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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. My wife called and told me a co-worker's child call from McClure middle school saying there was shooting. They started calling around to find details. Of churse that is how rumors get started and run like wildfire. What they found is there was NOT a shooting at the school. The 13 year old who was shot by a stray bullet in Gwenette county last night was a former student. Some of the students mis-understood the announcement and started calling parents, etc.
  2. Call Commerce member "Call Me 4 UR CRUISE" and see if she can help.
  3. Interesting question: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&source=hp&q=Do+you+really+need+the+help+or+are+you+looking+for+conversation&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&aqi=&oq=Do+you+really+need+the+help+or+are+you+looking+for+conversation&fp=292ac4760832f3c4
  4. My question to Glover is this. If the earthquake is the earth's response to Global warming and the 'failure' to do something at Copenhagen, why was a third world island targeted? Why not just take out Copenhagen and send a clear message?
  5. Have you added any devices recently? In my experience, something as simple as a phone charger can create AM interference.
  6. That's probably the only way to get a final answer on the policy - We are told that her commander demanded she turn her child over to the state, yet the base spokesman said that the army wouldn't deploy someone who didn't have someone to watch her child. Assuming the story is accurate, I would hope she's acquitted and we don't have more commanders demanding those who's childcare falls through demanding the kids be turned over to the state foster system.
  7. After reading the article, I think she should be charged. Not to get her thrown in jail, but to show the need for a consistent rule regarding how to handle someone who's child care plans fell through at the last minute. Her mother was going to watch her son, but backed out at the last minute. It's not like she disappeared, she was in contact with the base by phone trying to work things out. One of her commanders demanded she turn her child over to state foster care system, yet the base spokesman tells us "the Army would not deploy a single parent with no one to care for her child." Which i
  8. If it's the store I'm thinking about, how did the clerk have the card long enough to write down the number without being seen doing it? Other than a restaurant, I don't know of anywhere where a card is out of the customer's sight.
  9. It's simple, just pay the full published fare and they'll give you full service - Full rate fares don't have to pay the baggage fees. If you expect to pay cut rate fares, expect cut rate service.
  10. The way the law is written, any underaged person that takes a picture of themselves undressed can be charged (and convicted) of possession of child porn. If convicted, they will have to be registered as a sex offender for the rest of their lives.
  11. Did you have the other end actually plugged into a computer, and was the computer on?
  12. I was wondering the same thing. The article says the child 'apparently' put a usb cable in her mouth, so they don't know for sure. Also, wouldn't enough electricity to cause a burn cause other problems first? edit - the headline says burned, but the article said shocked. The question still stands - does a standard USB cable carry enough amps to shock someone this bad?
  13. If I understand correctly, it was the school's transportation department checking the road conditions. The last I checked, they don't have the budget or responsibility for salting the roads. As someone said earlier, it's a now-sin situation. The county could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on the equipment necessary to de-ice the roads on the outside chance it's needed once a year or so, and the maintenance of that equipment. How many would be happy with their taxes going up to pay for snow and ice removal? Any practical suggestions for that approach? If the ideas are good eno
  14. Extra days to study is a bad thing?
  15. Go catch four and twenty of them and bake them in a pie!
  16. How many know where these mile posts are - even those who drive the roads every day?
  17. If you called 1999 One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine, you call 2010 Two Thousand Ten. If you called 1999 Nineteen Ninety Nine, you should call 2010 Twenty Ten.
  18. What if they send the bill only to the out of county residents who need rescued. They haven't paid taxes to pay for the equipment.
  19. Not quite right for today but modern for when it was built.
  20. How old is the house? It sounds like very old wiring from 50+ years ago.
  21. My guess is they won't give you what it's worth either. Good luck on the car shopping!
  22. So if your child got sick Christmas morning (But not sick enough to go to the emergency room), you wouldn't want the doctor to call in a prescription?
  23. Do you have a list of the stores that will be open in case I need something? Even Ebenezer Scrooge was able to buy the prize goose, toys and other gifts on Christmas Day.
  24. What if someone else does if for you? They sign the papers as a your legal representative. Someone else gets to live in the house, use the credit cards and drive the cars. You (and your kids) are still obligated to make all of the payments, and there's no legal way to undo it?
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