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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. Guys don't give gifts to other guys unless they are standing in their wedding.
  2. They're about a month early then.
  3. Going to the Motherland (SW Louisiana) in July. My brother will be on leave from Afghanistan and we will be visiting family.
  4. Right there with you. Life is too short to try to be intentionally uncomfortable.
  5. Meh, I've probably eaten food in worse conditions than a buffet.
  6. Feels just like the real thing.
  7. Are the ones who gave up looking official and have we always included that in the REAL number or is it just something that was made up in the last 3 years?
  8. Never let an opportunity to misuse the terms socialist and communist pass you by.
  9. I have a better plan- don't allow companies who do this kind of business any sort of tax advantages whatsoever.
  10. That was about the same time as the Rodney King riots. Oh the non sensative salad days of the early 90s.
  11. Your house, your child, you decide.
  12. It's my humble opinion that attempting to educate the 15% that don't want to/ can't be educated is the biggest thig that ruins it for the other 85%. We have to allow schools to have the authority to remove problem kids.
  13. Found this: http://www.cedarcrestchurch.com/future-home
  14. That's who we use and I went to that clinic when I was a kid (not sure who my doctor was)
  15. Not about this particular dude, but it has always amused me when dudes trick out their guns more than Delta just to shoot them at a paper target.
  16. There is one in the Seven Hills Publix shopping center.
  17. My kids go back to school. How much stress can a middle school kid possibly have?
  18. You're free to walk wherever you want to without fear of harrasment (unless you wear a hoodie, then you should be suspected of being up to something and followed by dudes with guns). Also, when you're drunk you probably shouldn't be grinding on strange women in a strange neighborhood.
  19. They can call it what they want to, it will never get me to side with a scumbag.
  20. Us white people have it so bad.
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