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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Are the garage door openers 100% effective in preventing someone from opening the door manuallY?
  2. Did I say it was wrong? Just asking questions.
  3. What about someone in the jail who goads the guy into starting a fight that does not end well?
  4. He's in kindergarten, can he read the words and understand them? If not, what good is the writing punishment, he's just copying meaningless letters. Also, would constantly using writing as a punishment make a kid HATE writing for the rest of his life? What kind of long term consequences would be associated with hating to write?
  5. I remember that one . . . it was the 0bvious Captain
  6. For anyone that has time, here's a clip on the making of the move: [sigtube]jnxLBDOX-8g[/sigtube]
  7. Here's a link to the interview @ West Ridge last Sunday.
  8. Like I said earlier, my experience is they force you to enter your pin in between transactions. This way they can give your card back right away. I imagine they did this because too many folks were leaving their card behind. The person behind you might not be able to get cash from your account, but if you left a visa debit card, they could easily go to a store and use it.
  9. Good point, but the Region's ATMs I've been at always ask for the pin number between each transaction. Next time, hit YES and see if it does. Of course, you need to hit cancel after that.
  10. NO, they were locked up for not appearing in court as ordered.
  11. The lesson here - once the courts are involved, don't fool around or ignore notices. They don't take things lightly. They weren't put in prison due because of debt, but because they ignored the courts.
  12. How about when King David "Danced before the Lord" in what was basically his underwear?
  13. Put some of the Songs of Solomon to music and you're all set.
  14. I believe you have to listen to the message in full before it logs your number. Also, if you aren't allowed to burn due to wind or other conditions, the message will say that instead.
  15. Interesting. I read somewhere that some folks said the same thing years ago when they first tried to being a piano into the church. They said a piano belonged in bars and taverns and the only acceptable Holy music was from an organ.
  16. 3 to a seat is technically not overcrowded. Students standing or sitting on the floor is overcrowding only if each seat is filled to capacity, and shouldn't be allowed by the driver.
  17. Calculator? If you were serious, he'd be using a slide rule. It was good enough to put men on the moon, it should be good enough for our kids!
  18. FYI - generally, it's not too difficult to get back into the country on a cruise ship if you have the right identification, they barley glance at them. BUT, according to some folks on the cruise discussion boards, customs and TSA will sometimes pick a cruise ship and go through each passenger's documents with a fine tooth comb.
  19. Sweet bees that turn your eves into swiss cheese.
  20. Take whatever paperwork you think you might need, but don't draw attention to yourself by volunteering anything unless asked. You probably don't have time to get a passport before you go, and if the timing is close, don't even try unless you have 2 certified copies of your birth certificate. You can look into getting one once you get back. It makes things much easier.
  21. To change the title, edit your post, and select 'full edit.' There is a time limit on changing posts/titles, and this may be past that. If so, select the 'report' button and ask the moderators to fix it.
  22. Here's a link to the interview from today:
  23. I thought JWs didn't recognize any holiday.
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