win $100.00 they have set-up in the stores.
  3. We need to deal with the problem that obviously fake guns and even drawings of guns are treated as the real thing. A kindergartner is caught with a 3" plastic GI Joe gun in his pocket and he is treated as if he brought dad's 45. Or a grandma packs a small plastic butter knife in her daughter's lunch and she's expelled the same as if it were a 12 inch hunting knife. In other words, they've made the punishment for bringing in the real thing no different than the punishment for bringing in an obvious toy.
  4. I agree. I would love to frequent locally owned businesses, but it's difficult in today's world. Two of biggest thing the chains have over locally owned businesses are the hours they are open and their selection. One example - Before Home Depot, if you needed something from the hardware store or needed a part to fix something, you had better plan on being there before they closed. I remember more than once getting home from work, finding I needed something, driving to the store only to find they had closed at 6:00 or 7:00 (they closed different times during the week and I could never
  5. They're still building malls? I agree with mrnn, they are an outdated concept.
  6. Notifying folks sounds good on the surface, but the question is how would you have do so, and who should they notify? I don't know if they did or not, but the official way is to post a notice in the Dallas New Era which is where legal notices must be made. Anything else could easily cost a lot of time and money.
  7. Can you explain why this is such a hard and fast rule? Communities across the country do it all the time.
  8. According to many here, you CANNOT have a Halloween party on the 30th. The only valid day to celebrate it it the 31st.
  9. If it happens again, try bending your foot up towards your knee. It's supposed to help.
  10. In other words, if you aren't going to the parade, avoid the Hiram area AT ALL COSTS! I imagine before they're done, 92 will be backed up from Dallas Highway (120) on one end and to Ridge Road on the other. I don't even want to think what 278 and Carruth Pkwy will be like.
  11. It's not being downloaded FROM Comcast, but because Comcast is their connection to the internet, it's being downloaded via Comcast using Comcast's network connections. Comcast is limiting how much content is carried over their connections by each subscriber. If you have DSL, it's the same thing except you're using AT&T's network connections instead of Comcast. (And AT&T isn't placing a limit on the usage.)
  12. Fox can't afford to be totally dropped by Dish. If Fox is actually demanding a 50% increase in their fees, Dish needs to hold the line. But, if Dish allows Fox News and Fox 5 do be dropped for more than a few days, I will be moving to Uverse.
  13. I'm still glad they're holding out. If Fox doesn't want to budge and Dish were to cave in, the rest of the networks will follow suit with not only Dish but DirecTV and cable. In the meantime, Fox will be taking a hit in advertising revenues.
  14. I'm glad they're holding out. Why should Fox Sports be able to hold subscribers over a barrel? I don't want to be paying more for channels I won't be watching.
  15. And celebration picnics are held on the weekend before and after the 4th all the time.
  16. When I was little, we went when the township trustees said we should go. More than once, it was on a Saturday afternoon. If we went any other time, folks would not have given us anything. Not fussing at anyone . . . just saying some areas of the country do things differently.
  17. Many towns and counties across the country designate when 'beggers night' is, and the hours that are acceptable. When creeps come knocking on the door at 10:30 at night, I wish the Paulding Commission would set official beggars night hours. I wonder why so many believe that beggars night is a celebration of Halloween and can only be done on Oct 31. As far as the 4th of July, do you ever go to Independence Day picnics or watch fireworks on days before or after the 4th? Do you ever open Christmas presents before or after Christmas day?
  18. I was told there was a bus accident in the Power Mill subdivision. That's my daughters bus, but it happened before her stop so she wasn't on the bus. I do remember hearing sirens yesterday morning.
  19. Isn't a Licensed Massage Therapist a 'hands on' person?
  20. Probably not . . . But it's my son who is the 'hands on' person
  21. Many of the newer movies are not available for download, but other than that, it's great.
  22. I just changed the water in the Hot Tub My son is a licensed massage therapist . . . And we live (almost) across the street from Walmart
  23. This was a rather thin square one. It had 4 long sets of numbers on the back. I can just see someone relying on it to get into their car after their bike ride and being stuck in the parking lot. Especially if they didn't carry their phone with them.
  24. Better yet - have a friend come by and call on their cell phone - they can say they were in the area and heard it going off. That way if the neighbors turn out to be nasty they can't blame it on you. It doesn't matter - if you have a friend do it, they can 'play dumb' on the phone. It's a fire alarm and it's going off.
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