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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. There are also recipes that won't work without it. It's used to control leavening, and for chemical reactions. What about baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) - will it be outlawed? What about places making their own pickles, sour kraut or anything else that needs brine? Margaritas without salt?
  2. You can do that. The card gets you in the door 24 hours a day - no limits.
  3. Don't. Go talk with them and they'll explain it. Up front fee of around $50-100 and monthly fee of $15.00 - cancel with 30 days notice. If they took cash (or check) for the monthly fee, they would have a person who just deals with collection issues, which would increase costs. Sounds right to me.
  4. If your son is a member have him go with you and you'll probably get it reduced. I think the initiation fee was somewhere around $90.00 but we were prior members and they cut it in 1/2. I'm sure this is designed to make sure the new member is serious about joining and also helps cover the administrative costs of setting someone up.
  5. I think by law there has to be a contract in the state of GA. It's just that it says we pay $15.00 per month and can cancel with 30 days notice.
  6. My wife and I go there. You do have an up-front fee and an annual fee, but it's still a very good deal. Plenty of equipment and like Póg said, nobody bothers anybody else.
  7. I wouldn't say it's failed. It brought her attention, but not in a good way.
  8. You're saying some people will open this letter from the census bureau and read the letter that wouldn't have open and read the actual form next week?
  9. The current TV ads I've seen don't make any sense. Someone director type person talking about taking a snapshot of everyone in the country at once, some lady promising them costumes if she gets the right scissors. It would make more sense if they spoke plainly. Instead of someone wanting to photograph everyone at once, etc. etc. have someone just say something like: "You'll be getting the census form shortly. When you do, fill it out accurately and send it in. This will make sure your region is counted and gets it's fair share of money." Have different actors use different words to re
  10. That idea would work if the letter said it would be coming next month instead of next week. One week isn't enough time to receive and process the returns before the next mailing.
  11. We got ours - a waste of taxpayer money.
  12. Will this be indoors or outdoors?
  13. Pupil distance measurement: http://www.onestopglasses.co.uk/faqs/measure-pd-pupil-distance.html
  14. Funny, I never have problems with them.
  15. You mean like taxing people who think Cops are always out to get them?
  16. Meat and potatoes would have to be on the tax list.
  17. Of course fat and weight are two different things. Someone 'overweight' could not have an once of fat on them. The OP proposes a 'fat tax' but wants to base it on weight, so the healthy muscular person would be paying too!
  18. LGM talked (typed) about her problem with that yesterday: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/239247-i-shouldnt-go-grocery-shopping-unsupervised/page__hl__pasta__fromsearch__1
  19. It appears to being expanded to outlaw recreational fishing.
  20. Let's have an underweight tax to, because those underweight are as much of a drain on the system as those overweight.
  21. I found this on ESPN Outdoors. It's ESPN, so it should be OK in the internet cafe, but someone will complain to the moderators and it will probably be moved to the political forum, which means those who enjoy fishing who aren't subscribed to the political forum will be caught off guard if and when these rules go into effect. Complete story here: Culled out Do you recreational fishermen think this will happen? If so, what will you do?
  22. If Russia were to nuke downtown Atlanta, you're saying it would be a matter to be handled in the courts? That's a crime against civilian targets in the US, just like on 9/11.
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