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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Carnival had to provide the supplies on very short notice. Apparently SPAM was one of the few things things they could get on a moments notice. Of course, if you don't have stoves, the statement about 50 ways to cook it is irrelevant. I'm surprised they didn't offer to trade the steak and lobster they had on the ship that they couldn't use.
  2. According to news reports, the ship has safely arrived at the dock in San Diego. BTW - the Navy didn't 'save' anything or anyone. The Coast Guard was already with the ship. (This is not intended as a dig at the Navy, just a statement of fact - For the passengers sake, I'm glad they Navy was able to help out.) Supplies were needed because the ship is operating on emergency generators and there are no refrigeration, and the stoves are not operating. It was determined the Navy was the easiest/fastest way to get supplies to the ship. Had the Ronald Reagan or (other naval vessels) not been
  3. I've been following this since Monday. They are paying for it.
  4. We've had Dish for years with little problem. When we had Comcast, it went out all the time and we had to wait until they decided get around to fixing it.
  5. Good Luck! Can you tell us where The Village at Dallas is?
  6. What are you talking about? As it stands, taxes will go back to 2001 levels. The average middle class family will see their net pay reduced substantially by increased withholding.
  7. I think the change is that what someone wears is becoming less and less important in society. Yes, there are still events (weddings, funerals) that people usually dress up for, but these are specific. Going to church should be much more than just an event, and just because someone doesn't dress to someone elses standards doesn't mean they don't respect God or the church.
  8. I see it more an indicator of things being more practical. People aren't dressing down as much as just dressing. What makes things 'dressy'? It's nothing but perception and what you were taught to believe. It varies from region to region and country to country. As I said in another post, it used to be that men wore suits and ties on picnics and at other recreational outings. You weren't completely dressed unless you had a formal hat. People dressed up to go to o Disney. Why aren't folks complaining about the casualness in these areas? BTW - what is the purpose of a necktie?
  9. There was a time everyone wore robes and sandals. I betcha most folks don't even own a robe that can be worn in public anymore. What does that indicate? There was also a time where men wore suits and ties for picnics and other recreational events, and the outfit wasn't complete without a dress hat. When was the last time you wore a suit and tie to a ballgame?
  10. Some of y'all are saying you should wear your best to Church. If someone's best is a tux or formal dress, should they be expected to wear them to church? If not, why not? Dressing up has different meanings for different people. For some, it means wearing a noose necktie and suit or sausage casings hose and a dress. For others, dressing up means putting on clean jeans and tshirt. It all depends on how that person was raised and their life experiences. Some say dressing up/putting on your best shows respect. The problem is, God does not look on what the person is wearing, but on their
  11. markdavd


    If you are unsure of the rules of the road, stop driving until you are sure.
  12. He has a point. Kids have been expelled for having a drawing of a gun, so why should a fake cannon be allowed on campus?
  13. If it's not the cannon, what is it?
  14. I'll be doing my first craft show in nearly 2 years on Saturday. It's at the Due West UMC - on the corner of Due West and Due West from 9:00 to 2:30. Admission is free - stop by if you're in the area.
  15. That's the cannon at EPHS. A very welcome sound on Fridays during the fall.
  16. See here: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/257136-called-board-meeting-115/page__view__findpost__p__3306697
  17. Reminds me of a time years ago traveling during morning rush hour between Thornton rd and 285. There was a horrendous moving backup. I got near the front of the backup and saw a cop car traveling below the speed limit. The interesting thing was, as soon as anyone got next to him, they took off going the normal 75-80 mph. When it was my turn, I looked over and saw it was an Alabama state patrol car.
  18. If they were up that long, they were becoming invisible anyway. A sign or billboard needs to be changed on a regular basis to be effective. Call the company that owns the billboard and ask them why they were taken down. Once you have the answer, let us know.
  19. This is going to make parents stop buying kids meals from McDonalds?
  20. What's the cancellation penalty? I think I read that some marketers will help pay part of it if you switch.
  21. Were they a charitable donation by the billboard company, or did PHS pay for them? If they paid for them, how long was the contract for?
  22. 120 or Marietta / Dallas Highway between 92 and Macland.
  23. I guess I'm doing pretty good. A few weeks ago, I got something from Scana with a 12 month offer of .629/therm, so I signed up to switch. It was to go into effect on Dec 1. A few days later, I got a call from my current provider (MX Energy) with a matching offer AND a reduced service charge - a $2 savings/month - because I just turned 50. The guy couldn't answer my question asking why I had to be in the process of switching to get the new rate, but I stayed with MX anyway.
  24. I just posted info about the Hope craft show here: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/257231-hope-church-craft-show/page__pid__3304344#entry3304344
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