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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Key words in the NPR title - "May Not"
  2. Is there a minimum order amount for delivery?
  3. As an alternative to a weather radio, you can sign up on the county web site for the Code Red weather alert service. You enter your address so if extreme weather is headed your way, you get a call. You can give your land line, cell or both. If the weather is in another area of the county - not headed your way - you won't be bothered with a 'false alarm.' http://www.paulding.gov/index.aspx?NID=400
  4. I wonder what the discussion will be if this same panel decides that pap smears are no longer needed for similar reasons.
  5. The voices have told TP that Murdoch is a bad guy, so I expect to see never-ending off topic posts against him like this one. TP can't counter the FACTS about Soros, so he thinks he's being cleaver by trying to redirect everyone's attention. -- Soros is the top 1% of the top 1%. Everything you claim to stand against. TP - That information is available from many sources other than Fox news. Why should they bother wasting their time trying to rebut a false survey made by an ultra-liberal organization that only a very few gullible individuals are taking seriously?
  6. He's always telling everyone they need to "Stand Up, Speak Out, And Talk Back." But when we do it toward him, he just seems to have a breakdown and hears even more voices.
  7. The first thing to do to keep from being misinformed is to totally ignore anything funded by George Soros, like the so-called Center for Public Integrity, which has proven itself to be anything but by giving New Jersey it's highest rating.
  8. Only a biased survey done by a liberal origination funded by a convicted felon could come up with that grade for NJ. What kind of ethics does an unrepentant convicted felon have? A felon who almost single handedly brought down a world power by playing with it's currency. What are YOU not seeing?
  9. So New Jersey got #1 because they are catching the most politicians breaking ethics laws?
  10. The study focused on the laws that are in place that deal with political ethics. New Jersey must have the most laws in place because it came out on top, even though a number of politicians are under indictment for breaking those laws.
  11. I don't believe there are any versions legally downloadable for free. I believe installing a new OS because it won't install a printer driver is like replacing the transmission in your car because you need new tires.
  12. The only thing WT understands about the so-called 'integrity study' is that Georgia came out on the bottom. He has shown he is not capable of understanding the actual study or the far-left wing organization that came up with it.
  13. This is a tough one. One of the problems is the longer they wait to get there, the harder it will be to find a seat (or to find you saving their seat.) Then you're still talking about nearly 2 hours for the ceremony. Finally, fighting the crowds trying to get back to their cars. Good luck with that. If you car isn't blocked, the traffic out and back will be a killer. You will have to park at one of the outlying parking lots and hope a shuttle is still running. You may not be able to make it back at all.
  14. Your post did mention housing, so it wasn't totally off topic.
  15. Congratulations on your graduate. Which school? Each one has it's own traffic and parking challenges.
  16. It happens all the time - In fact, every time I get a paycheck. Don't tell me you are one of the gullible who believes you don't have to WORK for your part of the pie?
  17. While you make a good point, you also should educate yourself and find out if the job you expect from someone you elected is something within their responsibility by law. Often someone comes on here complaining that they want something done by an elected board or commission. The trouble is that it often turns out by law the elected officials are prevented from addressing that area.
  18. Your beloved integrity report is based mostly on the number and type of LAWS a state has in place dealing what politicians can and can't do. It doesn't matter if they enforce those laws or not. I guess you only want the laws to be passed in GA, but having politicians 'go by the book' based on those LAWS is not integrity. Back on topic. I wonder if the police are trying to discourage folks from giving money to panhandlers, and the 'littering' law is just one tool they're using.
  19. You might also want to start including if the special is Lunch or Dinner in the title. It's fine to have it as the opening line of the message, but it would help if we could see the day/meal directly on the Recent Topics page. That way we know the Roasted Pork is the Lunch special on Thursday, and don't show up for dinner expecting it because we didn't open the topic.
  20. We're seeing the 'experts' in government deciding common tests are no longer necessary. Mammograms for one, and this week, PSA tests. I believe there were others. My Link There was a story today about a young woman in Great Britain who was denied a pap smear because she was too young, even when she was showing Cervical cancer. My Link I know we were promised no 'Death Panels', but what's the difference?
  21. Same here - no problems with any of it. To the OP - what does AT&T say when you call them?
  22. If it came from a fake organization calling itself a school, what would it matter?
  23. Especially since this whole 'ethics' thing is based on a highly biased report that determined 'ethics' by the number of ethics LAWS in place in a state. Apparently New Jersey has the most laws so they came up on top. The problem is the laws don't make their politicians immune to unethical behavior. In fact, recent headlines from NJ tell us these laws have no impact whatsoever.
  24. Most of these folks were told what to think and believe about the case by the liberal media. Until the liberal media tells them different, nothing will change their mind.
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