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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Forcing people to negotiate as a group does more harm to society and seems like a lot more regulation than allowing individuals to negotiate on their own. Taking away a companies ability to reward exceptional employees, or to remove under performing employees helps nobody except for the under performing employees. Also, I believe if someone was a union member and is collecting retirement benefits due to that membership, they should be require to pay union dues as long as they collect those benefits.
  2. I signed up to switch from MX Energy last fall. Before the switch went into effect, I got a call from MX not only matching the rates, but reducing the monthly 'maintenance fees' (or whatever they call it).
  3. Good luck! While I agree with the others about meeting face to face or at least discussing it over the phone, I also think the note is a good way to start the dialogue. It keeps the emotion out of the initial contact. Let us know how things turn out.
  4. Where did I talk about paddling????
  5. How old were you when you had to write that? Were you old enough to understand the words you were writing at the time? What if "The Motivator" your son had to copy was in a language that he didn't understand? He maybe knew what the words were, but couldn't read them. That's no different than making a 5 year old write something he can't read.
  6. If you read some of the comments by the OP, you will see she said she talked with the teacher who couldn't or (wouldn't) give specifics of what the child did wrong, only that her child 'is acting like the rest of the class.' Would you punish your child for 'breaking the rules' if you couldn't tell them what rule they broke?
  7. I wonder how these folks who claim that age doesn't matter would feel if we them write something 100 times as punishment? Many said it helped them growing up, so they should be happy to do it. The thing is, to make it similar to making a 5 year old write sentences, we'll make them write those sentences in Russian or some other language they can't read.
  8. It's based on a tragedy and events that happened in the life of a local family.
  9. It's hard to sit through with dry eyes.
  10. I thought bikes were illegal in the City Limits. This came up a year or two ago.
  11. Personally, I think this title is a little dangerous. . . Someone might see it and think 'maybe I'll try that' and not even open the post. If you want that responsibility, fine.
  12. Who else has had a chance to see The 5th Quarter? What did y'all think? We saw it this afternoon and I think it was pretty well done. -- It looks like it's only showing at the Regal cinemas in the area. I emailed the Movies278 asking if they were going to carry it, and got back that they would forward the question to their booking agent.
  13. We rented it from Netflix on DVD a few weeks ago. I must say it was pretty good. Here's an idea. I know a number of y'all were extras in the movie. I'm sure you've bought the DVD. If so, take a screenshot of the scene you're in, circle yourself and post the picture here so we can see it.
  14. The OP's question is what to do about a 5 year old, not a 10 year old. Add to the question that the teacher hasn't (or won't) given specifics about the child's misbehavior.
  15. I've worked with preschoolers 13+ years, and have raised 6 of my own. I can tell you for sure that what works for one will not work for all. -- Reminds me of 2 brothers in law - one my sister's husband, and one my wife's sister husband who live in different parts of the country and don't know each other. They thought they were experts on kids, in fact one was a psychologist. In both cases, their first child was well behaved and never gave any real trouble. If they got even the least bit out of hand, a glance would usually straighten them up, and if that didn't work, a few words l
  16. According to the OP, the teacher said he 'was acting like the rest of them' and didn't give specifics. In my personal experience, not all forms of punishment work with all kids. What if the child LOVED writing, and would act up just to be 'forced' to write sentences? A teach that uses only one form of punishment isn't going to be effective at changing the behavior they want changed.
  17. If the child doesn't know what he did wrong, as stated by the OP in a later post, what good is the punishment? Was that kindergarten, or were you older?
  18. If he's "acting like the rest of them" does that mean the entire class is on Yellow? It sounds like the teacher either has trouble controlling the class, or has unreasonable expectations about class behavior. I would tell her that if she can't give very specific details about what your child did wrong, you can't help address the problem and won't waste you or your son's time helping punish him for something he doesn't know he did wrong.
  19. The sentences the OP says the kid is forced to write it "I will follow the rules" If sentences are the only option, they should specify what rule the kid broke. "I will not talk in class" or whatever it is - in words he understands.
  20. This is the bigger problem that needs addressed. It sounds like the teachers are forced to use limited punishment that (in this case -- according to the OP) isn't having the desired outcome.
  21. The OP says he continues to get the punishment, so it obviously isn't having the intended affect. From raising my own kids, I know that what works for some doesn't work for others. In fact, I had one who looked at whatever punishment he was given as the price for doing whatever he wanted. NOTHING WORKED! It wasn't until he grew up and got married that he outgrew that mindset.
  22. Bart Simpson has to write sentences on the board every week. Has it helped him? :rofl:
  23. Stand him in the corner. What purposes is served by making a child write sentences that he can't read? How old were you when you had to write them? Were you able to read the words?
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