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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I wonder how many of the folks who think exposing beef to ammonia vapors to kill pathogens is bad can't leave home without their own personal bottle of hand sanitizer attached to their belt or purse.
  2. There's the problem. A celebrity chef and some reporters who don't know what they're talking about start publishing this trash and a company is expected to spend millions in advertising to debunk it. In fact, they have to work to up with something to counter the false ideas that the press has planted in people's minds. What happens next? even more reporters can go out and publish their responses to the ads. It doesn't cost the reporters (or chef) anything. In fact they may be paid for it. In the meantime, the company is loosing sales and money, and people expect them to spend even more tr
  3. Exactly. A person (or company) relying on these animals for a living would not abuse them like this. In most cases an employee caught doing it would be fired on the spot.
  4. So called 'humane' societies have been caught too often planting the very people filmed doing the abuse. How would they have known to send in someone undercover to film it unless they already had someone on the inside? I'll believe this one only after the investigation is done.
  5. They weren't silent. Anything and everything they tried to say was ignored by the same press that was telling the lies about their product. Short of filing lawsuits that will cost millions and take years to resolve, exactly how do they fight back?
  6. I'm surprised nobody's brought this up - make sure you have the correct and most current drivers loaded on your computer.
  7. We originally just got the passport cards to save a few dollars, but quickly realized they are so limited that we should have just spent the money to get the books. IIRC, the cards are only good for land travel at the Canadian and Mexican borders, and for getting on/off cruises. They are no good for air travel, even to/from Mexico and Canada. Unless someone is really strapped for cash, I would suggest getting the full passport books. That way they're set for international travel for the next 10 years.
  8. Good question. Do they do twice the work in an 8 hour day as a $9.00/hour employee?
  9. Your quote said stockers and packers. Those aren't heavy labor jobs.
  10. The really disturbing thing is someone thinks a supermarket worker is worth $19.00 an hour.
  11. I have indeed read news articles on this. None of them indicate a mayday being radioed by the boat in trouble, and none indicate the passengers on the cruise ship doing anything after notifying the salesperson of what they saw. (Other than emailing the USCG about a possible problem off Panama.) Cruise ships aid those in need all the time. If the boat had radioed for help, they would have received it. Some of the news articles talk about the men sighting other ships that also did not stop. Why aren't they being tracked down and trashed by the media? BTW - I still refuse to click
  12. Rodney or Wayne, Might I suggest you start putting the day of the week in your topic titles? At times there are 2 or more of your topics active at the same time and it's hard to tell which special goes with which day.
  13. Interesting speculative fiction. I would suggest it's more that some passengers spotted the boat, notified the first person they saw and never followed up. According to all reports, neither the captain nor first officer were ever notified. Had they been, every indication is they would have followed maritime law and lent assistance. Something cruise ships do all the time. Also, not all 'sales people' on the ships are members of the crew. Some are hired by other companies who pay to have them based on the ships. Emailing the US Coast Guard when they were nowhere near US waters isn't
  14. ER Flashers? Do you mean hazard lights? You aren't supposed to drive with those on. They're for if you're on the side of the road and your car might be a hazard to those around you.
  15. Shouldn't the title really be "Supreme Court Rules Anyone being Incarcerated can be Strip Searched"? You're being strip searched because you're going to jail, not because you committed a particular offense.
  16. Of course it will fail. Like the hanging chads, the evidence presented by the press is made-up speculation and half-truths. The courts and jury will hear the real facts.
  17. Just get some ear plugs. Or have a friend come over when she's there - someone she probably won't see again - and have the friend be to the point with their comments - something like: "You never shut up, do you?" -and-"You must not have very many friends if you have to talk to yourself so much" -and- "How do you hear yourself think with all that jabbering you're doing"
  18. You can tell them they're wrong and show them the evidence and they still won't believe you. If the edit was really an honest mistake, the networks should have come out on day 2 and admit it, play the real tape and show current pictures of the 2 people involved. They should have not let it escalated they way they did. Even now they still insist on showing pictures of an innocent 12 year old instead of the rough looking 17 year old shooting birds at the camera.
  19. So you say you don't believe anyone was fired? It took 2 days for the mainstream media to decide to cover this. Like many recent stories, we have to go to a non-US source for coverage of the truth: NBC News fires producer of misleading edited version of George Zimmerman's 911 call Daily Mail (UK), by Staff After 2 days, the AP was forced to put something on the wire: Source: NBC producer fired over Zimmerman 911 call
  20. Exactly. What better way to smuggle something to someone behind bars than hide it on/in your body then get caught committing a minor crime so you'd be locked up for a day or so. This makes it simple. If you go to jail, you get strip searched no matter what your crime was.
  21. It looks like Pubby was wrong about this being an innocent edit by an inexperienced editor trying to fit a specific time. NBC has fired the 'Seasoned Producer' who was responsible: NBC News Fires Editgate Producer It turns out the responsible person was the executive producer of The Today Show, Jim Bell: Who Is Responsible for NBC’s Zimmerman Edit? We Have a Name I know the Pubster will generate 6 or 8 paragraphs trying to claim that this was just NBC looking for a scapegoat, but if that's what they were doing they would have picked someone much lower on the food chain.
  22. I think another reason employers are reluctant to hire 'overqualified' workers is they know as soon as the economy picks up they'll be looking for a higher paying job.
  23. We've been so far removed from the common food-borne illness that many people just don't get it. I wonder how many of the folks who are demanding access to raw milk use hand sanitizer one or more times per day.
  24. I think one or more people at NBC needs to be prosecuted. They took an actual story and intentionally distorted the facts to create a totally different story.
  25. I guess y'all don't want them to add vitamins to the meals in lunchroom. The fact that the article made no attempt to identify the chemical names they listed is telling.
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