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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Where's the lawsuits about being forced to take a day off and not being able to work because the store was closed on Christmas?
  2. All charges were dropped after 2 weeks. I assume they didn't have a case against him.
  3. The thing is, isn't this the perfect time for you to take your mantra of working for yourself to the Japanese people.? The need to hear that they don't need to be working for somebody that treats them like slaves, making 500 times than they do. Now at the start of rebuilding is the perfect time for you to convince them to make the change.
  4. Consider this - let's say it took someone 2 hours to fix and you paid them $20.00/hour, not including parts. That's about what a new one would cost - and the new one comes with a factory warranty.
  5. Like in the previews, he jumped off the balcony. It looked to be at least 5 stories up. Wilson was there watching in shock from the ground.
  6. The lottery funds pre-k and college. It has nothing to do with primary and secondary education, which is where things are lacking. If it's that important, you should be telling people to boycott public schools by not sending their children . . .
  7. You're talking about employment, not a vacation, so the best thing to do is probably to expedite a full passport. He should check with the cruise line for the requirements - he might be able to get away with starting with a copy of his Birth Certificate and Photo ID, but will want to have his passport ASAP. That means 2 certified (embossed) copies - one to send with his passport application, and one for him to carry until his passport arrives. Dallas Dance is right, if he ever needs to fly back into the country, a full passport will be required.
  8. Some children have wheat allergies, and break out even if they come in contact with it. Should their classmates be banned from bringing bread or anything else containing wheat?
  9. I opened this thinking you were going to be advertising specials on detective novels (i.e. private eyes or Pi's)
  10. I'm sure they will be speaking at both the 9:00 and 11:00 services.
  11. So when is this? Someone might want to change the title to the actual day/date instead of the generic 'tomorrow'
  12. I was called the week in January we were snowed in. The courthouse was closed and we were excused - never had to even go in. I'm waiting for a new notice where they decided to re-call everyone from that week.
  13. Get the pictures taken at the drug store - it's a little cheaper and not all Post Offices take pictures. Some post offices require an appointment for passports. Check online and be sure before heading out. If you haven't already found it, search for the passport forms from the .gov web site. You can't send them electronically, but fill them out and print them from your computer. It saves time. Make sure you have an original / embossed copy of your birth certificate. If it's an old copy, that's OK, but if it's falling apart DO NOT tape it. A falling apart copy is OK, but once you t
  14. The one thing I would not be concerned about is the Doctor not recognizing a patient on sight. They see dozens of people every week, hundreds, maybe thousands over a years time. Even after repeated visits, they can't be expected to recognize everybody. All the doctor should go by is the paperwork for the patient. It sounds like the problem started by someone in the office not giving the doctor the file with the correct paperwork. Who knows, they might have even gone as far as indicating he was a new patient. The fact that the doctor didn't listen when the patient kept telling hi
  15. The explosion was probably an hydrogen explosion. It was not nuclear. Reports say radiation levels are falling. Keep in mind that so far, living near the coast has killed more people in than living near nuclear plants.
  16. He must be out of the office today.
  17. Maybe start with a discussion with his office manager. Tell him/her you aren't comfortable after this appt and ask them to refer you to a new doctor. Hopefully you'll get an impression as to whether this is an isolated incident or if the doctor is having problems.
  18. No outage here, and none in years.
  19. Maybe they should re-write the balance of the season with Sheen's character in the hospital having messed his face up big time in some sort of accident.
  20. Are you still living in the 1960's? How many employers can you name that provide 100% of the benefits? All employers are obligated to pay is a fair day's wage for a day's work. Anything else should be seen as a bonus. Let me add this: You said "No Exceptions" so if you were to hire a neighborhood teenager to cut your grass and do yard work, how much would you put toward his Health Care and Pension?
  21. Let me rephrase that: Why should those in the public sector be treated differently than those in the private sector when it comes to paying part of their insurance and other benefits?
  22. Those of us who for years have had to pay a lot more for our insurance than State workers and teachers. Why should government employees be treated any differently than those who pay the taxes that pay their salary?
  23. How much has the increase been in the private sector?
  24. Once voted in, a union is basically there forever, whether it's needed or not. I've seen unions leaders tear their companies apart in order to remain in power rather than do what is right for everyone. The Dems are trying to make it easier for a union to sneak their way into companies with laws requiring open votes rather than secret ballots. If companies were needed, whey would they be doing that? Maybe there needs to be a way for employees to easily kick a union out - like requiring a secret ballot on continuing the union every so often.
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