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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. In October, there were 483,605 unemployed in Ga. You want everyone to believe there is enough community Service work in the state to keep most of those folks busy for 24 hours a week? There aren't enough non-profits in the state to cover a small percentage of this. If you think this bill is a such a good idea, you should easily be able to come up with the numbers to prove me wrong . . .
  2. State mandated community service is NOT the same as volunteering, and I think very few folks doing the state mandated service will rub shoulders with the folks you're speaking of. In fact, those volunteering their time will be taking away precious spots from folks who will be required by the state to do their share of CS in order to receive benefits.
  3. Can you tell us exactly when and where you were required to do Community Service where you met those fine folks? How many Coca-Cola or other executives would you expect the average UI recipient to meet while doing their required 24 hours of CS every week?
  4. For best hope of survival, the tree should only be indoors for a week or so. Make sure you keep the roots moist and if possible, mist the needles often. The problem is the needles will quickly dry out while indoors and it can kill the tree long before you get it planted.
  5. I am working thank you. Good grief yourself. Why do so many see someone asking valid questions as having a negative attitude? No amount of happy thinking is going to create the tens of thousands of community service jobs this bill would call for. "I'm sure someone will work it out" is just a big cop-out. People needing daycare working together to work out their needs? Would you leave your children with strangers so you could work your CS? It's easy to tell someone else to pull themselves up by their bootstraps while you're happily going to your job every day, but that doesn't
  6. As far as networking while doing state mandated community service - how many people do you think you would come in contact with while working at the average non profit that could lead to a job? In other words, how many people will you meet while serving at the local food bank that have the connections to help you further your career? I still don't see any practical answers as to where the tens of thousands of positions will come from and who will pay the overhead costs to the non-profits.
  7. Hiding your head in the sand won't make it go away. That situation does exist for thousands of people right now. Nobody has yet said where the tens of thousands of cs workers will be created or who will pay for the administration of them.
  8. Ok - you've been laid off and your industry isn't hiring. Companies refuse to hire anyone who they feel is overqualified because they know the person will probably leave at the first better opportunity that comes along. In order to receive your UI, you now must put in 24 hours of Community Service every week. You begin contacting every non-profit you can think of. Everybody already has more CS 'volunteers' than they can handle and won't even want to talk to you. The same with the few government offices that use CS volunteers. The parks have been spotless since the program began, so
  9. Add to the list above that after you're laid off you find out that nobody in your industry is hiring.
  10. Nobody has yet answered where these tens of thousands of community service jobs are, or who will cover the resultant overhead to the non-profits.
  11. Where will they find the tens of thousands of CS positions that will be needed every week across the state? Who's going to cover the cost of the overhead to the non-profits?
  12. The problem is 24 hours per week is a lot of CS when you consider that possibly tens of thousands of the unemployed will be trying to find organizations with open spots. The unemployed could potentially spend more time finding somewhere to put in the CS than in finding a real job. It will cost these organizations or government agencies time and money to train, monitor and track each of the CS worker's efforts, the hours they put in and accurately filling out the paperwork to satisfy the state. Just imagine how many phone calls can a small organization might expect to answer just from
  13. Defiantly go with the lifetime map updates - it will cost $50.00 or more per year for a subscription. If your brother drives a lot, the traffic update is well worth the price. It's not perfect, but can save time by letting him know if there are delays or incidents on his route, and it gives the option to re-plan the route around the problems.
  14. I just saw this after posting the comments from my daughter who's answering the phones there today,
  15. My daughter is working the fitting rooms at Dallas Highway Wal*Mart today, which means she's also answering the phones. She started counting the number of calls she's getting asking either what time they close today, or what time they open in the morning. She was up to 28 in less than one hour. Folks - The store is open 24 hours a day. That means they don't close.
  16. Many companies were giving their employees the day after Thanksgiving off long before retailers turned it into 'Black Friday.'
  17. If you do private excursions, make sure your watches are set to the 'ships time' and plan on retuning well before the departure time. Use a watch and not your phone because many phones will reset to the 'local' time that may or may not be the same as ships time. If you're late returning, the ship will not wait and you will be left behind. One of the unofficial activities on board is watching folks run (or stagger) to the ship at the last minute, then once the ship starts moving watching the ones who didn't quite make it. There are many videos on you tube showing these folks.
  18. I don't know about Atlanta, but I did find an artilce from another city stating the ID requred when requesting toys, including a birth certificate, proof of residence, etc. I know a lot of charitable agencies are requiring ID to prevent fraud from taking food and services from the folks they're trying to help. In the case of TfT, I can easily see folks trying to get more toys for their kids (Submitting different names for kids that don't exist, etc.) and other kinds of fraud.
  19. Thanks. I had no idea where 5071 was, so I just looked at the map for a general vicinity and posted a landmark that almost everyone would know the location of.
  20. If Google Maps is accurate, that's in the area near Jim -n- Nicks.
  21. Another is The AvenueS at West Cobb. (Or just the AvenueS.) The name is the Avenue at West Cobb or the Avenue if you want. That's the proper name.
  22. I should mention that my daughter will be there selling her hand made coupon binder covers at the Due West Holiday Festival. My wife has one and these things can help you couponers to organize a lot of coupons! See my post above for a link to the directions!
  23. If you know of any craft fairs this weekend, list them here. ---- A good one is the Due West UMC Preschool Holiday Market on Saturday Nov. 5th. - http://www.duewest.org/pages/Come/special_events/small_ads.cfm?said=2 This is always a well done show with a lot of quality vendors. The location is near the corner of Due West and Due West in West Cobb. It runs from 9:00 to 2:30. I'll be there with my WoodCrafts. Stop by if you're looking for holiday craft items!
  24. If I Recall Correctly. I don't see how the government would get away with paying less than the loan amount. If the owner didn't bring it to court, the bank certainly would.
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