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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. When nobody took the time to answer my simple direct questions, I decided that even if I had the time, the meeting would not be worth attending. Here are a few more: When was Citizens for a Better Paulding County formed? Who formed it? Is there a charter or other founding documents? Who are the members?
  2. Why was nobody involved willing to answer my simple questions? This almost smells like a setup to have a one sided meeting intended to make the elected officials look bad.
  3. Anyone else think that first picture looks a lot like George Soros?
  4. Kids also were allowed to run the neighborhood with little concern for their safety when we grew up. Now there are parents who won't allow their 13 year olds, (let alone younger kids) out of their sight. Kids today don't know how to use their imaginations or play without adult instruction.
  5. Reminds me of the trick I read about recently - If you know where a hunter placed a game camera (with motion detection), steal the SD card from it, put an unlikely picture on it and replace the card. As far as the hunter is concerned, it's a real picture.
  6. A few quick questions - Who's sponsoring / moderating this meeting? Which elected officials were invited, how much notice were they given, and how were the invitations sent? Other than the officials, who will be providing information?
  7. Are you calling the water dept or Greystone to fix it? Every time I've called greystone about a light out, it's fixed within a few days.
  8. The cell phone 'kiosk' isn't really a kiosk, but an aisle in the electronics dept. with a person who will sell you a phone. I agree that they should make it clear you aren't dealing with Target when you talk with the person.
  9. What is the source of that chart? There's nothing defining what is considered 'work' to the survey. Does it include non-income producing work, such as housekeeping? Are stay-at-home women who sit around all day and don't have a job counted in the survey?
  10. Hillarycare failed because congress didn't have to pass it to find out what was in it. Obamacare might indeed become more popular among those who get government subsidies, at least until they find themselves paying the deductibles I've read about. It will become less and less popular among those who find they have to pay full price for it. Especially when they find out Obama appears to have lied when he told the country there would be $2500 savings.
  11. How long until the government comes up with Soylent Green and mandates that as the only acceptable food?
  12. A lot of handmade crafts. Stop by if you're in the area.
  13. Senate Democrats supported rule that led to insurance cancellations
  14. The Obamacare supporters would have us believe that 45 - 66 percent of the existing plans were so bad they didn't really cover anything.
  15. Two years later, the first doctor is defending himself against a malpractice lawsuit because the patient died from a brain tumor that went undiagnosed. He's poor because this isn't the first suit filed against him. The second doctor knew that a percentage of patients that present with the exact symptoms of that patient have more going on than a simple headache
  16. I often wonder if there's someone here that get's paid by the word.
  17. In my observations, people demanding to be treated like royalty by customer service workers are least likely to get what they want.
  18. It tops the list in PROPORTION of reported claims. It's a small facility, so it doesn't take but a few to push it to the top. By now, we should be able find out if these are substantiated or not. In fact, I suspect that if they had been substantiated, it would be big news.
  19. Every report has said 'reported claims.' Has anyone seen results of any investigations. Do the claims hold up under scrutiny?
  20. Halloween is on Oct. 31. Unlike some areas of the country, the local government does not determine the official day and time kids can go begging for candy. That means around here officially it's from 12:01 thru 11:59 on Oct 31. Anyone that says otherwise is trying to impose their narrow beliefs on a well loved holiday.
  21. The other thing is if the unrecognized device driver isn't causing any problems, you really don't need to worry about it. It's barley worth the time to try to track it down.
  22. It's a USB device, so I'd say it's safe to delete it. If it's something actually connected to your computer, it will try to reinstall it when you reboot.
  23. They should at least allow for a hearing within 24 hours where the administrator must justify their decision. That way they can act quickly if they believe safety might be at risk, and cooler heads can make the final decision.
  24. It only makes sense to a liberal mind to require the power company to purchase an unlimited amount of electricity at retail prices from anyone who can provide it. The only person that saves money is (maybe) the person who is selling the electricity, depending on their generating costs. It costs everyone more in higher electric bills. I'll believe this is a good thing when you remove the guest restrictions from P.com, and allow anyone to post a business name in the topic title. It would be a convenience that save everyone money.
  25. Are you saying anyone should be able to generate as much electricity as they want and Georgia Power should be required to buy it at full price? BTW - can anyone point to any long term solar (or wind) project that has been viable without subsidies?
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