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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. One of the best parts of the aircraft carrier is you are not stuck with a guided tour. You can explore the ship on your own, the public areas are well marked and there are a lot of plaques/signs telling you what everything is. Someone interested in the history/military can spend hours exploring the thing and come away with an unforgettable experience.
  2. Another thing to do in Charleston is go to the Naval Museum where you can tour the aircraft carrier Yorktown, a submarine and other retired Naval ships.
  3. Does anyone know the nearest cross-street, or at least a basic location?
  4. The problem is those days of hang out are long gone. Nobody is going to put their kid out the door - telling them to be in when the street lights come on like in ages past. Too many parents won't let their kids out of their sight out of fear that some creep that might come along, or that the kid will skin their knee and a neighbor call DFACS on them.
  5. I thought I read that the White House came out and corrected Obama's statement. What he should have said is not that the private sector is doing fine, but that the Federal Government is doing fine.
  6. I hope I don't get in trouble w/ Pubby this time - I have a dozen or so dragons under way. Kinda like these: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/206169-attention-professional-dragon-slayers/ (And I still think the artist's annual membership needs to be less $ than the commerce memberships that true commercial members pay. )
  7. If you want to see real public corruption, simply look at New Jersey or Chicago. They may have the most laws against it, but those laws do nothing to stop it.
  8. There was a reason old-time newspapers employed editors to cut down on long-winded, unreadable reporters. How many employees (even part time or contract) does p.com employ. If even one and they decided to join a union and make demands, I assume the pro-union management of p.com would acquiesce to all demands with no fight. If just one or two of the past rumors of how even casual 'employees' were treated are even 1% true, the management of p.com stands among the worst of employers.
  9. Here's the big test for Union necessity. Do away with all payroll deductions for Union Dues. If they are as necessary as people say, the members will gladly and voluntarily make their monthly dues payments.
  10. The ONLY reason they would have had nothing left to lose was because of the union. I doubt that made them or the Union stronger. Only a fool would think a few dollars per week was worth losing your house, car and family.
  11. During the early 1980's, a company outside of Akron had been on strike for more than 6 months. I believe it was over something trivial like paying a larger percentage of their health insurance, and at that point, even if the workers got everything they demanded, they would never be able to make up the lost income in their lifetime. I'll never forget the comments one of the 'older' members made to a reporter. "Sure, some of the younger guys will lose their cars and maybe their homes, and families will break up over this, BUT IT'S WORTH IT!"
  12. I grew up in NE Ohio. I've seen the results of Unions run amok. They may have been necessary at one time, but that ended in the 1960's and 1970's. Since then, they've shut down more companies and ended up costing more jobs than they ever saved. Don't talk about CEO compensations until you first do something about the Union Leader's compensation.
  13. You need to be consistent. According to the methods used in that study, Atlanta would be at the top of the list and not the bottom because they say it's not the actual number of crimes but the number of laws against it.
  14. Sounds like a plan, except instead of putting young men on the front lines, we need to draft retired men who have plenty of experience. Especially those who encourage others Stand Up, Speak Out, And Talk Back while complaining when they do it to them.
  15. It's a sad, sad person or organization who believes ethics or integrity can only come from laws. Fortunately, I heard there's a new report from the Center for Personal Integrity. They listed NJ at the bottom because they have the most laws, and GA at the top because they believe you don't need laws or rules for a person to be ethical or have integrity. Now you can track that one down and start quoting it instead.
  16. "I don't know where she is, but if you track her down, let the police know. She's wanted for the brutal murder of a bill collector she thought was harassing her." -or- "This is detective Smith and I'm here investigating a brutal murder. If you hang up, you can be charged with obstruction. What is your name and address and tell me what your relationship was with the deceased. I'm going to need to know where you were around 2:00am this morning. . . "
  17. First - if you're really using the words 'she doesn't stay here' that has little meaning. You need to say 'she doesn't live here.' In fact just pretend you don't know her. Then use the words 'Do not call this number again.' Those are supposed to be legal magic in collections, and MIGHT stop the calls. If they keep calling, use those two phrases and set the phone down for a minute or two to waste their time trying to get more info from you.
  18. According to the study you love to quote, the only way to have integrity is to live under a slew of laws dealing with it. That means you can be the most ethical person in GA and still have no integrity. If you were to move to NJ and be the least ethical person, you would still have integrity. Personally, I don't believe integrity or lack there of is determined by the number of laws you live under, but the make-up of your character. NJ did indeed get the highest rating because they have the most number of laws dealing with ethics.
  19. That tunnel is over 100 years old, so the National Security Ultra-Top-Secret rating no longer applies. As far as the other more recent tunnels - Let me just say "No Comment."
  20. A shorter walk to the tunnel is to take 278 to Coots Lake. IIRC, there is a trail parking lot there and the tunnel is a 2.6 mile walk back toward Dallas. Here's a link to an interactive map: http://www.silvercometga.com/silver-comet-map/silver-comet-map.shtml
  21. A quick google search shows that indeed there will be a number of sites with live streaming. The key is finding one who's view isn't blocked by clouds. The best online viewing will probably be found by watching a number of sites.
  22. Probably because the EPA forces certain 'boutique' blends to be sold in all of the the metro areas of the county. To make it worse, each area must have a different blend. These blends add to the cost.
  23. Go back and see why I asked the question. It has nothing to do with the toll road, but people wanting Austin to tell the governor something that may or may not be true, and holding it against him because he won't. That is of course unless they can show that 100% of the folks in Paulding are against the road.
  24. It sounds like the prosecution knows they will never convict him on the trumped-up charges, so they'll try to get him on lying before the court. One question - if the money was donated to go toward his defense, would it be legal for him to use it for anything else?
  25. What percentage do want the toll road and what percentage don't?
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