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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. What's the timeframe from the time the brothers left the gun shop and the crime was committed? Was it enough time for the police to listen to the story, take a report, determine where the crime may or may not be committed and stake out the place before the brothers got there? Let's file a police report every time someone makes a boasting remark about how they're going to harm someone else, of if a customer points his finger and says 'bang' in a gun store. Also, what LEGAL BASIS did the officers have to investigate the 'feelings' of the gun dealer in the case you quoted. What could
  2. Finally got through it. Miguel - 'I'd like to report these three guys who stiffed me out of a tip. I think they had a bag of drugs, and they're probably up to no good.' Chris - 'I'd like to report the Reprobate brothers - they just left here after buying ammo. Donnie made a gun with his finger and said "Bang Bang" I just know they're up to no good.' Bubba - 'I just left the Reprobate brothers. They said they were bragging about going to rob the folks making meth at the old Hawkins house. I had to give them $10.00 for gas money so I could get out of there.' I don't think any
  3. Did anyone else have a hard time reading the narrative? I had to quit reading after a few paragraphs.
  4. I guess it was out of line showing people a photo of the disgraceful flag we're talking about.
  5. Obviously the Flag means more to some than to others.
  6. Found this secret memo on another site. Apparently the new flag was buried in the Obama Care legislation.
  7. If he had nothing to do with it, he needs to publicly denounce whoever was involved. His continued silence is not acceptable in this case.
  8. I really believe there are some in this world who won't be happy until a woman has the choice to terminate the results of her pregnancy for a full 9 months postpartum. Here's a step in that direction: Article in the weekly standard
  9. Get dizzy often? You can't rewrite physics, so stop trying. For that to work, nobody will be allowed to charge their car on a hot day and all the excess capacity will need to be ready 24/7 rather than just during the few peak times during the year. The grid isn't designed for that. If your man Obama gets his way, electrical generation capacity will be greatly reduced in this country, so even he's working to make sure we can't charge the cars he wants us to buy. As far as government developing those things, it didn't go out an throw billions at companies with totally unproven ide
  10. They funded it, but didn't reduce production of other weapons while the bomb was being developed. In fact, IIRC, it was already a proven technology before they started. Btw - where will all the electricity come from to recharge these great vehicles? IF they worked as promise, and IF they were priced for the average consumer and IF they were reliable, the electrical capacity of the nation would need to be greatly increased. An interesting fact I just read - to the nearest whole number, can anyone tell us what percentage of the world's electricity comes from wind power?
  11. How many of those inventions were paid for by the government trying to force change? How many were come up with by genius inventors working alone or in small private groups on a shoestring budget? This isn't about fighting the good fight, it's about the government wasting our tax money on unworkable schemes. Invention can't be forced.
  12. In context, this argument makes no sense. How much federal money was thrown at the Wright brothers to invent air-travel? Did the government try to limit other forms of travel to force the issue? As I said, any comments would be irrelevant unless you were willing to put your own money up for one of these unworkable vehicles. Wishing doesn't cut it.
  13. For some wishful thinking from pubby and others about this boondoggle, go to this thread: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/284130-tesla-unveils-its-electric-suv/page__pid__3608769#entry3608769
  14. Nothing nefarious about it. There are no rules against voting on a poll no matter how old it is. As long as a poll is still open it's available for anyone to vote on. Anyone who's bothered by it can take it upon themselves to find week old polls and report then to the moderators to be closed before anyone else votes in them.
  15. I'm sure Pubby and some other 'anything but oil' folks will somehow try to spin this into not being so bad, but unless they're willing to step up and put their money down, whatever they say is meaningless. With problems like this and others that have been reported, this car will never be more than an expensive novelty not to be taken seriously.
  16. The first question to ask is what browsers and versions of browser does this happen with? Is it all of them or just some. I know of some companies that made the mistake of only developing and testing using a single version of I.E. only to have massive failures when users of other browsers tried to access parts of the site.
  17. The question is, can they produce a second season?
  18. I agree, it's from May, 2008 in Chile.
  19. The east campus is on 92 between Dallas Highway (120) and East Paulding Drive. It will be on your right if you're coming from Hiram.
  20. From a facebook post, from Paul Richardson: and Paul is Pastor of ministry and missions at West Ridge Church. Anyone who wants to be part of a coordinated disaster relief effort today might try contacting West Ridge to see help is needed.
  21. Prayers being said for the victims of the storms.
  22. Some unions still have purpose, supply reliable and skilled workers and care about the members. Others have long outlived their use. I've seen Unions literally rip a company apart, with no regard of the member's lives or jobs. This was 30 years ago - a strike at a plant had gone on 6 months over whether or not the employees would contribute part of their health insurance. They interviewed one of the strikers who said "Sure, some of the younger guys will loose their cars and houses and it might break up their marriage, but IT'S WORTH IT".
  23. Get a GPS with real-time traffic. If you have it on your phone, that works too. I've been driving from East Paulding to Norcross for the last 4 months, and having the GPS tell me if there are accidents on the route and giving alternate routes saves a lot of time. I'm lucky in that I can start as early as 7:00, leaving at 4:00 so I miss much of the bad traffic.
  24. Writing to CDs or DVDs uses a lot of power, so if you're running on batteries you probably won't be able to get everything. I would invest in an external drive. In the long run it will be cheaper.
  25. Imagine going to the doctor and being told he won't treat you because you are too far gone and you'd mess up his numbers. Yes, you might be able to be cured, but then he'd have to answer to the board of standards as to why you took so long.
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