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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Watching it for a little while. Does anyone know what's up between Baldwin and Clooney?
  2. There were two books - in this order: Without Remorse Rainbow Six
  3. It's too bad his video calling for Muslim violence against Americans got out: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/239154-al-qaida-calls-on-us-muslims-to-attack-america/
  4. I wonder how many will him seriously. This is the same guy they just arrested: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/239153-american-convert-to-islam-traitor-has-been-arrested/page__pid__3100516__st__0entry3100516
  5. That's how they set things up 25 or so years ago. Any subdivision with street lights pays for them in the water bill.
  6. Don't forget the '93 blizzard came on March 13th. That's still over a week away.
  7. Scarey . . . The problem is that text also came from inside the house.
  8. Little Ceasers is probably your best bet. I'm thinking you'll probably have more kids who will eat it rather than the Sam's pizzas.
  9. Same here. My problem is in my field/specialty there are a lot of web sites listing open jobs. The problem is they all list the exact same 3 "openings", and the companies don't seem to be in any hurry.
  10. Torte reform -- As long as anyone can sue a doctor for just looking at them wrong and juries make awards based on the fact the the doctor's insurance will be the one paying, malpractice insurance will continue to be a major expense those in the healthcare profession pay adding to everyone's costs. 20 years ago, almost 1/2 of the amount paid to an OBGYN for prenatal care and delivery went directly to pay the malpractice insurance. It was because if ANYTHING was wrong with the baby, there was a good chance an ambulance chasing attorney would convince the parents to sue, even if the Doct
  11. You need to add girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, pilots, off duty coworkers, politicians . . .
  12. Ronald McDonald house does it only as a convenience because so many folks believe the tabs are worth big $$. The small amount of money generated probably barley covers the real costs of collecting carrying them to the recyclers. People just won't believe that that milk jug full of tabs they've been collecting for years is worth less than $5.00.
  13. But - it would help a whole lot more to recycle the entire can yourself and give the proceeds to the charity. It takes 1,267 pop tabs to make a pound of aluminum, but just 32 cans. The best price I could find is $.62 per pound of recycled aluminum. So someone putting all the time and effort to turn in 2 pounds of tabs will get about $1.25 for the Ronald McDonald house. Rather than running around burning gas to pick up tabs, it would be be better sending the price of a gallon of gas to the charity. more on the can tab myths can be found here: http://www.squidoo.com/pulltabmyths
  14. Thanks. Unfortunately each of those jobs require the applicant to have certain knowledge. i.e. among other things, the 911 operator needs to have Knowledge of the regulations and procedures of state and national crime information centers.
  15. The question is - are you or any of the other business owners hiring?
  16. Help us out here. Show us where we can find these jobs are where overqualified people will be hired. Who are these employers?
  17. When we had comcast, the outages were measured in days, not minutes like it is with Satellite.
  18. From reading Snopes, it sounds like it was during a long-winded speech about the budget vote coming up. I imagine everyone in the room already knew exactly how they were going to vote. Had they been distracting themselves with something a little less obvious, like listening to music or the ball-game through ear bud. It would be a non-issue but they would not have heard a word he said. The thing is, most folks can do something like play solitaire and still hear/understand what's being said. Next time, they need to use a smaller screen that doesn't photograph well. Who would complain if
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