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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. It's hard to mess them up. I just clean them well, put them in a single layer on a foil lined cookie sheet, sprinkle with salt (to taste) and bake at 350 until they look dry.
  2. Some states pay 2 or 3 times what we do here.
  3. How about the destination 'at sea.' No schedule. No obligations. No decisions (except what to eat.) No stress. Nowhere you have to be. Just relaxation on the deck of a luxury liner. . . If only I had about 4 more weeks of vacation time from work.
  4. Here's another article debunking the Squalene claim: http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=851
  5. If parents were forced to pay directly for the bus ride, a lot more would opt to just drive their kids instead which means more cars on the road, not less.
  6. If it's still valid and hes still missing, you might want to go edit your post where you said he was found.
  7. That's a 10+ hour flight. Do you think they'll claim pilot fatigue? Unless the medical emergency was with the pilot, but that should have been in the article.
  8. Tell them you need the first item back, and you'll go find the second item while they're getting it. Or outright ask them when you can expect your tools back.
  9. Still no answer about why some people think it's OK to kick a toilet handle rather than use a piece of toilet tissue to flush. Especially since they're going to spend the next 5 minutes washing their hands anyway. I have an idea for some of y'all. Get some disposable rubber gloves and carry a few pair in your purse or pocket. Put a pair on before you go into the restroom and leave them on until you leave. Then take them off, turning them inside out while you do, then find a trash can to throw them away. No bathroom germs will get on your hand. Also, the article the OP posted se
  10. True. The problem is that every year anyone asking this simple and valid question ends up being treated like a stupid imbecile. Frankly, I'm surprised some GA communities haven't set the official trick or treat hours for Saturday afternoon so they can watch the Ga-Fl game without the 4th quarter being interrupted by the doorbell every 5 minutes.
  11. Read the links I posted above. If you live in one of those states (or a few other states,) you'd understand.
  12. Not if you grew up there. For those who did, the attacks on those who ask seem just plain WIEIRD! Seriously, I think it is done to promote the safety of the children and to avoid the 'free-for-all' we seem to get around here. Reading through the posts, I guess we can expect trick-or-treaters from anytime Friday evening thru late Saturday night. Halloween is Saturday. How many will be happy if their doorbell rings at 8:00 am by cute kids all dressed up expecting candy?
  13. You're not the only one who usually avoids video. I try to avoid the fast read page because of the auto-start video. If it weren't for this post, I wouldn't know about the name change until they change the sign.
  14. Try West Ridge Church. They have a program for helping those in need.
  15. Contact the SO and describe the situation to them - I don't know if they'll contact the car's owners or not, but it's worth a try.
  16. If you lived in Ashville, Ohio, it would be SUnday, Oct 25 from 4 to 5:30: http://www.10tv.com/live/content/halloween...k_or_treat.html Grafton and a few other cities in Wisconsin have the Sunday before or After the 31st: http://www.co.outagamie.wi.us/Home/calofev...ating_hours.htm In Illinois, here's a list of the official hours of trick or treat by city: http://www.hauntedillinois.com/trickortreatinghours.php
  17. This is a valid question for many people who grew up elsewhere. When I was growing up, many years the official trick or treat was the saturday before Halloween during afternoon hours. There are many areas of the country where the city council/ township administrators / whatever local controlling body set the official trick or treat hours and date. This has been going on in these locations for decades.
  18. This has nothing to do with age. If you have a class D license you can't drive after midnight, period. It's not up to the police officer to decide what class you should or could have. True, you can only have a class D license if you're under 18, but it's your choice on whether or not to get a new license after you turn 18.
  19. In this case, it has nothing to do with age, but with the class of license. It doesn't matter how old you are, if you have a class D license and get caught driving after midnight, you'll get a ticket.
  20. Why in the world would you deliberately transfer the germs from the floor to a handle? Just use toilet tissue to flush. For everyone who uses a paper towel to open the door, what do you do with it when you're done. I hope you hang on to it until you can find a trash can.
  21. You would think it would be easy to put things in place to make it difficult to sell random scrap copper.
  22. Thanks for the info. Personally, I don't want to fly unless I have to, and Miami is a little further than I want drive. It turns out both 7 day trips we were looking at (out of Charleston Port Canaveral) have similar schedules. 3 ports of call and 3 days at sea. The Charleston stops at a private island, which I understand is something experienced cruisers love.
  23. We're thinking about scheduling an Eastern Caribbean cruise next September out of Charleston rather than Port Canaveral. It tuens out it's cheaper (and a shorter drive) with the same number of nights. I hadn't thought to look at NC when we booked our first cruise. They're also offering a 2 category upgrade. The cruise lines offer price guarantee so if the prices drop, we get the difference in on board credits.
  24. If you enjoy taking vacations, y'all need to go to this tonite. My wife and I went last night and enjoyed ourselves. They had a short presentation on cruises and were able to answer everyone's questions and concerns. They have some good deals to offer this week. They were able to quote me some pretty good deals, including free upgrades I couldn't get from the cruise line themselves. There's no obligation, so if you're in the area, stop by and meet some fellow p.commers.
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