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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. markdavd


    Men don't have problems! (Except for problems women cause!) Ducking and hiding.
  2. 2 different cases. The one in the OP was decided yesterday and was based on the recent State Supreme Court ruling.
  3. In the Cobb case, the judge issued a directed verdict which means the prosecutor didn't prove his case under the law. The defense didn't even have to put on a defense and the jury didn't have to decide anything.
  4. Caution - the pictures on that web site will make you go blind!
  5. You need to try the Dallas Highway Walmart. It amazes me - almost every early evening I've been in there they have so many registers open the cashiers are waiting on customers. The last I heard, the Hiram store still has a limit of no more than 4 registers being open even during the busiest times.
  6. Burkina Faso CIA - The World Factbook -- Burkina Faso
  7. That's nothing for those areas. Now if you change the inches to feet, it would be news.
  8. I wish I had more time off so I could take advantage of these deals!
  9. Just put up the fake stuff and get some pine scented potpourri spray! :lol:
  10. If this was his first incident like this, he was probably given a warning. If it wasn't his first, they didn't need him to be working a register, especially in electronics. Either way, whatever happened wasn't your fault.
  11. It said "Text casino to win". The other side named the casino.
  12. No, but we have enough folks who would gamble away the family farm if give 1/2 a chance.
  13. We saw it in East Paulding, and again in Hiram. It was advertising a casino.
  14. Here's a picture of one installed and ready for use:
  15. Be sure to read the reviews and look at the customer provided pictures!
  16. Comments? First - It has been shown that DDT does not cause egg shell thinning - In fact, many of the reasons DDT was banned was based on lies and bad science. See 100 things you should know about DDT Second - if you read the non warmest science, you will find that CO2 levels have been shown to follow temperature changes, not cause them. This noes not preclude the removal of organic chemicals from the environment or particulate matter from the air, but we need to review the claims of the scare-tactic 'scientists' a lot more than we have been.
  17. Simply turn off the desktop, unplug the network cable and find out if the wireless still works.
  18. One problem a lot of people have with texting is the small screen and little tiny keys. It's a lot easier when you can do it with a big screen and full keyboard!
  19. Tiger Woods is so rich that he owns lots of expensive cars. Now he has a hole in one. What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 300 yards. Tiger Woods wasn't seriously injured in the crash, but he's still below par. What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning? They went clubbing Tiger Woods crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree. He couldn’t decide between a wood and an iron. Ping just offered Elin Woods an endorsement contract pushing her own set of drivers. They are named Elin Woods..."clubs you can beat Tiger
  20. Check this out - only $24.95! Laptop Steering Wheel Desk
  21. Because the light was flashing, I would say don't try running the engine until someone can check the codes for you. It was flashing for a reason and running the engine cal do more damage!
  22. After rereading the OP -- If it indeed was check engine light and was flashing, it usually means to stop driving ASAP and have things checked out or you could do serious damage. Leaving a gas cap off will make the light come on, but I don't think it will make it flash.
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