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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. 2.5 or 3 oz bag. OK if you're going anyway, but probably not enough to pay for the gas to go get it.
  2. A "No left turn" sign would probably be more likely.
  3. That link was from Chicago, I assumed it was similar circumstances, not the same company. Where is the corporate HQ?
  4. Could those have been leased? If so, they're also owned by somebody else.
  5. IIRC, employees are the first to be paid if there is any money.
  6. I thought maybe you'd try to go back to the original location, where you'd be told 'yes, we have it right here ready to go, but we can't give it to anyone but the person it was issued to.'
  7. Deal with this first and we can discuss the rest later. If different companies can't guarantee consistency for what's supposed to be the same drug, and variations occur between different companies, how long would it be before one of those variations harms the baby instead of prevents labor? Sounds like a plan to move the profits from the drug companies to lawyer's pockets.
  8. Wait until you can take him with you. If you don't, they'll tell you they can only give it to the person it's issued to.
  9. That's probably the best advice. I'd tell them that it sounds like he's killing her to get them to make it a higher priority.
  10. Are you saying the name will not appear on any of the reports and the neighbors will never find out who reported them? I can see the need to ask for name, etc. in case the report turns out to be false, like in the case someone filing a report to get even with someone.
  11. A troy pound is not 16 ounces.
  12. Wrong. A pound of feathers. Gold is weighed using a different measuring standard. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_weighs_more_a_pound_of_gold_or_a_pound_of_feathers Wrong. A troy pound is not the same as an avoirdupois pound.
  13. Correct. Next question: Which weighs more, a pound of gold, or a pound of feathers?
  14. Sometimes, perception problems are indicators of bigger problems. Seeing colors wrong could indicate a problem in your brain. Explain to us why wouldn't you want to fix that?
  15. Good, I'm not the only one who can't make heads or tails of the essay.
  16. What if your perceptions are wrong? If you look at the sky and your perceptions tell you it's green, but everyone tells you it's blue, it's time to get your perceptions checked.
  17. I'm trying to make sense of this and having as much luck as I do trying to make sense of most of the OPs writings. Can anyone translate?
  18. Corporate unions only exist in your imagination, so you can't really discuss them with anyone but yourself. Labor unions DO exist and the only ones I ever see them helping are their leaders. Now if you want to talk about bonuses, let's talk about the bonuses given to the Union leadership.
  19. You can't argue the facts so you change the topic. . .
  20. Too bad they didn't put the location in the alert they sent out.
  21. I believe deducting Union Dues from paychecks should be illegal. The union should be forced to collect the dues from it's members individually just like any other club that has dues paying members. And once a union member retires, if they collect retirement benefits they should continue to pay dues to support the union as long as they continue getting those benefits. In the companies I've worked for that require random drug tests, they've been required by everyone from the top down.
  22. Yes, an employer can. You consent by taking the job. I think they should require drug tests before paying Unemployment or Welfare benefits too.
  23. The only question is, is he the only one doing this, or are many in the class doing it at the same time. I'm asking this because you told us earlier the teacher said that he was acting 'like the rest of them.'
  24. When the Union is the employer, then the Union is part of the chain of command. Otherwise, it just gets in the way. These are no longer the early 1900's where employers can rule the lives of their employees. Once you realize that all unions do today is suck the life force from the it's members, the rest is obvious.
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