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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. There was a magnitude 7 quake in Japan yesterday. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2010teb2.php
  2. 19 aftershocks with on a scale of at between 5 and 6.9. From the article: The largest earthquake ever recorded struck the same area of Chile on May 22, 1960. The magnitude-9.5 quake killed 1,655 people and left 2 million homeless.
  3. Before you decide on a beach, get the price of a cruise for the same dates. Many times they're competitive with renting a place and paying for food, etc.
  4. If the new teachers are able to teach in a way to bring the kids' grades up, we'll know it was the right thing to do. If their grades continue to be bad, what do they do then?
  5. They did studies of those reusable bags and found they carried a lot of germs. If you wash them, the supposed energy savings goes away quickly. In the end, they end up costing more environmentally than the single use bags.
  6. The riders need to assume they can't be seen and ride accordingly. There are times where they're coming out of a shadow, out of the sun, or just blend into the background a little too much and they are difficult for a driver to see.
  7. No big deal - unless he actually gets an answer from the friend!
  8. I see the AP can't bring themselves to say the charges were dropped against the lacrosse team because it was determined the charges were FALSE.
  9. Simple economics. The attendance drops well beyond the point that it costs to stay open.
  10. If they did away with all of the extra week long breaks they could end around Memorial Day and start around Labor day. Keep Christmas (winter break) and Easter (Sprig break) and get rid of the rest!
  11. For those who have gone there recently, what is the best day and time to go to the unemployment office for the shortest wait? I know Mondays are the worst, which makes today - the day after a holiday just as bad. Are afternoons better than morning? Also, would y'all say the Cartersville office the best one? Thanks Mark
  12. Yes I miss it. The food at almost every Italian place is bland and tasteless when compared with Johnny Carinos. Then knew how to season things just right.
  13. I heard they went ahead and closed the schools all next week. 12 month employees will probably need to report.
  14. Reschedule the 10am party - nobody will be able to drive safely that early tomorrow. Then you can watch the snow today and clean in the morning for the other parties.
  15. We're scheduled for a cruise that weekend. Of course, who knows what will happen by then.
  16. Thanks everyone. I'm still in shock. I haven't been without a job for nearly 30 years, and I've been with the last place since 1998. I'll be working on my resume over the weekend and try to "hit the ground running" next week. I guess I'll have time to work on some of my WoodCrafts, something I haven't had time to do over the last year or so.
  17. I found out that West Ridge does not have a specific group that meets, but they do have a web page with a lot of resources, and a Facebook group that has helped 75 or so people find jobs in the last 16 months. The web page: http://www.westridge.com/jobs/ The facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=52118782798
  18. Good question. I'll see what I can find out.
  19. A few hours ago, they layed off 2/3rds of the local IT staff where I worked, myself included. If anyone hears of an company looking for an AS/400 / iseries / i5 programmer with 29 years of experience, let me know. Any and all prayers are welcome. Thanks
  20. If my math is correct, your son is 21 years old. He should be dealing with this himself. In fact, I'm thinking he would probably be much better off taking care of it himself. It sounds to me like he's going to be represented by his father who seems to never have anything good to say about Cobb County police officers or it's legal system.
  21. Good question - I would say with a good teacher, they can learn the same as adding 2 more days to the calendar. The question can be asked - Can they really learn that much in 2 days? I agree with the statement that it's a good, cost effective solution.
  22. I've been wondering this myself.
  23. Actually, it's been proven they're not. The amount of polar ice is currently above the 30 year mean.
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