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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. No I haven't. It does look nice though.
  2. You forgot the plastic sheeting and duct tape!
  3. It's not a glitch, it's a 'feature.'
  4. Very tragic. How did we survive?
  5. Very tragic. How did we survive?
  6. 3012? Do you have the exact day and time?
  7. markdavd


    You did it wrong. It's supposed to say 'testpubbyslink'
  8. Time to stock up on bread, milk and other essentials before the shelves are cleared!
  9. Mark's WoodCrafts will be one of the vendors in Dallas this Saturday. Everyone - when you stop by, please introduce yourself.
  10. markdavd


    If you haven't seen the first 5 minutes of the first show, you missed a huge part of what's coming. I agree with the thought that it's only good for 1 season. They would need to re-do the show with completely different characters, location and plot lines for the second season.
  11. I imagine TP was one of those who believed that Reagan's 'trickle down' economics meant that cash would fall from the sky and all he had to do was hold out his hand.
  12. You can find a link to details here: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/278121-attention-everyone-pauldingcom-will-be-reduced-to-testing-mode-until-next-tuesday/page__view__findpost__p__3534839 Pubby's request that lead to the 'mess': http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/278068-can-you-help-me-test-something-on-the-fastread/page__view__findpost__p__3534613
  13. If you're asking about the testpubbyslink stuff, read here: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/278068-can-you-help-me-test-something-on-the-fastread/page__view__findpost__p__3534613
  14. Bump for the Wednesday evening crowd. Of course it will be pushed aside quickly by Pubby's little test, but what can you do?
  15. Does anyone know if the City of Dallas voted an official 'Beggers Night' like they did last year?
  16. --- You do know someone can 'pad' their own view count by continually viewing their own topic, don't you?
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