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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. It took only 45 minutes for mine to fully configure and seems to be working. I'm seeing 4 and 5 bars though out out the house. Previously, I was lucky to get 2.
  2. Yes, it we saw it coming from the well. Nobody had a meter on it measuring the amount coming out. They just kept revising their calculations up. One thing this event makes clear to me - most of the the so called experts on what happens during oil spills are clueless.
  3. I decided to get one over lunch. The rebate only applies if you get the unlimited plan. It says it takes up to 90 minutes to configure. I'll tell y'all what I think when it's done.
  4. While we need to take a wait and see attitude, I can believe that this is true. Nature doing most of the work to clean itself up. - I've been suspicious of the 'adjustments' the government 'experts' kept making to their calculations of how much oil was leaked. They kept pushing it up by huge amounts. - The Government prevented most reporters from taking pictures of the spill, so we don't have any independent reports of how big it REALLY was. They want us to take their word for it. - A lot of the oil was broken up by disbursement agents. - I read somewhere that the half life of
  5. Sounds interesting. I can't find a where you can order it online. It looks like you have to go into the store to get one. I just might do that. My cell doesn't work at my desk, so this would be a good solution to an ongoing problem.
  6. How about being a member since Jan 2004 with over 15,000 posts?
  7. When I was in Chicago, I was very disappointed with the 'authentic' deep dish pizza from one of the famous restaurants (I can't remember the name)- it was very bland and no flavor.
  8. Can any of the Pro-Islam supports explain the concept of taqiyya to us?
  9. We have never had a problem like that with Dish Network - except during major storms. The big thing to make sure of for either is that the Dish has an unobstructed view toward the sky and that it's mounted solidly on a immovable object like the house and not on a fence post or something that will allow it to move or sway in the wind.
  10. Is that a turkey? We have a family of 7 of them living in our subdivision.
  11. If you're a Liberal/Progressive Democrat and Obama supporter, you can get away with a lot of things the other side can't.
  12. I don't think it's against health code, but I'm surprised customers are sticking around if it's that hot.
  13. Too bad congress passed the law banning incandescent bulbs, leaving CFL's the only PRACTICAL solution for the average folks.
  14. If the Japanese had wanted to build a Shinto temple 600 feet from Pearl Harbor in 1950, would they have been allowed?
  15. You're saying the GSP isn't going to stop people for speeding starting Aug 1?
  16. Reusable bags need to be washed in HOT water and disinfectant between uses to kill the nasties that they tend to breed. From an article on the issue: If you do a search on "reusable bag illness" you will find thousands of articles detailing the potential problems with reusable bags if you're not careful.
  17. It was around 80 churches celebrating the community makeover this weekend. There were 80 churches from all denominations involved from 5 counties working on over 700 projects in the community. You can find out more here: http://engageatlanta.com/ and here: http://makeover.engageatlanta.com/
  18. Is he the one saying they picked this place to celebrate the victory of liberty and understanding instead of hatred?
  19. I'm basing the question on the fact that through history mosques have been built on sites of great importance to Islam. Often in celebration or memory of a major victory.
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