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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The problem with that is the 'I'm Sorry' might include fines for breaking fire regulations. I'd say at minimum, call the burn permit number (you can find it on the county's web site) and get a permit for it.
  2. There are a lot of examples out there. Windmills that stopped working or cost more to maintain than the power they produce can cover. Solar panels that get dusty/dirty and cost big $$ to keep clean. Circuits and photocells that deteriorate within a few years meaning instead of a 20 year life, the owners are lucky to get 5. If Pubby really thinks 'smart roads' are a good idea, he can invest his own money in the project - build a mile of test track and run cars and trucks on it. After working out the 'bugs' they can build a few miles on a public road. Once they've gotten 5-10 years of PROVE
  3. The risk? Like many other so-called green energy projects, they don't produce anywhere near the electricity promised after a year or two. It could be because the surface gets scratched and fogged up so not enough sunlight gets through, or the upkeep is too expensive or any other factors that make the things not worked as promised. One recent example: Weed-Covered, Neglected Solar Park: 20 Acres, $11 Million, Only One And Half Years Old!
  4. The last few years have seemed repetitive. How many more mystery illnesses and patient scenarios can they come up with? It was only the changing of the cast that kept it interesting.
  5. To dream and hope is one thing. To demand government funding of an obviously unworkable boondoggle is another. How many companies has Obama funded that are now bankrupt? If this were a workable idea, the private sector would be more than willing to fund it. I've worked for folks who would say 'fire the naysayers.' The ran the company into the ground because they refused to listen to any practical advice that went counter to their pie in the sky ideas.
  6. The problem is, it's the city the store is physically in that determines the rules and regulations regarding signs, etc.
  7. You want to spend $50 trillion on a totally unproven idea just so you can feel good about not using oil? What if it doesn't work?
  8. The address is a Dallas address as assigned by the Post Office. That doesn't mean it might not be physically in the city of Hiram.
  9. Building the 5 billion pubby says is needed at 'only' ten thousand dollars each adds up = 50 TRILLION dollars. For a glass roadway that will need continual cleaning and maintenance? A bargain only in the liberal mind.
  10. How do they expect to generate solar power when the things will be covered with grit, grease, dirt, dust, snow, rain, etc. How much weight can they handle? How long before they're so scratched as to be ineffective? Even small solar plants cost more in upkeep than they can earn by generating power. Phones, Electricity, etc. were first privately developed and proven in cities before the first federal dollar was used to roll them out in rural areas. Again. If this were economically feasible, it wouldn't need government money to develop.
  11. Basically the next Solyndra. If it were so great, government money wouldn't be needed.
  12. Actually, saying CO2 is causing an increase in temperature is like saying people sweating causes increased atmospheric temperatures. For more, there are plenty of credible studies in the internet.
  13. More tax dollars down the drain. If that were the road bed, it looks like would be the same as driving on glass. As far as solar, you still need complete backup and distribution systems in place ready to kick in as soon as there isn't enough sunlight to generate the electricity. BTW - more and more credible scientists are saying we don't have a problem with CO2. They've proven that higher CO2 levels FOLLOW higher temperatures, they don't cause them.
  14. How did they 'back up' the video? Doesn't digital go onto a hard drive that would eventually fill up unless old recordings are removed? If that's the case, the question would be are they copied onto DVD before being erased? I'm not defending the lawyers, just saying that it would be impossible to 'never' erase the recordings unless procedures are in place to make them permanent.
  15. Get used to it. Dead trees are going to be used less and less in education.
  16. The whole point of the show is how much goes to waste because we are spoiled in this country. We want our food and produce to have a near-perfect appearance. People want to cut our dependance on foreign energy. How much energy is used to grow, house and transport items that will end up in the trash? If you think we need to cut our CO2 production, how much CO2 do you think is generated by this waste, including the out-gassing of CO2 by the rotting matter on the compost heap.
  17. One problem with all this waste is when you buy that one carrot you're actually paying for two. The same when the things go into the compost heap - the cost of growing everything is moved into the price of those being sold.
  18. Here's a question. If you were looking at carrots, one was misshapen with bumps and the other was perfect. Which would you buy and why?
  19. It doesn't matter if you don't like watching cooking shows - this one is different. Watch it if you get a chance. While some stores are set-up to give stale/unwanted food to those in need, that's just a small percentage. More goes in the trash bin than goes to the needy, and we pay for it all in what we do buy. I don't know where some of you get the ideas that bugs won't touch the stuff in the produce dept. It sounds like unfounded scare-mongering. Buy some produce and put it on an open counter and see what happens, or take that bread that lasts 3 weeks out of it's bag and see how lo
  20. Did anyone see The Big Waste on Food Network? I did and thought it was very informative. It was educational without being 'in your face' or over the top the way many similar shows seem to be. What was it about? Imagine you're at the grocery store going through produce looking for the best pieces possible. Some have an imperfection so you pass those up even if they are perfectly edible. What happens to all that fruit and vegetables that aren't perfect? What about baked goods near their 'best by' date? It turns out that all this perfectly good food ends up in the trash. http://www
  21. The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything (42) was the easy part. The dilema is this: What is the Ultimate Question?
  22. You'll see most of those same warnings on any bottle of bubble-bath.
  23. Maybe they're afraid a Mormon will baptize them against their will after they're dead.
  24. I'm glad you have your water back. One question - are you sure someone didn't plant the tree after the house was built, not knowing where the waterline was?
  25. I think I've been lucky - I haven't gotten the first piece from the organization in question - and it's been over 18 months since the magic birthday. Hopefully I'll stay off their radar. If not, it's just more paper to recycle.
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